Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DDDefinition xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../DetectorDescription/Schema/DDLSchema.xsd">
    <!-- TBH4 geometry driver file. B. Heltsley, Feb 27, 2007
         This file should not need modification for production simulation.
         The tunable numbers that must be passed around are in the
         files ebcon.xml and tbrot.xml. Other tunables that
         are only needed for the beam line definition appear below
         (for example, positions of hodoscopes and trigger counters).
         The two numbers theta and phi specifying the angle
         of the beam into the supermodule are at the top of tbrot.xml.
         To vary that angle, modify that file.
         The hierarchy is as follows:
         OCMS is a big box and the world volume
         CMSSE is the same size as OCMS and its child.
         TBH4BeamLine is a long tube with the beam line inside CMSSE.
         CALO is a phi-slice of a polycone to hold ECAL.
         ECAL is a phi-slice of a polycone to hold EBAR.
         EBAR is a phi slice of a polycone to hold ESPM.
         In this way the normal CMS hierarchy is preserved.
         To maintain compatibility with normal CMS simulation,
         eregalgo.xml in this directory defines a logical
         volume ECAL which is the same size as OCMS
         and is its child. This is because the barrel must
         be a child of eregalgo:ECAL.
         The beam line TBH4BeamLine is a narrow and long tube holding
         the sections of vacuum, windows, trigger counters,
         and hodoscope. This is a child of ECAL.
         The barrel itself is narrowed into a phi section 
         to allow entry of the beam into the detector.
         It is a child of eregalgo:ECAL. A single supermodule
         is placed inside this barrel.
         The normal ebalgo.xml and ebrot.xml files from EcalCommonData are used
         in conjunction with the test beam files. It receives
         some modifications from the constants defined in 
         these files.
    <ConstantsSection label="TBH4.xml" eval="true">
    <SolidSection label="TBH4.xml">
        <Box name="OCMS" dx="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]" dy="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]" dz="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]"/>
        <Box name="CMSSE" dx="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]" dy="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]" dz="2*[ebcon:ocmsdz]"/>
        <Polycone name="CALO" startPhi="-35*deg" deltaPhi="70*deg">
            <ZSection z="-2.935*m-20*cm" rMin="1.238*m" rMax="1.775*m"/>
            <ZSection z="2.935*m+20*cm" rMin="1.238*m" rMax="1.775*m"/>
        <Polycone name="ECAL" startPhi="-30*deg" deltaPhi="60*deg">
            <ZSection z="-2.935*m-20*cm" rMin="1.238*m" rMax="1.775*m"/>
            <ZSection z="2.935*m+20*cm" rMin="1.238*m" rMax="1.775*m"/>
        <Tubs name="TBH4BeamLine" rMin="0*mm" rMax="[ebcon:blRadius]" dz="0.5*[ebcon:blLength]" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
    <LogicalPartSection label="TBH4.xml">
        <LogicalPart name="World" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="OCMS"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
        <LogicalPart name="OCMS" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="OCMS"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
        <LogicalPart name="CMSSE" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="CMSSE"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
        <LogicalPart name="CALO" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="CALO"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
        <LogicalPart name="MCMS" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="OCMS"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
        <LogicalPart name="TBH4BeamLine" category="unspecified">
            <rSolid name="TBH4BeamLine"/>
            <rMaterial name="materials:Air"/>
    <RotationSection label="TBH4.xml">
        <Rotation name="blRot" phiX="[tbrot:phi]" thetaX="[tbrot:theta]+90*deg" phiY="[tbrot:phi]+90*deg" thetaY="              90*deg" phiZ="[tbrot:phi]" thetaZ="[tbrot:theta]       "/>
    <PosPartSection label="TBH4.xml">
        <PosPart copyNumber="1">
            <rParent name="TBH4:World"/>
            <rChild name="TBH4:OCMS"/>
        <PosPart copyNumber="1">
            <rParent name="TBH4:OCMS"/>
            <rChild name="TBH4:CMSSE"/>
        <PosPart copyNumber="1">
            <rParent name="TBH4:CMSSE"/>
            <rChild name="TBH4:CALO"/>
