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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("TEST")
0004 process.load("FWCore.Framework.test.cmsExceptionsFatal_cff")
0005 process.load("Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi")
0007 process.RandomNumberGeneratorService = cms.Service("RandomNumberGeneratorService",
0008     generator = cms.PSet(
0009         initialSeed = cms.untracked.uint32(123456789),
0010         engineName = cms.untracked.string('HepJamesRandom')
0011     )
0012 )
0014 # The following three lines reduce the clutter of repeated printouts
0015 # of the same exception message.
0016 process.load("FWCore.MessageLogger.MessageLogger_cfi")
0018 process.MessageLogger.cerr.enableStatistics = False
0021 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(10))
0023 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
0025 from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *
0027 process.generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
0028     pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0029     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(5),
0030     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
0031     comEnergy = cms.double(10000.0),
0032     ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(
0033         EvtGen = cms.untracked.PSet(
0034              operates_on_particles = cms.vint32( 0 ), # 0 (zero) means default list (hardcoded)
0035                                                       # you can put here the list of particles (PDG IDs)
0036                                                       # that you want decayed by EvtGen
0037          use_default_decay = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0038              decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY_NOLONGLIFE.DEC'),
0039              # decay_table = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/DECAY.DEC'),
0040              particle_property_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/evt.pdl'),
0041              user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/Onia_mumu.dec'),
0042              # user_decay_file = cms.FileInPath('GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/data/incl_BtoJpsi_mumu.dec'),
0043              list_forced_decays = cms.vstring('MyUpsilon(2S)'),
0044              ),
0045         parameterSets = cms.vstring('EvtGen')
0046     ),
0047     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
0049         process.pythiaUESettingsBlock,
0050         bbbarSettings = cms.vstring('MSEL=62          ! Quarkonia NRQCD ', 
0051             'KFPR(461,1)  = 100553     ! change 461 to Upsilon(2S) + g', 
0052             'PMAS(365,1)  = 10.0300   ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',
0053             'PMAS(366,1)  = 10.0300   ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',
0054             'PMAS(367,1)  = 10.0300   ! change bb~ mass larger than Upsilon(2S) 10.02330',
0055             'KFDP(4214,1) = 100553     ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',
0056             'KFDP(4215,1) = 100553     ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',
0057             'KFDP(4216,1) = 100553     ! bb~ -> Upsilon(2S)',
0058             'PMAS(278,1)  = 10.23250   ! change chi_0b(1P) mass to chi_0b(2P)', 
0059             'KFDP(1520,1) = 100553     ! chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0060             'BRAT(1520)   = 0.046      ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0061             'BRAT(1521)   = 0.954      ! br of chi_0b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', 
0062             'PMAS(294,1)  = 10.25546   ! change chi_1b(1P) mass to chi_1b(2P)', 
0063             'KFDP(1565,1) = 100553     ! chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0064             'BRAT(1565)   = 0.210      ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0065             'BRAT(1566)   = 0.790      ! br of chi_1b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', 
0066             'PMAS(148,1)  = 10.26865   ! change chi_2b(1P) mass to chi_2b(2P)', 
0067             'KFDP(1043,1) = 100553     ! chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0068             'BRAT(1043)   = 0.162      ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> Upsilon(2S)', 
0069             'BRAT(1044)   = 0.838      ! br of chi_2b(2P) -> rndmflav rndmflavbar', 
0070             'PARP(146)=4.63   ! New values for COM matrix elements', 
0071             'PARP(147)=0.045  ! New values for COM matrix elements', 
0072             'PARP(148)=0.006  ! New values for COM matrix elements', 
0073             'PARP(149)=0.006  ! New values for COM matrix elements', 
0074             'PARP(150)=0.108  ! New values for COM matrix elements', 
0075             'MDME(1578,1) = 0 ! 0.014000    e-              e+', 
0076             'MDME(1579,1) = 1 ! 0.014000    mu-             mu+', 
0077             'MDME(1580,1) = 0 ! 0.014000    tau-            tau+', 
0078             'MDME(1581,1) = 0 ! 0.008000    d               dbar', 
0079             'MDME(1582,1) = 0 ! 0.024000    u               ubar', 
0080             'MDME(1583,1) = 0 ! 0.008000    s               sbar', 
0081             'MDME(1584,1) = 0 ! 0.024000    c               cbar', 
0082             'MDME(1585,1) = 0 ! 0.425000    g               g            g', 
0083             'MDME(1586,1) = 0 ! 0.020000    gamma           g            g', 
0084             'MDME(1587,1) = 0 ! 0.185000    Upsilon         pi+          pi-', 
0085             'MDME(1588,1) = 0 ! 0.088000    Upsilon         pi0          pi0', 
0086             'MDME(1589,1) = 0 ! 0.043000    chi_0b          gamma', 
0087             'MDME(1590,1) = 0 ! 0.067000    chi_1b          gamma', 
0088             'MDME(1591,1) = 0 ! 0.066000    chi_2b          gamma', 
0089             # 'MSTP(142)=2      ! turns on the PYEVWT Pt re-weighting routine', 
0090             'PARJ(13)=0.750   ! probability that a c or b meson has S=1', 
0091             'PARJ(14)=0.162   ! probability that a meson with S=0 is produced with L=1, J=1', 
0092             'PARJ(15)=0.018   ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=0', 
0093             'PARJ(16)=0.054   ! probability that a meson with S=1 is produced with L=1, J=1', 
0094             'MSTP(145)=0      ! choice of polarization', 
0095             'MSTP(146)=0      ! choice of polarization frame ONLY when mstp(145)=1', 
0096             'MSTP(147)=0      ! particular helicity or density matrix component when mstp(145)=1', 
0097             'MSTP(148)=1      ! possibility to allow for final-state shower evolution, extreme case !', 
0098             'MSTP(149)=1      ! if mstp(148)=1, it determines the kinematics of the QQ~3S1(8)->QQ~3S1(8)+g branching'), 
0099         # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order
0100         parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings','bbbarSettings')
0101     )
0102 )
0104 process.GEN = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0105     fileName = cms.untracked.string('/tmp/TestEvtGen.root')
0106 )
0108 process.p = cms.Path(process.generator)
0109 process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.GEN)
0111 process.schedule = cms.Schedule(process.p, process.outpath)