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#ifndef Geometry_CommonTopologies_PixelGeomDetUnit_H
#define Geometry_CommonTopologies_PixelGeomDetUnit_H

#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TrackerGeomDet.h"
#include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/ProxyPixelTopology.h"

class PixelGeomDetType;
class PixelTopology;
class SurfaceDeformation;
 * The base PixelGeomDetUnit. Specialized in SiPixelGeomDetUnit.

class PixelGeomDetUnit final : public TrackerGeomDet {
  PixelGeomDetUnit(BoundPlane* sp, PixelGeomDetType const* type, DetId id);

  // DetUnit interface

  /// NOTE (A.M.): The actual pointer to PixelGeomDetType is now a member of the
  /// proxy topology. As PixelGeomDetType has the actual topology as a pointer,
  /// it is possible to access this topology in two different ways. Once via
  /// the proxy topology (through topology() and specificTopology()) which includes
  /// corrections for the surface deformations, and once via the GeomDetType
  /// (through type().topology() and the like).
  const GeomDetType& type() const override;

  /// Returns a reference to the pixel proxy topology
  const Topology& topology() const override;

  /// NOTE (A.M.): The actual pointer to PixelGeomDetType is now a member of the
  /// proxy topology. As PixelGeomDetType has the actual topology as a pointer,
  /// it is possible to access this topology in two different ways. Once via
  /// the proxy topology (through topology() and specificTopology()) which includes
  /// corrections for the surface deformations, and once via the GeomDetType
  /// (through type().topology() and the like).
  virtual const PixelGeomDetType& specificType() const;

  /// Returns a reference to the pixel proxy topology
  virtual const PixelTopology& specificTopology() const;

  /// Return pointer to surface deformation.
  const SurfaceDeformation* surfaceDeformation() const override { return theTopology->surfaceDeformation(); }

  bool isLeaf() const override { return true; }

  /// set the SurfaceDeformation for this StripGeomDet to proxy topology.
  void setSurfaceDeformation(const SurfaceDeformation* deformation) override;

  std::unique_ptr<ProxyPixelTopology> theTopology;

#endif  // Tracker_PixelGeomDetUnit_H