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#ifndef SiStripBadStrip_h
#define SiStripBadStrip_h

#include "CondFormats/Serialization/interface/Serializable.h"

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/ConstantsForCondObjects.h"
#include <cstdint>

class TrackerTopology;

 * Holds the list of bad components. <br>
 * The bad components can be filled with two put methods, that receive a DetId and
 * either a range of bad strips or a vector of bad strips. <br>
 * The information is stored in two vectors: <br>
 * - a vector<unsigned int> holding the bad strips <br>
 * - a vector<DetRegistry> associating a DetId to the corresponding range of
 * bad strips in the vector described above <br>
 * A DetRegistry contains the DetId and the index of the first and last position
 * in the bad strips vector correspoding to this DetId. <br>
 * The printSummary method prints the number of modules with at least a bad strip
 * divided by subdetector and layer/disk. It also prints the number of bad strips
 * divided in the same way. <br>
 * The printDebug method prints the full information of all the bad strips.

class SiStripBadStrip {
  struct data {
    unsigned short firstStrip;
    unsigned short range;
    unsigned short flag;

  struct DetRegistry {
    uint32_t detid;
    uint32_t ibegin;
    uint32_t iend;


  class StrictWeakOrdering {
    bool operator()(const DetRegistry& p, const uint32_t& i) const { return p.detid < i; }

  typedef std::vector<unsigned int> Container;
  typedef std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator ContainerIterator;
  typedef std::pair<ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator> Range;
  typedef std::vector<DetRegistry> Registry;
  typedef Registry::const_iterator RegistryIterator;
  typedef Container InputVector;

  SiStripBadStrip() {}
  virtual ~SiStripBadStrip() {}

  bool put(const uint32_t& detID, const InputVector& vect) { return put(detID, Range(vect.begin(), vect.end())); }
  bool put(const uint32_t& detID, Range input);
  const Range getRange(const uint32_t detID) const;
  Range getRangeByPos(unsigned short pos) const;
  void getDetIds(std::vector<uint32_t>& DetIds_) const;
  void printSummary(std::stringstream& ss, const TrackerTopology* trackerTopo) const;
  void printDebug(std::stringstream& ss, const TrackerTopology* trackerTopo) const;

  ContainerIterator getDataVectorBegin() const { return v_badstrips.begin(); }
  ContainerIterator getDataVectorEnd() const { return v_badstrips.end(); }
  RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorBegin() const { return indexes.begin(); }
  RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorEnd() const { return indexes.end(); }

  inline data decode(const unsigned int& value) const {
    data a;
    a.firstStrip = ((value >> sistrip::FirstBadStripShift_) & sistrip::FirstBadStripMask_);
    a.range = ((value >> sistrip::RangeBadStripShift_) & sistrip::RangeBadStripMask_);
    a.flag = ((value >> sistrip::FlagBadStripShift_) & sistrip::FlagBadStripMask_);
    return a;

  inline unsigned int encode(const unsigned short& first,
                             const unsigned short& NconsecutiveBadStrips,
                             const unsigned short& flag = 0) {
    return ((first & sistrip::FirstBadStripMask_) << sistrip::FirstBadStripShift_) |
           ((NconsecutiveBadStrips & sistrip::RangeBadStripMask_) << sistrip::RangeBadStripShift_) |
           ((flag & sistrip::FlagBadStripMask_) << sistrip::FlagBadStripShift_);

  // additional methods need for Phase-2
  inline data decodePhase2(const unsigned int& value) const {
    data a;
    a.firstStrip = ((value >> siPhase2strip::FirstBadStripShift_) & siPhase2strip::FirstBadStripMask_);
    a.range = ((value >> siPhase2strip::RangeBadStripShift_) & siPhase2strip::RangeBadStripMask_);
    a.flag = ((value >> siPhase2strip::FlagBadStripShift_) & siPhase2strip::FlagBadStripMask_);
    return a;

  inline unsigned int encodePhase2(const unsigned short& first,
                                   const unsigned short& NconsecutiveBadStrips,
                                   const unsigned short& flag = 0) {
    return ((first & siPhase2strip::FirstBadStripMask_) << siPhase2strip::FirstBadStripShift_) |
           ((NconsecutiveBadStrips & siPhase2strip::RangeBadStripMask_) << siPhase2strip::RangeBadStripShift_) |
           ((flag & siPhase2strip::FlagBadStripMask_) << siPhase2strip::FlagBadStripShift_);

  Container v_badstrips;
  Registry indexes;