        <PosPart copyNumber="1">
            <rParent name="TBH4:CALO"/>
            <rChild name="eregalgo:ECAL"/>
        <PosPart copyNumber="1">
            <rParent name="TBH4:CMSSE"/>
            <rChild name="TBH4:TBH4BeamLine"/>
            <Translation x="[ebcon:blShift]*sin([tbrot:theta])*cos([tbrot:phi])" y="[ebcon:blShift]*sin([tbrot:theta])*sin([tbrot:phi])" z="[ebcon:blShift]*cos([tbrot:theta])"/>
            <rRotation name="TBH4:blRot"/>
    <Algorithm name="DDTBH4Algo">
        <rParent name="TBH4:TBH4BeamLine"/>
        <String name="HoleMat" value="materials:Air"/>
        <Numeric name="BLZBeg" value="[ebcon:zLastBend]"/>
        <Numeric name="BLZPiv" value="[ebcon:zPivotPt]"/>
        <Numeric name="BLZEnd" value="[ebcon:zLastBend] + [ebcon:blLength]"/>
        <Numeric name="BLRadius" value="[ebcon:blRadius]"/>
        <String name="VacName" value="VAC"/>
        <String name="VacMat" value="materials:Vacuum"/>
        <Vector name="VacZBeg" type="numeric" nEntries="8">
            384815*mm, 386220*mm,  403310*mm, 466195*mm,
            480737*mm, 519950*mm,  624920*mm, 629020*mm
        <Vector name="VacZEnd" type="numeric" nEntries="8">
            386220*mm, 402887*mm,  452510*mm, 480337*mm,
            516730*mm, 624890*mm,  628620*mm, 638320*mm
        <String name="WinName" value="WIN"/>
        <Vector name="WinMat" type="string" nEntries="16">
            materials:Aluminium, materials:Aluminium,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar,
            materials:Mylar,     materials:Mylar
        <!-- Negative WinZBeg values mean place the window
             just before the indicated z position,
             positive values mean just after
        <Vector name="WinZBeg" type="numeric" nEntries="16">
            402887*mm, -403310*mm,
            452510*mm, 452845*mm,
            459280*mm, 465965*mm,
            -466195*mm, 480337*mm,
            -480737*mm, 516730*mm,
            -519950*mm, 624890*mm,
            -624920*mm, 628620*mm,
            -629020*mm, 638320*mm
        <Vector name="WinThick" type="numeric" nEntries="16">
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.750*mm,
            0.850*mm, 0.850*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm,
            0.120*mm, 0.120*mm
        <!-- Now trigger scintillators: the tunable parameters
             are the x and y offsets from beam center and
             the phi rotation of the square counters around
             the beamline axis.
        <String name="TrgMat" value="materials:Scintillator"/>
        <Numeric name="TrgVetoHoleRadius" value="15*mm"/>
        <Vector name="TrgName" type="string" nEntries="7">
            FNGR, VETO, TRG1, TRG3, TRG4, TRG5, TRG6
        <Vector name="TrgSide" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            25*mm, 60*mm, 30*mm,  20*mm,  10*mm,  5*mm,  50*mm
        <Vector name="TrgThick" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            10*mm, 10*mm, 3*mm,  3*mm,  3*mm,  3*mm,  10*mm
        <Vector name="TrgPhi" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            0*deg, 0*deg, 0*deg,  0*deg,  0*deg,  0*deg,  0*deg
        <Vector name="TrgXOff" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            0*mm, 0*mm, 0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm
        <Vector name="TrgYOff" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            0*mm, 0*mm, 0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm,  0*mm
        <Vector name="TrgZPiv" type="numeric" nEntries="7">
            -3274*mm, -3181*mm, -2160*mm, -2036*mm, -1974*mm, -1912*mm, -347*mm
        <!-- Now hodoscope: tunable parameters are the x and y offsets from 
             nominal center on the beam line and phi rotations of fiber planes
        <String name="FibFibName" value="FIBR"/>
        <String name="FibCladName" value="CLAD"/>
        <String name="FibFibMat" value="materials:Scintillator"/>
        <String name="FibCladMat" value="materials:Plexiglas"/>
        <Numeric name="FibSide" value="0.96*mm"/>
        <Numeric name="FibCladThick" value="0.04*mm"/>
        <Numeric name="FibLength" value="35*mm"/>
        <Vector name="FibPhi" type="numeric" nEntries="4">
            0*deg, 90*deg, 0*deg, 90*deg
        <Vector name="FibXOff" type="numeric" nEntries="4">
            -0.381*mm, 0*mm, -0.454*mm, 0*mm 
        <Vector name="FibYOff" type="numeric" nEntries="4">
            0*mm, -0.504*mm, 0*mm, -0.489*mm 
        <Vector name="FibZPiv" type="numeric" nEntries="4">
            -2657*mm, -2291*mm, -172*mm, [ebcon:hodoLastZ]