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0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0003 from __future__ import print_function
0004 import sys
0005 import time
0006 import calendar
0008 """ Converts between a 64bit timestamp and a human readable string
0009 usage: ./ [-l] time1 [time2 ...] 
0010    - "-l" to use local time
0011    - "time" is either a  64bit timestamp or a string formatted "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS"
0012 """
0015 def pack(high,low):
0016     """pack high,low 32bit unsigned int to one unsigned 64bit long long
0017        Note:the print value of result number may appear signed, if the sign bit is used.
0018     """
0019     h=high<<32
0020     return (h|low)
0022 def secondsFromString(t, localTime = True):
0023     """convert from a string in the format output from timeStamptoDate to a 32bit seconds from the epoch.
0024     If the time is UTC, the boolean value localTime must be set to False.
0025     The format accepted is \"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\". The year must be the full number.
0026     """
0027     # time string, format -> time structure
0028     timeStruct = time.strptime(t, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
0029     if localTime:
0030         # time structure -> timestamp float -> timestamp int
0031         return int(time.mktime(timeStruct))
0032     else:
0033         # time structrue -> timestamp int
0034         return calendar.timegm(timeStruct)
0036 def packFromString(s, localTime = True):
0037     """pack from a string in the format output from timeStamptoDate to a 64bit timestamp.
0038     If the time is UTC, the boolean value localTime must be set to False.
0039     The format accepted is \"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\" . The year must be the full number.
0040     """
0041     return pack(secondsFromString(s, localTime), 0)
0043 def unpack(i):
0044     """unpack 64bit unsigned long long into 2 32bit unsigned int, return tuple (high,low)
0045     """
0046     high=i>>32
0047     low=i&0xFFFFFFFF
0048     return(high,low)
0050 def addZeros(time):
0051     """Adds a zero to the start of a single digit number"""
0052     timeString = str(time)
0053     if len(timeString) < 2:
0054         return ("0"+timeString)
0055     return timeString
0057 def getMonth(s):
0058         months = { 'Jan':1, 'Feb':2, 'Mar':3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6,
0059                    'Jul':7, 'Aug':8, 'Sep':9, 'Oct':10, 'Nov':11, 'Dec':12 }
0060         return months[s]
0062 def timeStamptoDate(i, localTime = True):
0063     """convert 64bit timestamp to local date in string format.
0064     If the time is UTC, the boolean value localTime must be set to False.
0065     The format accepted is \"DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS\" . The year must be the full number.
0066     """
0067     #GBenelli Add a try: except: to handle the stop time of the last IOV "end of time"
0068     try:
0069         if localTime:
0070             # 64bit timestamp -> 32bit timestamp(high) -> timestamp string (local)
0071             date=time.ctime(unpack(i)[0])
0072         else:
0073             # 64bit timestamp -> 32bit timestamp(high) -> time tuple -> timestamp string (UTC)
0074             date=time.asctime(time.gmtime(unpack(i)[0]))
0075         # change date to "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS" format
0076         date = date.split()
0077         date[1] = getMonth(date[1])
0078         date = addZeros(date[2]) +'/'+ addZeros(date[1]) +'/'+  date[4] +' '+ date[3]
0079     except:
0080         #Handle the case of last IOV (or any IOV) timestamp being "out of range" by returning -1 instead of the date...
0081         print("Could not unpack time stamp %s, unpacked to %s!"%(i,unpack(i)[0]))
0082         date=-1
0083     return date
0085 def printUsage():
0086     print('usage: ./ time localTime')
0087     print('   - "time" is either a  64bit timestamp or a string formatted "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS"')
0088     print('   - "useUTC" is a bool that defaults to True (set to False for local time)')
0092 def main(time, localTime=True):
0093     # convert 64bit timestamp to time string
0094     if time.isdigit():
0095         time = long(time)
0096         return timeStamptoDate(time, localTime)
0098     # convert time string to 64bit timestamp
0099     else:
0100         return packFromString(time, localTime)
0104 if __name__ == "__main__":
0105     args = sys.argv[:] 
0106     if len(args) < 2 :
0107         printUsage()
0108         sys.exit(1)
0109     args = args[1:]
0110     if args[0]=='-h' or args[0]=='--help':
0111         printUsage()
0112         sys.exit(0)
0113         args = args[1:]
0116     useUTC = True
0117     if args[0]=='-l' or args[0]=='--localtime': 
0118       useUTC = False
0119       args=args[1:]
0121     for time0 in args:
0122       time1 = main(time0, not useUTC)
0123       print(time0, '->', time1)