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#ifndef CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalCubicInterpolator_h
#define CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalCubicInterpolator_h

#include <vector>
#include <tuple>

#include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/AbsHcalFunctor.h"

#include "boost/serialization/access.hpp"
#include "boost/serialization/version.hpp"
#include "boost/serialization/vector.hpp"

// Cubic Hermite spline interpolator in 1-d. See, for example,
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline
class HcalCubicInterpolator : public AbsHcalFunctor {
  // Order: abscissa, desired value, derivative
  typedef std::tuple<double, double, double> Triple;

  // Dummy constructor, to be used for deserialization only

  // Normal constructor from the set of interpolated points.
  // The points will be sorted internally, so they can be
  // given in arbitrary order.
  explicit HcalCubicInterpolator(const std::vector<Triple>& points);

  inline ~HcalCubicInterpolator() override {}

  double operator()(double x) const override;
  double xmin() const override;
  double xmax() const override;

  // Cubic approximation to the inverse curve (note, not the real
  // solution of the direct cubic equation). Use at your own risc.
  HcalCubicInterpolator approximateInverse() const;

  inline bool isEqual(const AbsHcalFunctor& other) const override {
    const HcalCubicInterpolator& r = static_cast<const HcalCubicInterpolator&>(other);
    return abscissae_ == r.abscissae_ && values_ == r.values_ && derivatives_ == r.derivatives_;

  std::vector<double> abscissae_;
  std::vector<double> values_;
  std::vector<double> derivatives_;

  friend class boost::serialization::access;

  template <class Archive>
  inline void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned /* version */) {
    ar & abscissae_ & values_ & derivatives_;

BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(HcalCubicInterpolator, 1)

#endif  // CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalCubicInterpolator_h