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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 # configure a filter to run only on the events selected by SiPixelCalCosmics AlcaReco
0005 from  HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltHighLevel_cfi import *
0006 ALCARECOCalCosmicsFilterForSiPixelLorentzAngleMCS = hltHighLevel.clone(
0007     HLTPaths = ['pathALCARECOSiPixelCalCosmics'],
0008     throw = True, ## dont throw on unknown path names
0009     TriggerResultsTag = ("TriggerResults","","RECO")
0010 )
0011 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0012 # This is the sequence for track refitting of the track saved by SiPixelCalSingleMuonLoose
0013 # to have access to transient objects produced during RECO step and not saved
0015 from Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi import *
0016 ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksMCS = AlignmentTrackSelector.clone(
0017     src = 'ALCARECOSiPixelCalCosmics',
0018     filter = True,
0019     applyBasicCuts = True,
0020     ptMin = 3.
0021 )
0023 # FIXME: the beam-spot should be kept in the AlCaReco (if not already there) and dropped from here
0024 from RecoVertex.BeamSpotProducer.BeamSpot_cff import *
0025 from RecoTracker.IterativeTracking.InitialStep_cff import *
0026 from RecoTracker.Configuration.RecoTrackerP5_cff import *
0027 from RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackRefitter_cfi import *
0028 from TrackingTools.TransientTrack.TransientTrackBuilder_cfi import *
0029 from RecoLocalTracker.SiPixelRecHits.SiPixelTemplateStoreESProducer_cfi import *
0031 ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksRefitMCS = TrackRefitter.clone(src = "ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksMCS",
0032                                                                TrajectoryInEvent = True,
0033                                                                NavigationSchool = ""
0034                                                            )
0036 # refit and BS can be dropped if done together with RECO.
0037 # track filter can be moved in acalreco if no otehr users
0038 ALCARECOPixelLATrackFilterRefitMCS = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksMCS +
0039                                                   offlineBeamSpot +
0040                                                   ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksRefitMCS)
0042 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0043 # This is the module actually doing the calibration
0044 from CalibTracker.SiPixelLorentzAngle.SiPixelLorentzAnglePCLWorker_cfi import SiPixelLorentzAnglePCLWorker 
0045 ALCARECOSiPixelLACalibMCS = SiPixelLorentzAnglePCLWorker.clone(
0046     folder = 'AlCaReco/SiPixelLorentzAngle',
0047     src = 'ALCARECOPixelLACalibrationTracksRefitMCS',
0048     analysisType = 'MinimalClusterSize'
0049 )
0050 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0052 # ****************************************************************************
0053 # ** Conversion for the SiPixelLorentzAngle DQM dir                         **
0054 # ****************************************************************************
0055 MEtoEDMConvertSiPixelLorentzAngleMCS = cms.EDProducer("MEtoEDMConverter",
0056                                                       Name = cms.untracked.string('MEtoEDMConverter'),
0057                                                       Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0), # 0 provides no output
0058                                                       # 1 provides basic output
0059                                                       # 2 provide more detailed output
0060                                                       Frequency = cms.untracked.int32(50),
0061                                                       MEPathToSave = cms.untracked.string('AlCaReco/SiPixelLorentzAngle'),
0062                                                    )
0064 # The actual sequence
0065 seqALCARECOPromptCalibProdSiPixelLorentzAngleMCS = cms.Sequence(
0066     ALCARECOCalCosmicsFilterForSiPixelLorentzAngleMCS *
0067     ALCARECOPixelLATrackFilterRefitMCS *
0068     ALCARECOSiPixelLACalibMCS *
0069     MEtoEDMConvertSiPixelLorentzAngleMCS
0070    )