Line Code
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 *  See header file for a description of this class.
 *  $Date: 2007/12/07 15:13:47 $
 *  $Revision: 1.2 $
 *  \author Paolo Ronchese INFN Padova

// This Class' Header --
#include "CondTools/DT/interface/DTRangeT0Handler.h"

// Collaborating Class Headers --
#include "CondFormats/DTObjects/interface/DTRangeT0.h"

// C++ Headers --
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

// Initializations --

// Constructors --
DTRangeT0Handler::DTRangeT0Handler(const edm::ParameterSet& ps)
    : dataTag(ps.getParameter<std::string>("tag")),
      runNumber(ps.getParameter<unsigned int>("run")) {}

// Destructor --
DTRangeT0Handler::~DTRangeT0Handler() {}

// Operations --
void DTRangeT0Handler::getNewObjects() {
  //to access the information on the tag inside the offline database:
  cond::TagInfo_t const& ti = tagInfo();
  cond::Time_t last = ti.lastInterval.since;

  //to access the information on last successful log entry for this tag:
  //  cond::LogDBEntry const & lde = logDBEntry();

  //to access the lastest payload (Ref is a smart pointer)
  //  Ref payload = lastPayload();

  int irun =;
  int ievt =;
  std::cout << "================ "
            << irun << " " << ievt << std::endl;

  std::map<std::string, popcon::PayloadIOV> mp = getOfflineInfo();
  std::map<std::string, popcon::PayloadIOV>::iterator iter = mp.begin();
  std::map<std::string, popcon::PayloadIOV>::iterator iend = mp.end();
  std::cout << "list of all tags: " << std::endl;
  while ( iter != iend ) {
    std::cout << "Tag: "                       << iter->first
              << " , last object valid since " << iter->second.last_since
              << " to "                        << iter->second.last_till
              << std::endl;

  std::cout << "look for tag " << dataTag << std::endl;
  std::map<std::string, popcon::PayloadIOV>::iterator itag =
    mp.find( dataTag );

  DTRangeT0* t0Range = new DTRangeT0(dataTag);

  int status = 0;
  std::ifstream ifile(fileName.c_str());
  int whe;
  int sta;
  int sec;
  int qua;
  int t0min;
  int t0max;
  while (ifile >> whe >> sta >> sec >> qua >> t0min >> t0max) {
    status = t0Range->set(whe, sta, sec, qua, t0min, t0max);
    std::cout << whe << " " << sta << " " << sec << " " << qua << " " << t0min << " " << t0max << "  -> ";
    std::cout << "insert status: " << status << std::endl;

  unsigned int runf = irun;
  unsigned int runl = 0xffffffff;
  popcon::IOVPair iop = { runf, runl };
  std::cout << "APPEND NEW OBJECT: "
            << runf << " " << runl << " " << t0Range << std::endl;
  m_to_transfer->push_back( std::make_pair( t0Range, iop ) );

  //for each payload provide IOV information (say in this case we use since)
  cond::Time_t snc = runNumber;
  if (runNumber > last)
    m_to_transfer.push_back(std::make_pair(t0Range, snc));
  else {
    std::cout << "More recent data already present - skipped" << std::endl;
    delete t0Range;


std::string DTRangeT0Handler::id() const { return dataTag; }