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0001 #ifdef __QGSJETII03__
0002 #define __QGSJETII__
0003 #elif __QGSJETII04__
0004 #define __QGSJETII__
0005 #endif
0007       subroutine NumberModel(cmodel,model)
0008       character cmodel*21
0009       n=index(cmodel,' ')-1
0010       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'epos' )     model=1
0011       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'qgsjet' )then
0012 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0013          stop'please compile with requested model'
0014 #endif
0015          model=2
0016       endif
0017       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'gheisha' )then
0018 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0019          stop'please compile with requested model'
0020 #endif
0021          model=3
0022       endif
0023       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'pythia' )then
0024 #ifndef __PYTHIA__
0025          stop'please compile with requested model'
0026 #endif
0027          model=4
0028       endif
0029       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'hijing' )then
0030 #ifndef __HIJING__
0031          stop'please compile with requested model'
0032 #endif
0033          model=5
0034       endif
0035       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'sibyll' )then
0036 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0037          stop'please compile with requested model'
0038 #endif
0039          model=6
0040       endif
0041       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'IIqgsjet' )then
0042 #ifndef __QGSJETII__
0043          stop'please compile with requested model.'
0044 #endif
0045          model=7
0046       endif
0047       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'phojet' )then
0048 #ifndef __PHOJET__
0049          stop'please compile with requested model'
0050 #endif
0051          model=8
0052       endif
0053       if(cmodel(1:n).eq.'fluka' )then
0054 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0055          stop'please compile with requested model'
0056 #endif
0057          model=9
0058       endif
0059       end
0061       subroutine IniModel(model)
0062       if(model.eq.2) then
0063 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0064          stop'please compile with requested model'
0065 #else
0066          call IniQGSjet
0067 #endif
0068       endif
0069       if(model.eq.3) then
0070 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0071          stop'please compile with requested model'
0072 #else
0073          call IniGheisha
0074 #endif
0075       endif
0076       if(model.eq.4) then
0077 #ifndef __PYTHIA__
0078          stop'please compile with requested model'
0079 #else
0080          call IniPythia
0081 #endif
0082       endif
0083       if(model.eq.5) then
0084 #ifndef __HIJING__
0085          stop'please compile with requested model'
0086 #else
0087          call IniHijing
0088 #endif
0089       endif
0090       if(model.eq.6) then
0091 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0092          stop'please compile with requested model'
0093 #else
0094          call IniSibyll
0095 #endif
0096       endif
0097       if(model.eq.7) then
0098 #ifndef __QGSJETII04__ 
0099          stop'please compile with requested model.'
0100 #else
0101          call IniQGSJetII
0102 #endif
0103       endif
0104       if(model.eq.11) then
0105 #ifndef __QGSJETII03__
0106          stop'please compile with requested model .'
0107 #else
0108          call IniQGSJetII
0109 #endif
0110       endif
0111       if(model.eq.8) then
0112 #ifndef __PHOJET__
0113          stop'please compile with requested model'
0114 #else
0115          call IniPHOJET
0116 #endif
0117       endif
0118       if(model.eq.9) then
0119 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0120          stop'please compile with requested model'
0121 #else
0122          call IniFluka
0123 #endif
0124        endif
0125       end
0127       subroutine IniEvtModel
0128       include ''
0129       iclegy=1                  !to avoid crash in plots
