Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TrapezoidalStripTopology.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>

//#define EDM_ML_DEBUG

TrapezoidalStripTopology::TrapezoidalStripTopology(int ns, float p, float l, float r0)
    : theNumberOfStrips(ns), thePitch(p), theDistToBeam(r0), theDetHeight(l) {
  theOffset = -theNumberOfStrips / 2. * thePitch;
  theYAxOr = 1;
  edm::LogVerbatim("CommonTopologies") << "Constructing TrapezoidalStripTopology with nstrips = " << ns
                                       << " pitch = " << p << " length = " << l << " r0 =" << r0;

TrapezoidalStripTopology::TrapezoidalStripTopology(int ns, float p, float l, float r0, int yAx)
    : theNumberOfStrips(ns), thePitch(p), theDistToBeam(r0), theDetHeight(l), theYAxOr(yAx) {
  theOffset = -theNumberOfStrips / 2. * thePitch;
  edm::LogVerbatim("CommonTopologies") << "Constructing TrapezoidalStripTopology with nstrips = " << ns
                                       << " pitch = " << p << " length = " << l << " r0 =" << r0
                                       << " yAxOrientation =" << yAx;

LocalPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPosition(float strip) const {
  return LocalPoint(strip * thePitch + theOffset, 0.0);

LocalPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPosition(const MeasurementPoint& mp) const {
  float y = mp.y() * theDetHeight;
  float x = (mp.x() * thePitch + theOffset) * (theYAxOr * y + theDistToBeam) / theDistToBeam;
  return LocalPoint(x, y);

LocalError TrapezoidalStripTopology::localError(float strip, float stripErr2) const {
  float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
  float localL2, localP2;
  float sl2, sp2;
  // angle from strip to local frame (see CMS TN / 95-170)
  lt = -(strip * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam;
  lc2 = 1.f / (1. + lt * lt);
  lslc = lt * lc2;
  ls2 = 1.f - lc2;
  localL2 = theDetHeight * theDetHeight / lc2;
  localP2 = thePitch * thePitch * lc2;
  sl2 = localL2 / 12.;
  sp2 = stripErr2 * localP2;
  return LocalError(lc2 * sp2 + ls2 * sl2, lslc * (sp2 - sl2), ls2 * sp2 + lc2 * sl2);

LocalError TrapezoidalStripTopology::localError(const MeasurementPoint& mp, const MeasurementError& merr) const {
  float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
  float localL, localP;
  float sl2, sp2, spl;
  // angle from strip to local frame (see CMS TN / 95-170)
  lt = -(mp.x() * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam;
  lc2 = 1. / (1. + lt * lt);
  lslc = lt * lc2;
  ls2 = 1.f - lc2;
  localL = theDetHeight / std::sqrt(lc2);
  localP = localPitch(localPosition(mp));
  sp2 = merr.uu() * localP * localP;
  sl2 = merr.vv() * localL * localL;
  spl = merr.uv() * localP * localL;
  return LocalError(lc2 * sp2 + ls2 * sl2 - 2 * lslc * spl,
                    lslc * (sp2 - sl2) + (lc2 - ls2) * spl,
                    ls2 * sp2 + lc2 * sl2 + 2 * lslc * spl);

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::strip(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
  float aStrip = ((lp.x() * theDistToBeam / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam)) - theOffset) / thePitch;
  if (aStrip < 0)
    aStrip = 0;
  else if (aStrip > theNumberOfStrips)
    aStrip = theNumberOfStrips;
  return aStrip;

MeasurementPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::measurementPosition(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
  return MeasurementPoint(((lp.x() * theDistToBeam / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam)) - theOffset) / thePitch,
                          lp.y() / theDetHeight);

MeasurementError TrapezoidalStripTopology::measurementError(const LocalPoint& lp, const LocalError& lerr) const {
  float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
  float localL, localP;
  float sl2, sp2, spl;
  lt = -lp.x() / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam) * theYAxOr;
  lc2 = 1. / (1. + lt * lt);
  lslc = lt * lc2;
  ls2 = 1. - lc2;
  localL = theDetHeight / std::sqrt(lc2);
  localP = localPitch(lp);
  sp2 = lc2 * lerr.xx() + ls2 * lerr.yy() + 2 * lslc * lerr.xy();
  sl2 = ls2 * lerr.xx() + lc2 * lerr.yy() - 2 * lslc * lerr.xy();
  spl = lslc * (lerr.yy() - lerr.xx()) + (lc2 - ls2) * lerr.xy();
  return MeasurementError(sp2 / (localP * localP), spl / (localP * localL), sl2 / (localL * localL));

int TrapezoidalStripTopology::channel(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
  return std::min(int(strip(lp)), theNumberOfStrips - 1);

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::pitch() const { return thePitch; }

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPitch(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
  float x = lp.x();
  float y = theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam;
  return thePitch * y / (theDistToBeam * std::sqrt(1.f + x * x / (y * y)));

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::stripAngle(float strip) const {
  return std::atan(-(strip * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam);

int TrapezoidalStripTopology::nstrips() const { return theNumberOfStrips; }

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::shiftOffset(float pitch_fraction) {
  theOffset += thePitch * pitch_fraction;
  return theOffset;

float TrapezoidalStripTopology::localStripLength(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
  float ltan = -lp.x() / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam) * theYAxOr;
  float localL = theDetHeight * std::sqrt(1.f + ltan * ltan);
  //  float lcos2 = 1.f/(1.f+ltan*ltan);
  //  float localL = theDetHeight / std::sqrt(lcos2);

  return localL;