File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:12:39
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 process = cms.Process("TEST") 0004 0005 process.source = cms.Source("PutOrMergeTestSource") 0006 0007 0008 process.test = cms.EDAnalyzer("TestMergeResults", 0009 0010 # Check to see that the value we read matches what we know 0011 # was written. Expected values listed below come in sets of three 0012 # value expected in Thing 0013 # value expected in ThingWithMerge 0014 # value expected in ThingWithIsEqual 0015 # Each set of 3 is tested at endRun for the expected 0016 # run values or at endLuminosityBlock for the expected 0017 # lumi values. And then the next set of three values 0018 # is tested at the next endRun or endLuminosityBlock. 0019 # When the sequence of parameter values is exhausted it stops checking 0020 0021 expectedBeginRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32( 0022 ), 0023 0024 expectedEndRunProd = cms.untracked.vint32( 0025 100001, 200004, 100003, 0026 ), 0027 0028 expectedEndRunProdImproperlyMerged = cms.untracked.vint32( 0029 ) 0030 ) 0031 0032 #process.dump = cms.EDAnalyzer("EventContentAnalyzer") 0033 process.end = cms.EndPath(process.test) 0034 0035 #process.add_(cms.Service("Tracer"))
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