0130       if(model.eq.2)then
0131 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0132          stop'please compile with requested model'
0133 #else
0134          call IniEvtQGS
0135 #endif
0136       endif
0137       if(model.eq.3)then
0138 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0139          stop'please compile with requested model'
0140 #else
0141          call IniEvtGhe
0142 #endif
0143       endif
0144       if(model.eq.4)then
0145 #ifndef __PYTHIA__
0146          stop'please compile with requested model'
0147 #else
0148          engysave=engy
0149          if(
0150          call IniEvtPyt
0151          engy=engysave
0152 #endif
0153       endif
0154       if(model.eq.5)then
0155 #ifndef __HIJING__
0156          stop'please compile with requested model'
0157 #else
0158          engysave=engy
0159          if(
0160          call IniEvtHij
0161          engy=engysave
0162 #endif
0163       endif
0164       if(model.eq.6)then
0165 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0166          stop'please compile with requested model'
0167 #else
0168          call IniEvtSib
0169 #endif
0170       endif
0171       if(model.eq.7)then
0172 #ifndef __QGSJETII04__
0173          stop'please compile with requested model'
0174 #else
0175          call IniEvtQGSII
0176 #endif
0177       endif
0178       if(model.eq.11)then
0179 #ifndef __QGSJETII03__
0180          stop'please compile with requested model'
0181 #else
0182          call IniEvtQGSII
0183 #endif
0184       endif
0185       if(model.eq.8)then
0186 #ifndef __PHOJET__
0187          stop'please compile with requested model'
0188 #else
0189          call IniEvtPho
0190 #endif
0191       endif
0192       if(model.eq.9)then
0193 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0194          stop'please compile with requested model'
0195 #else
0196          call IniEvtFlu
0197 #endif
0198       endif
0199       end
0201       subroutine emsaaaModel(model,id,iret)
0202       if (0.eq.1) print *, id, iret !get rid of unused warning
0203       if(model.eq.2) then
0204 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0205          stop'please compile with requested model'
0206 #else
0207          if(id.eq.0)call IniEvtQGS
0208          call emsqgs(iret)
0209 #endif
0210       endif
0211       if(model.eq.3) then
0212 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0213          stop'please compile with requested model'
0214 #else
0215          call emsghe(iret)
0216 #endif
0217       endif
0218       if(model.eq.4) then
0219 #ifndef __PYTHIA__
0220          stop'please compile with requested model'
0221 #else
0222          call emspyt(iret,0)
0223 #endif
0224       endif
0225       if(model.eq.5) then
0226 #ifndef __HIJING__
0227          stop'please compile with requested model'
0228 #else
0229          call emshij(iret)
0230 #endif
0231       endif
0232       if(model.eq.6) then
0233 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0234          stop'please compile with requested model'
0235 #else
0236          call emssib(iret)
0237 #endif
0238       endif
0239       if(model.eq.7) then
0240 #ifndef __QGSJETII04__
0241          stop'please compile with requested model'
0242 #else
0243          if(id.eq.0)call IniEvtQGSII
0244          call emsqgsII(iret)
0245 #endif
0246       endif
0247       if(model.eq.11) then
0248 #ifndef __QGSJETII03__
0249          stop'please compile with requested model'
0250 #else
0251          if(id.eq.0)call IniEvtQGSII
0252          call emsqgsII(iret)
0253 #endif
0254       endif
0255       if(model.eq.8) then
0256 #ifndef __PHOJET__
0257          stop'please compile with requested model'
0258 #else
0259          call emspho(iret)
0260 #endif
0261       endif
0262       if(model.eq.9) then
0263 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0264          stop'please compile with requested model'
0265 #else
0266          call emsflu(iret)
0267 #endif
0268       endif
0269       end
0272       subroutine crseaaModel(sigt,sigi,sigc,sige)
0273       include ''
0274       sigt=0.
0275       sigc=0.
0276       sigi=0.
0277       sige=0.
