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database = "sqlite_file:mcOOTPileupCorrection_v1.db"
tag = "test"
inputfile = "mcOOTPileupCorrection_v1.bbin"

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

process = cms.Process('OOTPileupCorrectionDBWrite') 

process.source = cms.Source('EmptySource') 
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(1)) 

process.CondDB.connect = database
# process.CondDB.dbFormat = cms.untracked.int32(1)

# Data is tagged in the database by the "tag" parameter specified in the
# PoolDBOutputService configuration. We then check if the tag already exists.
# -- If the tag does not exist, a new interval of validity (IOV) for this tag
#    is created, valid till "end of time".
# -- If the tag already exists: the IOV of the previous data is stopped at
#    "current time" and we register new data valid from now on (currentTime
#    is the time of the current event!). 
# The "record" parameter should be the same in the PoolDBOutputService
# configuration and in the module which writes the object. It is basically
# used in order to just associate the record with the tag.
process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service(
    timetype = cms.untracked.string('runnumber'),
    toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
        record = cms.string("HcalOOTPileupCorrectionMapCollRcd"),
        tag = cms.string(tag)

process.filereader = cms.EDAnalyzer(
    inputFile = cms.string(inputfile),
    record = cms.string("HcalOOTPileupCorrectionMapCollRcd")

process.p = cms.Path(process.filereader)