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0001 #ifndef PhysicsTools_Heppy_Hemisphere_h
0002 #define PhysicsTools_Heppy_Hemisphere_h
0004 /*  \class Hemisphere
0005  *
0006  *  Class that, given the 4-momenta of the objects in the event, 
0007  *  allows to split up the event into two "hemispheres" according 
0008  *  to different criteria (see below)/
0009  *
0010  *  Authors: Luc Pape & Filip Moortgat      Date: July 2005
0011  *                                          Updated: July 2006
0012  *                                          Updated: 15 Sept 2006
0013  *                                          Updated: 15 November 2006
0014  *                                          Updated: 01 November 2008
0015  *                                          Updated: 13 December 2010 (P.Nef)
0016  *                                          Updated: 09 February 2011
0017  *                                          Updated: 26 September 2011 (P.Nef)
0018  */
0020 #include <vector>
0021 #include <iostream>
0022 #include <cmath>
0024 namespace heppy {
0026   class Hemisphere {
0027   public:
0028     // There are 2 constructors:
0029     // 1. Constructor taking as argument vectors of Px, Py, Pz and E of the objects in
0030     // the event that should be separated, the seeding method and the hemisphere
0031     // association method,
0032     // 2. Constructor taking as argument vectors of Px, Py, Pz and E of the objects in
0033     // the event that should be separated. The seeding method and the hemisphere
0034     // association method should then be defined by SetMethod(seeding_method, association_method).
0035     //
0036     // Seeding method: choice of 2 inital axes
0037     //   1: 1st: max P ; 2nd: max P * delta R wrt first one (if delta R > 0.5)
0038     //   2: 2 objects who give maximal invariant mass (recommended)
0039     //   3: 2 objects who give maximal transverse mass
0040     //   4: 2 leading jets (min dR can be set by SetDRminSeed1())
0041     //
0042     // Hemisphere association method:
0043     //   1: maximum pt longitudinal projected on the axes
0044     //   2: minimal mass squared sum of the hemispheres
0045     //   3: minimal Lund distance (recommended)
0046     //
0047     // Note that SetMethod() also allows the seeding and/or association method to be
0048     // redefined for an existing hemisphere object. The GetAxis() or GetGrouping() is
0049     // then recomputed using the newly defined methods.
0050     //
0051     // Some parameters possibly affecting the logic of hemisphere reconstruction can also be set
0052     // by the user:
0053     // SetNoSeed() to prevent the given object from being used as a seed
0054     //  (but it can be associated to hemispheres).
0055     // SetNoAssoc() to prevent the given object from being used in the hemisphere association
0056     //  (then it cannot be used as seed either).
0057     // ClearAllNoLists() to reset the list of NoSeed and NoAssoc objects to empty.
0058     // SetDRminSeed1() minimum value of DeltaR between the two hemisphere seed for seed method 1
0059     //   (default = 0.5). Does not affect other methods.
0060     // SetnItermax() maximum number of iterations allowed for the association methods (default = 100).
0061     //
0062     // Methods are provided to avoid including ISR jets into the hemispheres.
0063     // This is done by declaring the variable type and cut value above which an object should not
0064     // be included in the hemispheres.
0065     // Only 1 cut can be used at the time (a new declaration overwrites the previous one).
0066     // RejectISRPtmax() max Pt w.r.t. the hemisphere below which objects can be included
0067     //   (default = 10000. GeV)
0068     // RejectISRDRmax() max DeltaR below which objects can be included
0069     //   (default = 10.)
