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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoMuon.MuonSeedGenerator.ptSeedParameterization_cfi import ptSeedParameterization
0004 from RecoMuon.MuonSeedGenerator.MuonSeedPtScale_cfi import dphiScale
0006 import RecoMuon.MuonSeedGenerator.muonSeedGenerator_cfi as _mod
0007 ancientMuonSeed = _mod.muonSeedGenerator.clone(
0008                                  ptSeedParameterization,
0009                                  dphiScale,
0010                                  beamSpotTag = "offlineBeamSpot",
0011                                  scaleDT = True,
0012                                  CSCRecSegmentLabel = "cscSegments",
0013                                  DTRecSegmentLabel  = "dt4DSegments",
0014                                  ME0RecSegmentLabel = "me0Segments",
0015                                  EnableDTMeasurement = True,
0016                                  EnableCSCMeasurement = True,
0017                                  EnableME0Measurement = False,
0018                                  # places where it's OK to have single-segment seeds
0019                                  crackEtas = [0.2, 1.6, 1.7],
0020                                  crackWindow = 0.04,
0021                                  deltaPhiSearchWindow = 0.25,
0022                                  deltaEtaSearchWindow = 0.2,
0023                                  deltaEtaCrackSearchWindow = 0.25,
0024                                  )
0026 # phase2 ME0
0027 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_muon_cff import phase2_muon
0028 phase2_muon.toModify(ancientMuonSeed, EnableME0Measurement = True)
0029 # phase2 GE0
0030 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_GE0_cff import phase2_GE0
0031 phase2_GE0.toModify(ancientMuonSeed, EnableME0Measurement = False)