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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     L1TObjects
0004 // Class  :     L1CaloHcalScale
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     <Notes on implementation>
0008 //
0009 // Author:
0010 // Created:     Wed Sep 27 17:18:27 CEST 2006
0011 // $Id:
0013 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1CaloHcalScale.h"
0015 using std::endl;
0016 using std::ostream;
0017 using std::vector;
0019 /// construct a linear scale with a particular LSB
0020 L1CaloHcalScale::L1CaloHcalScale(double lsb) {
0021   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nBinRank; i++) {
0022     for (unsigned eta = 0; eta < nBinEta; eta++) {
0023       m_scale[i][eta] = lsb * i;
0024       m_scale[i][eta + nBinEta] = lsb * i;
0025     }
0026   }
0027 }
0029 /// dtor
0030 L1CaloHcalScale::~L1CaloHcalScale() {}
0032 /// set scale bin
0033 void L1CaloHcalScale::setBin(unsigned short rank, unsigned short eta, short etaSign, double et) {
0034   --eta;  // input eta index starts at 1
0035   if (rank < nBinRank && eta < nBinEta) {
0036     if (etaSign < 0)
0037       eta += nBinEta;
0038     m_scale[rank][eta] = et;
0039   } else {
0040     // throw
0041   }
0042 }
0044 /// convert from Et in GeV to rank
0045 unsigned short L1CaloHcalScale::rank(double et, unsigned short eta, short etaSign) const {
0046   --eta;  // input eta index starts at 1
0047   if (eta < nBinEta) {
0048     unsigned short out = 0;
0049     if (etaSign < 0)
0050       eta += nBinEta;
0051     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nBinRank; i++) {
0052       if (et >= m_scale[i][eta]) {
0053         out = i;
0054       }
0055     }
0056     return out & (nBinRank - 1);
0057   } else {
0058     // throw
0059   }
0060   return nBinRank;
0061 }
0063 // convert from rank to Et/GeV
0064 double L1CaloHcalScale::et(unsigned short rank, unsigned short eta, short etaSign) const {
0065   --eta;  // input eta index starts at 1
0066   if (rank < nBinRank && eta < nBinEta) {
0067     if (etaSign < 0)
0068       eta += nBinEta;
0069     return m_scale[rank][eta];
0070   } else
0071     return -1.;
0072 }
0074 // pretty print
0075 void L1CaloHcalScale::print(ostream& s) const {
0076   s << "L1CaloHcalScaleRcd" << endl;
0077   s << "Energy for HCAL inputs into the RCT" << endl;
0078   s << "Each new row is for a given value of 8 bit output of HCAL.  Each column is for the respective eta value "
0079     << endl;
0080   for (unsigned rank = 0; rank < nBinRank; rank++) {
0081     s << "rank " << rank << " ";
0082     for (unsigned eta = 0; eta < 2 * nBinEta; eta++) {
0083       s << m_scale[rank][eta] << " ";
0084     }
0085     s << endl;
0086   }
0087 }