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#ifndef Geometry_TrackerGeometryBuilder_PixelGeomDetType_H
#define Geometry_TrackerGeometryBuilder_PixelGeomDetType_H

#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/GeomDetType.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"

 * Generic DetType for the Pixels. Specialized in SiPixelGeomDetType.

class PixelGeomDetType final : public GeomDetType {
  using TopologyType = PixelTopology;

  PixelGeomDetType(TopologyType* t, std::string const& name, SubDetector& det)
      : GeomDetType(name, det), theTopology(t) {}

  ~PixelGeomDetType() override { delete theTopology; }

  // Access to topologies
  const Topology& topology() const override { return *theTopology; }

  virtual const TopologyType& specificTopology() const { return *theTopology; }

  PixelGeomDetType& operator=(const PixelGeomDetType& other) = delete;
  PixelGeomDetType(const PixelGeomDetType& other) = delete;

  TopologyType* theTopology;

#endif  // PixelGeomDetType_H