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#ifndef CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalInterpolatedPulseColl_h_
#define CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalInterpolatedPulseColl_h_

#include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
#include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalInterpolatedPulse.h"
#include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HBHEChannelGroups.h"

class HcalInterpolatedPulseColl {
  HcalInterpolatedPulseColl(const std::vector<HcalInterpolatedPulse>& pulses, const HBHEChannelGroups& groups);

  // Get the pulse from channel HcalDetId
  const HcalInterpolatedPulse& getChannelPulse(const HcalDetId& id) const;

  // Get the pulse by linearized HCAL channel number
  inline const HcalInterpolatedPulse& getChannelPulse(const unsigned i) const { return pulses_[groups_.getGroup(i)]; }

  inline bool operator==(const HcalInterpolatedPulseColl& r) { return pulses_ == r.pulses_ && groups_ == r.groups_; }

  inline bool operator!=(const HcalInterpolatedPulseColl& r) { return !(*this == r); }

  std::vector<HcalInterpolatedPulse> pulses_;
  HBHEChannelGroups groups_;

  // Default constructor needed for serialization.
  // Do not use in application code.
  inline HcalInterpolatedPulseColl() {}

  friend class boost::serialization::access;

  template <class Archive>
  inline void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned /* version */) {
    ar & pulses_ & groups_;

BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(HcalInterpolatedPulseColl, 1)

#endif  // CondFormats_HcalObjects_HcalInterpolatedPulseColl_h_