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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Configuration.EventContent.EventContent_cff import *
0004 # in case we want only the tagInfos and nothing more:
0005 # (this means we need the jets for pt, eta and the JTA for being able
0006 #  to find the jet ref from the tag info)
0007 BTAGCALAbtagCalibEventContent = cms.PSet(
0008     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *', 
0009         'keep *_mcAlgoJetFlavour_*_*', 
0010         'keep *_mcPhysJetFlavour_*_*', 
0011         'keep *_iterativeCone5CaloJets_*_*', 
0012         'keep *_jetTracksAssociator_*_*', 
0013         'keep *_impactParameterTagInfos_*_*', 
0014         'keep *_combinedSVTagInfos_*_*')
0015 )
0016 # in case we want to be able to compute the TagInfos ourselves
0017 # (basically we need tracks and primary vertices for that)
0018 BTAGCALBbtagCalibEventContent = cms.PSet(
0019     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *', 
0020         'keep *_mcAlgoJetFlavour_*_*', 
0021         'keep *_mcPhysJetFlavour_*_*', 
0022         'keep *_iterativeCone5CaloJets_*_*', 
0023         'keep *_ctfWithMaterialTracks_*_*', 
0024         'keep *_offlinePrimaryVerticesFromCTFTracks_*_*')
0025 )
0026 btagCalibEventSelection = cms.PSet(
0027     SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0028         SelectEvents = cms.vstring('btagCalibPath')
0029     )
0030 )