0071     Hemisphere() {}
0073     Hemisphere(std::vector<float> Px_vector,
0074                std::vector<float> Py_vector,
0075                std::vector<float> Pz_vector,
0076                std::vector<float> E_vector,
0077                int seed_method,
0078                int hemisphere_association_method);
0080     Hemisphere(std::vector<float> Px_vector,
0081                std::vector<float> Py_vector,
0082                std::vector<float> Pz_vector,
0083                std::vector<float> E_vector);
0085     // Destructor
0086     ~Hemisphere() {}
0088     // return Nx, Ny, Nz, P, E of the axis of group 1
0089     std::vector<float> getAxis1();
0090     // return Nx, Ny, Nz, P, E of the axis of group 2
0091     std::vector<float> getAxis2();
0093     // where Nx, Ny, Nz are the direction cosines e.g. Nx = Px/P,
0094     // P is the momentum, E is the energy
0096     // return vector with "1" and "2"'s according to which group the object belongs
0097     //   and 0 if the object is not associated to any hemisphere
0098     //   (order of objects in vector is same as input)
0099     std::vector<int> getGrouping();
0101     // set or overwrite the seed and association methods
0102     void SetMethod(int seed_method, int hemisphere_association_method) {
0103       seed_meth = seed_method;
0104       hemi_meth = hemisphere_association_method;
0105       status = 0;
0106     }
0108     // prevent an object from being used as a seed (but it can be associated to hemispheres)
0109     // (method introduced on 15/09/06)
0110     void SetNoSeed(int object_number) {
0111       Object_Noseed[object_number] = 1;
0112       status = 0;
0113     }
0115     // prevent an object from being used for hemisphere asociation (and for seeding)
0116     // (method introduced on 01/11/08)
0117     void SetNoAssoc(int object_number) {
0118       Object_Noassoc[object_number] = 1;
0119       Object_Noseed[object_number] = 1;
0120       status = 0;
0121     }
0123     // reset the list of NoSeed and NoAssoc objects to empty
0124     // (method introduced on 01/11/08)
0125     void ClearAllNoLists() {
0126       for (int i = 0; i < (int)Object_Noseed.size(); ++i) {
0127         Object_Noassoc[i] = 0;
0128         Object_Noseed[i] = 0;
0129         status = 0;
0130       }
0131     }
0133     // set the min DeltaR for the seeds of seed method 1
0134     // (method introduced on 01/11/08)
0135     void SetDRminSeed1(float rmin) { dRminSeed1 = rmin; }
0137     // set the maximum number of iterations allowed for association
0138     // (method introduced on 01/11/08)
0139     void SetnItermax(int niter) { nItermax = niter; }
0141     // set max Pt w.r.t. the hemisphere below which objects can be included
0142     void RejectISRPtmax(float ptmax) {
0143       rejectISRPtmax = ptmax;
0144       rejectISRPt = 1;
0145       rejectISRDR = 0;
0146       rejectISR = 1;
0147       status = 0;
0148     }
0150     // set max DeltaR below which objects can be included
0151     void RejectISRDRmax(float drmax) {
0152       rejectISRDRmax = drmax;
0153       rejectISRDR = 1;
0154       rejectISRPt = 0;
0155       rejectISR = 1;
0156       status = 0;
0157     }
0159     // controls the level of debug prints
0160     void SetDebug(int debug) { dbg = debug; }
0161     int GetNumLoop() { return numLoop; }
0163   private:
0164     // the hemisphere separation algorithm
0165     int Reconstruct();
0166     int RejectISR();
0168     std::vector<float> Object_Px;
0169     std::vector<float> Object_Py;
0170     std::vector<float> Object_Pz;
0171     std::vector<float> Object_P;
0172     std::vector<float> Object_Pt;
0173     std::vector<float> Object_E;
0174     std::vector<float> Object_Phi;
0175     std::vector<float> Object_Eta;
0176     std::vector<int> Object_Group;
0177     std::vector<int> Object_Noseed;
0178     std::vector<int> Object_Noassoc;
0180     std::vector<float> Axis1;
0181     std::vector<float> Axis2;
0183     //static const float hemivsn = 1.01;
0184     int seed_meth;
0185     int hemi_meth;
0186     int status;
0187     float dRminSeed1;
0188     int nItermax;
0189     int rejectISR;
0190     int rejectISRPt;
0191     float rejectISRPtmax;
0192     int rejectISRDR;
0193     float rejectISRDRmax;
0194     int dbg;
0195     int numLoop;
0196   };
0197 }  // namespace heppy
0199 #endif