0278       if(model.eq.3.or.model.eq.4.or.model.eq.8)return !no AA with Gheisha, Pythia, Phojet
0279       if(
0280          kmax=3
0281          if(model.eq.6)kmax=2   !no Argon with SIBYLL
0282          do k=1,kmax
0283             matarg=int(airanxs(k))
0284             call crseaaModel0(xsigt,xsigi,xsigc,xsige)
0285             sigt=sigt+airwnxs(k)*xsigt
0286             sigi=sigi+airwnxs(k)*xsigi
0287             sigc=sigc+airwnxs(k)*xsigc
0288             sige=sige+airwnxs(k)*xsige
0289          enddo
0290       else
0291          call crseaaModel0(sigt,sigi,sigc,sige)
0292       endif
0293       end
0295       subroutine crseaaModel0(sigt,sigi,sigc,sige)
0296       include ''
0298       double precision GTOT,GPROD,GABS,GDD,GQEL,GCOH
0299       double precision e0
0300       dimension dumdif(3)
0301       if(model.eq.2)then
0302 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0303          stop'please compile with requested model'
0304          print *, GTOT,GPROD,GABS,GDD,GQEL,GCOH,sigt,sigi,sigc,sige,e0 !get rid of unused warning
0305 #else
0306          NITER=5000
0307          if(idtarg.eq.0)then
0308             e0=dble(elab)
0309             icp=idtrafo('nxs','qgs',idproj)
0310             call xxaini(e0,icp,maproj,matarg)
0311          endif
0313          sigt=sngl(GTOT)
0314          sigi=sngl(GPROD)
0315          sigc=sngl(GABS)
0316          sige=sigt-sigi
0317 #endif
0318       elseif(model.eq.3)then
0319 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0320          stop'please compile with requested model'
0321 #else
0322          idtar=idtarg
0323          if(idtarg.eq.0)idtar=1120
0324          call ghecrse(ekin,idproj,idtar,latarg,matarg,sigi,sige)
0325          sigt=sigi+sige
0326          sigc=sigi
0327 #endif
0328       elseif(model.eq.5)then
0329 #ifndef __HIJING__
0330          stop'please compile with requested model'
0331 #else
0332          call hjcrossc(sigi,sigt)
0333 #endif
0334       elseif(model.eq.6.and.maproj.eq.1)then
0335 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0336          stop'please compile with requested model'
0337          print *, dumdif(3)!get rid of unused warning
0338 #else
0339          K=1
0340          if(iclpro.eq.1)then
0341             K=2
0342          elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
0343             K=3
0344          endif
0345          CALL SIB_SIGMA_HP(K,engy,SSIG,dum0,dum1,dumdif,SLOPE,RHO)
0346          CALL GLAUBER(matarg,SSIG,SLOPE,RHO,sigt,sige,sigqel)
0347          sigi=sigt-sigqel
0348          sigc=sigi
0349 #endif
0350       elseif(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)then
0351 #ifndef __QGSJETII__
0352          stop'please compile with requested model'
0353 #else
0354          NITER=5000
0355          if(idtarg.eq.0)then
0356             e0=dble(elab)
0357             icp=idtrafo('nxs','qgs',idproj)
0358             call qgini(e0,icp,maproj,matarg)
0359          endif
0361          sigt=sngl(GTOT)
0362          sigi=sngl(GPROD)
0363          sigc=sngl(GABS)
0364          sige=sigt-sigi
0365 #endif
0366       elseif(model.eq.9)then
0367 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0368          stop'please compile with requested model'
0369 #else
0370          sigt=0.
0371          sige=0.
0372          sigc=0.
0373          sigi=flucrse(ekin,maproj,matarg,idtargin)
0374 #endif
0375       else
0376          sigt=0.
0377          sigi=0.
0378          sige=0.
0379          sigc=0.
