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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 from Validation.RecoTrack.TrackingParticleSelectionsForEfficiency_cff import *
0003 from Validation.RecoTrack.GenParticleSelectionsForEfficiency_cff import *
0005 MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock = cms.PSet(
0006     ### tp selectors for efficiency
0007     generalTpSelector             = generalTpSelectorBlock,
0008     TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsEta  = TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsEtaBlock,
0009     TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPhi  = TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPhiBlock,
0010     TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPt   = TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPtBlock,
0011     TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXR = TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXRBlock,
0012     TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXZ = TpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXZBlock,
0014     ### gp selectors for efficiency
0015     generalGpSelector             = generalGpSelectorBlock,
0016     GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsEta  = GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsEtaBlock,
0017     GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPhi  = GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPhiBlock,
0018     GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPt   = GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsPtBlock,
0019     GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXR = GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXRBlock,
0020     GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXZ = GpSelectorForEfficiencyVsVTXZBlock,
0022     # to be added here all the other histogram settings
0024     #
0025     minEta = cms.double(-2.5),
0026     maxEta = cms.double(2.5),
0027     nintEta = cms.int32(50),
0028     useFabsEta = cms.bool(False),
0029     #
0030     minPt = cms.double(0.1),
0031     maxPt = cms.double(1000),
0032     nintPt = cms.int32(40),
0033     useInvPt = cms.bool(False),
0034     useLogPt=cms.untracked.bool(True),
0035     #
0036     minHit = cms.double(-0.5),
0037     maxHit = cms.double(80.5),
0038     nintHit = cms.int32(81),
0039     #
0040     minPu = cms.double(-0.5),
0041     maxPu = cms.double(259.5),
0042     nintPu = cms.int32(130),
0043     #
0044     minLayers = cms.double(-0.5),
0045     maxLayers = cms.double(25.5),
0046     nintLayers = cms.int32(26),
0047     #
0048     minPhi = cms.double(-3.1416),
0049     maxPhi = cms.double(3.1416),
0050     nintPhi = cms.int32(36),
0051     #
0052     minDxy = cms.double(-20),
0053     maxDxy = cms.double(20),
0054     nintDxy = cms.int32(500),
0055     #
0056     minDz = cms.double(-30),
0057     maxDz = cms.double(30),
0058     nintDz = cms.int32(60),
0059     #
0060     dxyDzZoom = cms.double(25),
0061     #
0062     # dE/dx
0063     minDeDx = cms.double(0.),
0064     maxDeDx = cms.double(10.),
0065     nintDeDx = cms.int32(40),
0066     #
0067     # TP originating vertical position
0068     minVertpos = cms.double(1e-2),
0069     maxVertpos = cms.double(100),
0070     nintVertpos = cms.int32(40),
0071     useLogVertpos = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0072     #
0073     # TP originating z position
0074     minZpos = cms.double(-30),
0075     maxZpos = cms.double(30),
0076     nintZpos = cms.int32(60),
0077     #
0078     # dR
0079     mindr = cms.double(0.001),
0080     maxdr = cms.double(1),
0081     nintdr = cms.int32(100),
0082     #
0083     # dR_jet
0084     mindrj = cms.double(0.001),
0085     maxdrj = cms.double(0.5),
0086     nintdrj = cms.int32(100),
0087     #
0088     # chi2/ndof
0089     minChi2 = cms.double(0),
0090     maxChi2 = cms.double(20),
0091     nintChi2 = cms.int32(40),
0093     # Pileup vertices
0094     minVertcount = cms.double(-0.5),
0095     maxVertcount = cms.double(160.5),
0096     nintVertcount = cms.int32(161),
0098     minTracks = cms.double(0),
0099     maxTracks = cms.double(2000),
0100     nintTracks = cms.int32(200),
0102     # PV z coordinate (to be kept in synch with PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PUSlimmed)
0103     minPVz = cms.double(-60),
0104     maxPVz = cms.double(60),
0105     nintPVz = cms.int32(120),
0107     # MVA distributions
0108     minMVA = cms.double(-1),
0109     maxMVA = cms.double(1),
0110     nintMVA = cms.int32(100),
0112     #
0113     #parameters for resolution plots
0114     ptRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.1),
0115     ptRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.1),
0116     ptRes_nbin = cms.int32(100),
0118     phiRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.01),
0119     phiRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.01),
0120     phiRes_nbin = cms.int32(300),
0122     cotThetaRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.02),
0123     cotThetaRes_rangeMax = cms.double(+0.02),
0124     cotThetaRes_nbin = cms.int32(300),
0126     dxyRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.1),
0127     dxyRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.1),
0128     dxyRes_nbin = cms.int32(500),
0130     dzRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.05),
0131     dzRes_rangeMax = cms.double(+0.05),
0132     dzRes_nbin = cms.int32(150),
0135     maxDzpvCumulative = cms.double(0.6),
0136     nintDzpvCumulative = cms.int32(240),
0138     maxDzpvsigCumulative = cms.double(10),
0139     nintDzpvsigCumulative = cms.int32(200),
0141     seedingLayerSets = cms.vstring(),
0143     doMTDPlots = cms.untracked.bool(False), # meant to be switch on in Phase2 workflows
0144     doDzPVcutPlots = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0145 )
0147 def _modifyForPhase1(pset):
0148     pset.minEta = -3
0149     pset.maxEta = 3
0150     pset.nintEta = 60
0151 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase1Pixel_cff import phase1Pixel
0152 #phase1Pixel.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, dict(minEta = -3, maxEta = 3, nintEta = 60) )
0153 phase1Pixel.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, _modifyForPhase1)
0155 def _modifyForPhase2(pset):
0156     pset.minEta = -4.5
0157     pset.maxEta = 4.5
0158     pset.nintEta = 90
0159 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_tracker_cff import phase2_tracker
0160 #phase2_tracker.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, dict(minEta = -4.5, maxEta = 4.5, nintEta = 90) )
0161 phase2_tracker.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, _modifyForPhase2)
0163 def _modifyForPhase2wMTD(pset):
0164     pset.doMTDPlots = True
0165 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_timing_layer_cff import phase2_timing_layer
0166 #phase2_timing_layer.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, dict(doMTDPlots = True) )
0167 phase2_timing_layer.toModify(MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTrackerBlock, _modifyForPhase2wMTD)