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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     Framework
0004 // Class  :     IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     <Notes on implementation>
0008 //
0009 // Original Author:  Chris Jones
0010 //         Created:  Tue Aug 19 13:20:41 EDT 2008
0011 //
0013 #include "FWCore/Framework/src/IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0016 namespace edm {
0017   namespace eventsetup {
0019     IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder(const EventSetupRecordKey& iKey) {
0020       findingRecordWithKey(iKey);
0021     }
0023     IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::~IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder() {}
0025     void IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::swapFinders(
0026         std::vector<edm::propagate_const<std::shared_ptr<EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder>>>& iFinders) {
0027       finders_.swap(iFinders);
0028     }
0030     void IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::setIntervalFor(const EventSetupRecordKey& iKey,
0031                                                              const IOVSyncValue& iTime,
0032                                                              ValidityInterval& oInterval) {
0033       if (finders_.empty()) {
0034         oInterval = ValidityInterval::invalidInterval();
0035         return;
0036       }
0038       bool haveAValidRecord = false;
0039       bool haveUnknownEnding = false;
0040       ValidityInterval newInterval(IOVSyncValue::beginOfTime(), IOVSyncValue::endOfTime());
0042       for (auto& finder : finders_) {
0043         ValidityInterval test = finder->findIntervalFor(iKey, iTime);
0044         if (test != ValidityInterval::invalidInterval()) {
0045           haveAValidRecord = true;
0046           if (newInterval.first() < test.first()) {
0047             newInterval.setFirst(test.first());
0048           }
0049           if (newInterval.last() > test.last()) {
0050             newInterval.setLast(test.last());
0051           }
0052           if (test.last() == IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue()) {
0053             haveUnknownEnding = true;
0054           }
0055         } else {
0056           //if it is invalid then we must check on each new IOVSyncValue so that
0057           // we can find the time when it is valid
0058           haveUnknownEnding = true;
0059         }
0060       }
0062       if (!haveAValidRecord) {
0063         //If no Finder has a valid time, then this record is also invalid for this time
0064         newInterval = ValidityInterval::invalidInterval();
0065       } else if (haveUnknownEnding) {
0066         newInterval.setLast(IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue());
0067       }
0068       oInterval = newInterval;
0069     }
0071     void IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::doResetInterval(const eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey& key) {
0072       for (auto& finder : finders_) {
0073         finder->resetInterval(key);
0074       }
0075     }
0077     bool IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::isConcurrentFinder() const {
0078       for (auto const& finder : finders_) {
0079         if (!finder->concurrentFinder()) {
0080           return false;
0081         }
0082       }
0083       return true;
0084     }
0086     bool IntersectingIOVRecordIntervalFinder::isNonconcurrentAndIOVNeedsUpdate(const EventSetupRecordKey& iKey,
0087                                                                                const IOVSyncValue& iTime) const {
0088       for (auto const& finder : finders_) {
0089         if (finder->nonconcurrentAndIOVNeedsUpdate(iKey, iTime)) {
0090           return true;
0091         }
0092       }
0093       return false;
0094     }
0096   }  // namespace eventsetup
0097 }  // namespace edm