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0001 #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
0002 #include <algorithm>
0003 #include <memory>
0004 #include <string>
0005 #include <utility>
0006 #include <vector>
0007 #include "Math/RotationX.h"
0009 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactView.h"
0010 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
0011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
0012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDName.h"
0013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
0014 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSpecifics.h"
0015 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilteredView.h"
0016 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilter.h"
0018 #include "cppunit/TestAssert.h"
0019 #include "cppunit/TestFixture.h"
0021 class testDDFilter : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
0022   CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(testDDFilter);
0023   CPPUNIT_TEST(checkFilters);
0026 public:
0027   void setUp() override {}
0028   void tearDown() override {}
0029   void checkFilters();
0030 };
0034 namespace {
0035   std::vector<std::string> getNames(DDFilteredView& fv) {
0036     std::vector<std::string> returnValue;
0037     bool dodet = fv.firstChild();
0038     while (dodet) {
0039       auto const& lp = fv.logicalPart();
0040       returnValue.emplace_back(;
0041       dodet =;
0042     }
0043     return returnValue;
0044   }
0045 }  // namespace
0047 void testDDFilter::checkFilters() {
0048   //Create the geometry
0049   DDCompactView cv{};
0050   {
0051     double const kPI = std::acos(-1.);
0053     auto const& root = cv.root();
0055     DDMaterial mat{"Stuff"};
0056     {
0057       //Central
0058       auto outershape = DDSolidFactory::tubs("OuterShape", 1., 0.5, 1., 0., 2 * kPI);
0060       DDLogicalPart outerlp{"Outer", mat, outershape};
0062       cv.position(outerlp, root, 0, DDTranslation{}, DDRotation{});
0063       {
0064         DDValue val{"Volume", "Outer", 0};
0065         DDsvalues_type values;
0066         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0068         DDSpecifics ds{"OuterVolume", {"//Outer.*"}, values};
0069       }
0071       auto middleshape = DDSolidFactory::tubs("MiddleShape", 1., 0.2, 0.49, 0., 2 * kPI);
0072       DDLogicalPart middlelp{"Middle", mat, middleshape};
0073       cv.position(middlelp, outerlp, 0, DDTranslation{}, DDRotation{});
0074       {
0075         DDValue val{"Volume", "Middle", 0};
0076         DDsvalues_type values;
0077         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0079         DDSpecifics ds{"MiddleVolume", {"//Middle.*"}, values};
0080       }
0082       auto innershape = DDSolidFactory::tubs("InnerShape", 1., 0.19, 0.05, 0., 2 * kPI);
0083       DDLogicalPart innerlp{"Inner", mat, innershape};
0084       cv.position(innerlp, middlelp, 0, DDTranslation{}, DDRotation{});
0085       {
0086         DDValue val{"Volume", "Inner", 0};
0087         DDsvalues_type values;
0088         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0090         DDSpecifics ds{"InnerVolume", {"//Inner.*"}, values};
0091       }
0092     }
0093     {
0094       //Endcaps
0095       auto endshape = DDSolidFactory::tubs("EndShape", 0.1, 0.05, 1., 0., 2 * kPI);
0097       DDLogicalPart endlp{"End", mat, endshape};
0098       cv.position(endlp, root, 0, DDTranslation{0., 0., -(1.0 + 0.1)}, DDRotation{});
0099       {
0100         DDValue val{"Volume", "EMinus", 0};
0101         DDsvalues_type values;
0102         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0103         {
0104           DDValue val{"Side", "-", 0};
0105           values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0106         }
0107         DDSpecifics ds{"EMinusVolume", {"//End[0]"}, values};
0108       }
0110       const DDRotation kXFlip = DDrot("xflip", std::make_unique<DDRotationMatrix>(ROOT::Math::RotationX{kPI}));
0111       cv.position(endlp, root, 1, DDTranslation{0., 0., 1.0 + 0.1}, kXFlip);
0112       {
0113         DDValue val{"Volume", "EPlus", 0};
0114         DDsvalues_type values;
0115         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0116         {
0117           DDValue val{"Side", "+", 0};
0118           values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0119         }
0121         DDSpecifics ds{"EPlusVolume", {"//End[1]"}, values};
0122       }
0123       {
0124         DDValue val{"Endcap", "", 0};
0125         DDsvalues_type values;
0126         values.emplace_back(DDsvalues_Content_type(val, val));
0128         DDSpecifics ds{"Endcap", {"//End.*"}, values};
0129       }
0130     }
0131     cv.lockdown();
0133     {
0134       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0135       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0137       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0138       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Middle", "Inner", "End", "End"};
0140       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0141     }
0142     {
0143       DDValue tofind("Volume", "Outer", 0);
0144       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0145       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0146       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0148       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0149       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer"};
0150       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0151     }
0152     {
0153       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Volume", "Outer", 0)};
0154       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0156       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0157       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer"};
0158       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0159     }
0160     {
0161       DDValue tofind("Volume", "Outer", 0);
0162       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0163       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0164       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0166       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0167       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Middle", "Inner", "End", "End"};
0168       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0169     }
0170     {
0171       DDValue tofind("Volume", "Middle", 0);
0172       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0173       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0174       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0176       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0177       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Middle"};
0178       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0179     }
0180     {
0181       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f(DDValue("Volume", "Middle", 0));
0182       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0184       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0185       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Middle"};
0186       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0187     }
0188     {
0189       DDValue tofind("Volume", "Middle", 0);
0190       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0191       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0192       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0194       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0195       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Inner", "End", "End"};
0196       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0197     }
0198     {
0199       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EPlus", 0);
0200       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0201       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0202       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0204       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0205       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0206       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0207     }
0208     {
0209       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f(DDValue("Volume", "EPlus", 0));
0210       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0212       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0213       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0214       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0215     }
0216     {
0217       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EPlus", 0);
0218       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0219       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0220       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0222       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0223       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Middle", "Inner", "End"};
0224       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0225     }
0226     {
0227       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0228       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0229       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0230       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0232       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0233       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0234       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0235     }
0236     {
0237       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Volume", "EMinus", 0)};
0238       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0240       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0241       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0242       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0243     }
0244     {  //Test one LogicalPart with different Specifics
0245       // based on placement
0246       {
0247         DDValue tofind("Side", "-", 0);
0248         DDSpecificsFilter f;
0249         f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0250         DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0252         auto const names = getNames(fv);
0253         std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0254         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0255       }
0256       {
0257         DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Side", "-", 0)};
0258         DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0260         auto const names = getNames(fv);
0261         std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0262         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0263       }
0264       {
0265         DDValue tofind("Side", "+", 0);
0266         DDSpecificsFilter f;
0267         f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0268         DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0270         auto const names = getNames(fv);
0271         std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0272         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0273       }
0274       {