0380       endif
0381       end
0384       subroutine m2XXFZ( a,b)
0385       double precision a,b
0386 #ifndef __QGSJET01__
0387       stop'please compile with requested model'
0388       print *, a, b             !get rid of unused warning
0389 #else
0390       CALL XXFZ(a,b)
0391 #endif
0392       end
0394       subroutine m3SIGMA(ek,idpro,idtar,latar,matar,sigi,sige)
0395 #ifndef __GHEISHA__
0396       stop'please compile with requested model'
0397       print *, ek,idpro,idtar,latar,matar,sigi,sige !get rid of unused warning
0398 #else
0399       call ghecrse(ek,idpro,idtar,latar,matar,sigi,sige)
0400 #endif
0401       end
0403       subroutine m6SIGMA(icl,engy,stot,sela,sine,sdifr,slela,Rho)
0404       dimension sdifr0(3)
0405 #ifndef __SIBYLL__
0406       stop'please compile with requested model'
0407       print *, icl,engy,stot,sela,sine,sdifr,slela,Rho,sdifr0 !get rid of unused warning
0408 #else
0409       if(icl.eq.1)then
0410          L=2
0411       elseif(icl.eq.2)then
0412          L=1
0413       else
0414          L=3
0415       endif
0416       call SIB_SIGMA_HP(L,engy,stot,sela,sine,sdifr0,slela,Rho)
0417       sdifr=sdifr0(1)+sdifr0(2)+sdifr0(3)
0418 #endif
0419       end
0422       subroutine m7SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,slela)
0423       double precision bmsave
0424       double precision GzZ0(5),pi,bm,amws
0425       common /qgarr1/  ia(2),icz,icp
0426       common /qgarr6/  pi,bm,amws
0427 #ifndef __QGSJETII__
0428       stop'please compile with requested model QII'
0429       print *, stot,scut,sine,slela,bmsave,GzZ0(5),pi,bm,amws !get rid of unused warning
0430 #else
0431       ia2save=ia(2)
0432       bmsave=bm
0433       ia(2)=1
0434       call qgfz(0.d0,gzz0,0,0)
0435       scut=sngl(gzz0(2))/2.     !cut pomerons cross-section
0436       stot=sngl(gzz0(1))        !tot cross-section
0437       sine=sngl(gzz0(2)+gzz0(3)+gzz0(4))/2. !inelastic cross section
0438       slela=sngl(gzz0(5))
0439       ia(2)=ia2save
0440       bm=bmsave
0441 #endif
0442       end
0444       subroutine m8SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,sela,slela,ssd)
0445 C     cross sections
0453      &     SIGLSD(2),SIGHSD(2),SIGLDD,SIGHDD,SIGCDF(0:4),
0455      &     SIGDPO(4),SIG1SO,SIG1HA,SLOEL,SLOVM(4,4),SIGCOR,
0456      &     FSUP(2),FSUD(2),FSUH(2),ECMFIL,P2AFIL,P2BFIL,
0457      &     IPFIL,IFAFIL,IFBFIL
0458 #ifndef __PHOJET__
0459          stop'please compile with requested model'
0460          print *, stot,scut,sine,sela,slela,ssd !get rid of unused warning
0461 #else
0462       stot=sngl(SIGTOT)
0463       sine=sngl(SIGTOT-SIGELA)
0464       sela=sngl(SIGELA)
0465       slela=sngl(SLOEL)
0466       ssd=sngl(SIGLSD(1)+SIGHSD(1)+SIGLSD(2)+SIGHSD(2))
0467       sdd=sngl(SIGLDD+SIGHDD)
0468       scut=sine-ssd-sdd-sngl(SIGCDF(0))
0469 #endif
0470       end
0472       subroutine m9SIGMA(stot,sine,sela)
0473       include ""
0474       double precision PLA,EKIN1,SHPTOT,SHPINE,ZZ,AA,Sel,Zl
0475 #ifndef __FLUKA__
0476          stop'please compile with requested model'
0477          print *, stot,sine,sela
0478      *          ,PLA,EKIN1,SHPTOT,SHPINE,ZZ,AA,Sel,Zl !get rid of unused warning
0479 #else
0480       if(iclpro.eq.1)then
0481       IP=13
0482       elseif(iclpro.eq.2)then
0483       IP=1
0484       else
0485       IP=15
0486       endif
0487       PLA=dble(pnll)
0488       EKIN1=dble(ekin)
0489       ZZ=1
0490       AA=1
0491       stot=SHPTOT(IP,PLA)
0492       sine=SHPINE(IP,PLA)
0493       call SIGELH(IP,ZZ,AA,EKIN1,PLA,Sel,Zl)
0494       sela=sngl(Sel)
0495 #endif
0496       end
0498       subroutine decaymod(ip,iret)
0499       include ''
0500       if(model.eq.4)then
0501 #ifndef __PYTHIA__
0502          stop'please compile with requested model'
0503          print *, ip,iret !get rid of unused warning
0504 #else
0505         call emspyt(iret,ip)
0506 #endif
0507       endif
0508       end