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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import math
0004 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0006 OuterTrackerTkMET = DQMEDAnalyzer('L1TPhase2OuterTrackerTkMET',
0007     TopFolderName  = cms.string('L1T/L1TPhase2/'),
0008     TTTracksTag    = cms.InputTag("l1tTTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
0009     L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tVertexFinderEmulator", "L1VerticesEmulation"),
0010     maxZ0 = cms.double ( 15. ) ,    # in cm
0011     maxEta = cms.double ( 2.4 ) ,
0012     chi2dofMax = cms.double( 10. ),
0013     bendchi2Max = cms.double( 2.2 ),
0014     minPt = cms.double( 2. ),       # in GeV
0015     DeltaZ = cms.double( 3. ),      # in cm
0016     nStubsmin = cms.int32( 4 ),     # min number of stubs for the tracks to enter in TrkMET calculation
0017     nStubsPSmin = cms.int32( -1 ),   # min number of stubs in the PS Modules
0018     maxPt = cms.double( -10. ),     # in GeV. When maxPt > 0, tracks with PT above maxPt are considered as
0019                                     # mismeasured and are treated according to HighPtTracks below.
0020                                     # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
0021     HighPtTracks = cms.int32( 1 ),  # when = 0 : truncation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are ignored
0022                                     # when = 1 : saturation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are set to PT=maxPt.
0023                                     # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
0025 # Number of TTTracks
0026     TH1_NTracks = cms.PSet(
0027         Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
0028         xmax = cms.double(99.5),
0029         xmin = cms.double(-0.5)
0030         ),
0032 #Pt of the track
0033     TH1_Track_Pt = cms.PSet(
0034         Nbinsx = cms.int32(50),
0035         xmax = cms.double(100),
0036         xmin = cms.double(0)
0037         ),
0039 #Eta of the track
0040     TH1_Track_Eta = cms.PSet(
0041         Nbinsx = cms.int32(45),
0042         xmax = cms.double(3.0),
0043         xmin = cms.double(-3.0)
0044         ),
0046 #VtxZ of the track
0047     TH1_Track_VtxZ = cms.PSet(
0048         Nbinsx = cms.int32(51),
0049         xmax = cms.double(25),
0050         xmin = cms.double(-25)
0051         ),
0053 #Nstubs of the track
0054     TH1_Track_NStubs = cms.PSet(
0055         Nbinsx = cms.int32(6),
0056         xmax = cms.double(9),
0057         xmin = cms.double(3)
0058         ),
0060 #N PS stubs of the track
0061     TH1_Track_NPSstubs = cms.PSet(
0062         Nbinsx = cms.int32(6),
0063         xmax = cms.double(7),
0064         xmin = cms.double(1)
0065         ),
0067 #Chi2dof of the track
0068     TH1_Track_Chi2Dof = cms.PSet(
0069         Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
0070         xmax = cms.double(50),
0071         xmin = cms.double(0)
0072         ),
0074 #Bendchi2 of the track
0075     TH1_Track_BendChi2 = cms.PSet(
0076         Nbinsx = cms.int32(30),
0077         xmax = cms.double(50),
0078         xmin = cms.double(0)
0079         ),
0081 #tkMET distribution
0082     TH1_Track_TkMET = cms.PSet(
0083         Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
0084         xmax = cms.double(500),
0085         xmin = cms.double(0)
0086         ),
0087 )
0089 l1tPhase2CorrelatorOfflineDQM = DQMEDAnalyzer(
0090     "L1TPhase2CorrelatorOffline",
0091     verbose   = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0092     genJetsInputTag = cms.untracked.InputTag("ak4GenJetsNoNu"),
0093     genParticlesInputTag = cms.untracked.InputTag("genParticles"),
0094     isParticleGun = cms.bool(False),
0095     objects = cms.PSet(
0096         L1PF = cms.VInputTag("l1tLayer1:PF",),
0097         L1PF_sel = cms.string("pt > 0"),
0098         L1Puppi = cms.VInputTag("l1tLayer1:Puppi",),
0099         L1Puppi_sel = cms.string("pt > 0"),
0100     ),
0102     histFolder = cms.string('L1T/L1TPhase2/Correlator/'),
0104     histDefinitions=cms.PSet(
0105         resVsPt=cms.PSet(
0106             name=cms.untracked.string("resVsPt"),
0107             title=cms.untracked.string("resVsPt"),
0108             nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(10),
0109             xmin=cms.untracked.double(0.),
0110             xmax=cms.untracked.double(100.),
0111         ),
0112         resVsEta=cms.PSet(
0113             name=cms.untracked.string("resVsEta"),
0114             title=cms.untracked.string("resVsEta"),
0115             nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
0116             xmin=cms.untracked.double(-5.),
0117             xmax=cms.untracked.double(5.),
0118         ),
0119         ptDist=cms.PSet(
0120             name=cms.untracked.string("ptDist"),
0121             title=cms.untracked.string("ptDist"),
0122             nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
0123             xmin=cms.untracked.double(0.),
0124             xmax=cms.untracked.double(100.),
0125         ),
0126         etaDist=cms.PSet(
0127             name=cms.untracked.string("etaDist"),
0128             title=cms.untracked.string("etaDist"),
0129             nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
0130             xmin=cms.untracked.double(-5.),
0131             xmax=cms.untracked.double(5.),
0132         ),
0133     ),
0134 )
0136 from DQMOffline.L1Trigger.L1TPhase2MuonOffline_cfi import *
0138 l1tPhase2OfflineDQM = cms.Sequence(
0139                           l1tPhase2CorrelatorOfflineDQM +
0140                           OuterTrackerTkMET +
0141                           l1tPhase2MuonOffline
0142                           )