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#ifndef CondFormats_SiStripObjects_FedChannelConnection_H
#define CondFormats_SiStripObjects_FedChannelConnection_H

#include "CondFormats/Serialization/interface/Serializable.h"

#include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripConstants.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdint>

class FedChannelConnection;

/** Debug info for FedChannelConnection class. */
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const FedChannelConnection&);

/** Overload less than operator. */
bool operator<(const FedChannelConnection&, const FedChannelConnection&);

    @class FedChannelConnection 
    @author R.Bainbridge

    @brief Class containning control, module, detector and connection
    information, at the level of a FED channel.
class FedChannelConnection {
  // ---------- Constructor ----------

  /** Constructor requires at least information to uniquely identify a
   front-end module: ie, crate + FEC + ring + CCU + module. */
  FedChannelConnection(const uint16_t& fec_crate,
                       const uint16_t& fec_slot,
                       const uint16_t& fec_ring,
                       const uint16_t& ccu_addr,
                       const uint16_t& ccu_chan,
                       const uint16_t& apv0 = 0,
                       const uint16_t& apv1 = 0,
                       const uint32_t& dcu_id = 0,
                       const uint32_t& det_id = 0,
                       const uint16_t& pairs = 0,
                       const uint16_t& fed_id = 0,
                       const uint16_t& fed_ch = 0,
                       const uint16_t& length = 0,
                       const bool& dcu = false,
                       const bool& pll = false,
                       const bool& mux = false,
                       const bool& lld = false);

  /** Default constructor. */

  /** Default destructor. */
  ~FedChannelConnection() { ; }

  // ---------- Utility methods ----------

  /** Identifies a valid connection. */
  bool isConnected() const;

  /** Performs consistency check for this connection object. */
  void consistencyCheck() const { ; }  //@@ TO BE IMPLEMENTED...

  /** Prints all information for this connection object. */
  void print(std::stringstream&) const;

  /** Prints terse information for this connection object. */
  void terse(std::stringstream&) const;

  // -------------------- Module and detector information --------------------

  /** Returns DCUid for this module. */
  const uint32_t& dcuId() const;

  /** Returns DetId for this module. */
  const uint32_t& detId() const;

  /** Returns number of detector strips for this module. */
  uint16_t nDetStrips() const;

  /** Returns number of APV pairs for this module. */
  const uint16_t& nApvPairs() const;

  /** Returns number of APVs for this module. */
  uint16_t nApvs() const;

  // -------------------- FED connection information --------------------

  /** Returns APV pair number for this connection object. This can be
      either 0->1 or 0->2, depending on number of detector strips. */
  uint16_t apvPairNumber() const;
  uint16_t apvPairNumberDebug() const;

  /** Returns Laser Driver channel (1->3) for this channel. */
  uint16_t lldChannel() const;

  /** Returns FED crate for this channel. */
  const uint16_t& fedCrate() const;

  /** Returns FED slot for this channel. */
  const uint16_t& fedSlot() const;

  /** Returns FED id for this channel. */
  const uint16_t& fedId() const;

  /** Returns FED id for this channel. */
  const uint16_t& fedCh() const;

  /** Sets FED crate for this channel. */
  void fedCrate(uint16_t& fed_crate);

  /** Sets FED slot for this channel. */
  void fedSlot(uint16_t& fed_slot);

  /** Sets FED id for this channel. */
  void fedId(uint16_t& fed_id);

  /** Sets FED id for this channel. */
  void fedCh(uint16_t& fed_ch);

  // -------------------- Control structure information --------------------

  /** Returns FEC crate number. */
  const uint16_t& fecCrate() const;

  /** Returns slot number of FEC. */
  const uint16_t& fecSlot() const;

  /** Returns FEC ring number. */
  const uint16_t& fecRing() const;

  /** Returns CCU address. */
  const uint16_t& ccuAddr() const;

  /** Returns CCU channel. */
  const uint16_t& ccuChan() const;

  // -------------------- Front-end ASICs --------------------

  /** Indicates whether APV0 or APV1 of the pair has been found: a
      non-zero value indicates the I2C address; a null value signifies
      a problematic APV. */
  const uint16_t& i2cAddr(const uint16_t& apv0_or_1) const;

  /** Indicates whether DCU ASIC is found. */
  const bool& dcu() const;

  /** Indicates whether APV-MUX ASIC is found. */
  const bool& mux() const;

  /** Indicates whether PLL ASIC is found. */
  const bool& pll() const;

  /** Indicates whether Linear Laser Driver ASIC is found. */
  const bool& lld() const;

  /** Returns the length of the optical fiber */
  const uint16_t& fiberLength() const;

  // ---------- Private member data ----------

  // Control
  uint16_t fecCrate_;
  uint16_t fecSlot_;
  uint16_t fecRing_;
  uint16_t ccuAddr_;
  uint16_t ccuChan_;

  // I2C addresses
  uint16_t apv0_;
  uint16_t apv1_;

  // Module / Detector
  uint32_t dcuId_;
  uint32_t detId_;
  uint16_t nApvPairs_;

  // FED
  uint16_t fedCrate_;
  uint16_t fedSlot_;
  uint16_t fedId_;
  uint16_t fedCh_;
  uint16_t length_;

  // Found devices
  bool dcu0x00_;
  bool mux0x43_;
  bool pll0x44_;
  bool lld0x60_;


// ---------- inline methods ----------

inline bool FedChannelConnection::isConnected() const {
  return (fedId_ != sistrip::invalid_ && fedCh_ != sistrip::invalid_);

inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fecCrate() const { return fecCrate_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fecSlot() const { return fecSlot_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fecRing() const { return fecRing_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::ccuAddr() const { return ccuAddr_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::ccuChan() const { return ccuChan_; }

inline const bool& FedChannelConnection::dcu() const { return dcu0x00_; }
inline const bool& FedChannelConnection::mux() const { return mux0x43_; }
inline const bool& FedChannelConnection::pll() const { return pll0x44_; }
inline const bool& FedChannelConnection::lld() const { return lld0x60_; }

inline const uint32_t& FedChannelConnection::dcuId() const { return dcuId_; }
inline const uint32_t& FedChannelConnection::detId() const { return detId_; }
inline uint16_t FedChannelConnection::nDetStrips() const { return 256 * nApvPairs_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::nApvPairs() const { return nApvPairs_; }
inline uint16_t FedChannelConnection::nApvs() const { return 2 * nApvPairs(); }

inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fedCrate() const { return fedCrate_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fedSlot() const { return fedSlot_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fedId() const { return fedId_; }
inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fedCh() const { return fedCh_; }

inline const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::fiberLength() const { return length_; }

inline void FedChannelConnection::fedId(uint16_t& fed_id) { fedId_ = fed_id; }
inline void FedChannelConnection::fedCh(uint16_t& fed_ch) { fedCh_ = fed_ch; }
inline void FedChannelConnection::fedCrate(uint16_t& fed_crate) { fedCrate_ = fed_crate; }
inline void FedChannelConnection::fedSlot(uint16_t& fed_slot) { fedSlot_ = fed_slot; }

inline uint16_t FedChannelConnection::apvPairNumber() const {
  if (apv0_ == 32 || apv1_ == 33) {
    return 0;
  } else if (apv0_ == 34 || apv1_ == 35) {
    return 1;
  } else {  // if (apv0_ == 36 || apv1_ == 37) {
    return nApvPairs_ - 1;

#endif  // CondFormats_SiStripObjects_FedChannelConnection_H