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#ifndef EcalPreshowerGeometry_h
#define EcalPreshowerGeometry_h

#include "Geometry/EcalCommonData/interface/EcalPreshowerNumberingScheme.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloSubdetectorGeometry.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/PreshowerStrip.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/IdealGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/EcalPreshowerGeometryRecord.h"
#include "CondFormats/AlignmentRecord/interface/ESAlignmentRcd.h"
#include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/ESDetId.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/PEcalPreshowerRcd.h"
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGenericDetId.h"
#include <vector>

class EcalPreshowerGeometry final : public CaloSubdetectorGeometry {
  typedef std::vector<PreshowerStrip> CellVec;

  typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat;
  typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D;
  typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec;

  typedef IdealGeometryRecord IdealRecord;
  typedef EcalPreshowerGeometryRecord AlignedRecord;
  typedef ESAlignmentRcd AlignmentRecord;
  typedef PEcalPreshowerRcd PGeometryRecord;

  typedef EcalPreshowerNumberingScheme NumberingScheme;
  typedef CaloSubdetectorGeometry::ParVec ParVec;
  typedef CaloSubdetectorGeometry::ParVecVec ParVecVec;
  typedef ESDetId DetIdType;

  static constexpr int k_NumberOfCellsForCorners = ESDetId::kSizeForDenseIndexing;

  static constexpr int k_NumberOfShapes = 4;

  static constexpr int k_NumberOfParametersPerShape = 4;

  static std::string dbString() { return "PEcalPreshowerRcd"; }

  unsigned int numberOfShapes() const override { return k_NumberOfShapes; }
  unsigned int numberOfParametersPerShape() const override { return k_NumberOfParametersPerShape; }


  /// The EcalPreshowerGeometry will delete all its cell geometries at destruction time
  ~EcalPreshowerGeometry() override;

  void setzPlanes(CCGFloat z1minus, CCGFloat z2minus, CCGFloat z1plus, CCGFloat z2plus);

  // Get closest cell
  DetId getClosestCell(const GlobalPoint& r) const override;

  // Get closest cell in arbitrary plane (1 or 2)
  virtual DetId getClosestCellInPlane(const GlobalPoint& r, int plane) const;

  void initializeParms() override;
  unsigned int numberOfTransformParms() const override { return 3; }

  static std::string hitString() { return "EcalHitsES"; }

  static std::string producerTag() { return "EcalPreshower"; }

  static unsigned int numberOfAlignments() { return 8; }

  static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexLocal(const DetId& id);

  static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexGlobal(const DetId& id);

  static DetId detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex(unsigned int iLoc);

  static void localCorners(Pt3DVec& lc, const CCGFloat* pv, unsigned int i, Pt3D& ref);

  void newCell(const GlobalPoint& f1,
               const GlobalPoint& f2,
               const GlobalPoint& f3,
               const CCGFloat* parm,
               const DetId& detId) override;

  /// is this detid present in the geometry?
  bool present(const DetId& id) const override {
    if (id == DetId(0))
      return false;
    // not needed???
    auto index = CaloGenericDetId(id).denseIndex();
    return index < m_cellVec.size();

  // Modify the RawPtr class
  CaloCellGeometryPtr getGeometryRawPtr(uint32_t index) const override;

  const CCGFloat m_xWidWaf;
  const CCGFloat m_xInterLadGap;
  const CCGFloat m_xIntraLadGap;

  const CCGFloat m_yWidAct;
  const CCGFloat m_yCtrOff;

  CCGFloat m_zplane[4];

  CellVec m_cellVec;