0275         DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Side", "+", 0)};
0276         DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0278         auto const names = getNames(fv);
0279         std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0280         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0281       }
0282     }
0283     {
0284       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0285       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0286       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0287       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0289       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0290       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Middle", "Inner", "End"};
0291       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0292     }
0293     {
0294       DDValue tofind("Volume", "DoesntExist", 0);
0295       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0296       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0297       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0299       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0300       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0301       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0302     }
0303     {
0304       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Volume", "DoesntExist", 0)};
0305       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0307       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0308       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0309       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0310     }
0311     {
0312       DDValue tofind("Volume", "DoesntExist", 0);
0313       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0314       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0315       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0317       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0318       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Middle", "Inner", "End", "End"};
0319       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0320     }
0321     {
0322       DDSpecificsHasNamedValueFilter f("Volume");
0323       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0325       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0326       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"Outer", "Middle", "Inner", "End", "End"};
0327       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0328     }
0329     {
0330       DDSpecificsHasNamedValueFilter f("DoesntExist");
0331       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0333       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0334       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0335       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0336     }
0337     {
0338       DDValue tofind("Endcap", "", 0);
0339       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0340       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0341       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0343       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0344       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End", "End"};
0345       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0346     }
0347     {
0348       DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter f{DDValue("Endcap", "", 0)};
0349       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0351       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0352       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End", "End"};
0353       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0354     }
0355     {
0356       DDValue tofind("Endcap", "", 0);
0357       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0358       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0359       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0361       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0362       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0363       for (auto const& n : names) {
0364         std::cout << n;
0365       }
0366       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0367     }
0368     {
0369       DDValue tofind("Endcap", "DoesntExist", 0);
0370       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0371       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0372       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0374       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0375       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End", "End"};
0376       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0377     }
0378     {
0379       DDSpecificsHasNamedValueFilter f("Endcap");
0380       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0382       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0383       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End", "End"};
0384       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0385     }
0386     {
0387       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0388       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "", 0);
0389       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0390       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0391       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::equals);
0392       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0394       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0395       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0396       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0397     }
0398     {
0399       auto f = make_and_ddfilter(DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Volume", "EMinus", 0)},
0400                                  DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Endcap", "", 0)});
0401       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0403       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0404       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0405       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0406     }
0407     {
0408       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0409       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "", 0);
0410       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0411       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::equals);
0412       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0413       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0415       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0416       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0417       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0418     }
0419     {
0420       auto f = make_and_ddfilter(DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Volume", "EMinus", 0)},
0421                                  DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Endcap", "", 0)});
0422       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0424       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0425       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0426       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0427     }
0428     {
0429       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0430       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "any", 0);
0431       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0432       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0433       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0434       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0436       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0437       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0438       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0439     }
0440     {
0441       auto f = make_and_ddfilter(DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Volume", "EMinus", 0)},
0442                                  DDSpecificsHasNamedValueFilter{"Endcap"});
0443       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0445       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0446       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0447       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0448     }
0449     {
0450       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0451       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "any", 0);
0452       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0453       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0454       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0455       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0457       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0458       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0459       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0460     }
0461     {
0462       auto f = make_and_ddfilter(DDSpecificsHasNamedValueFilter{"Endcap"},
0463                                  DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter{DDValue("Volume", "EMinus", 0)});
0464       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0466       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0467       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {"End"};
0468       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0469     }
0470     {
0471       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0472       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "", 0);
0473       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0474       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0475       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0476       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0478       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0479       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0480       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0481     }
0482     {
0483       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0484       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "", 0);
0485       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0486       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0487       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0488       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0490       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0491       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0492       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0493     }
0494     {
0495       DDValue tofind("Volume", "EMinus", 0);
0496       DDValue tofind2("Endcap", "", 0);
0497       DDSpecificsFilter f;
0498       f.setCriteria(tofind2, DDCompOp::not_equals);
0499       f.setCriteria(tofind, DDCompOp::equals);
0500       DDFilteredView fv(cv, f);
0502       auto const names = getNames(fv);
0503       std::vector<std::string> const expectedNames = {};
0504       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(names == expectedNames);
0505     }
0506   }
0508   //CPPUNIT_ASSERT (bad==0);
0509 }