Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
#include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
#include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader.h"
#include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/IdealZDCTrapezoid.h"
#include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcGeometry.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include <algorithm>

typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat;

ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader(const ZdcTopology& ht) : extTopology(&ht) { init(); }

void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::init() {}

ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::load(DetId::Detector /*det*/, int subdet) {
  ReturnType hg(new ZdcGeometry(extTopology));
  if (subdet == HcalZDCDetId::SubdetectorId) {
    fill(HcalZDCDetId::EM, hg);
    fill(HcalZDCDetId::LUM, hg);
    fill(HcalZDCDetId::HAD, hg);
    if (m_zdcAddRPD)
          hg);  // line will be needed in next version of code, but is commented out for now in order to ensure run1 compatability.
  return hg;

ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::load() {
  ReturnType hg(new ZdcGeometry(extTopology));
  fill(HcalZDCDetId::EM, hg);
  fill(HcalZDCDetId::LUM, hg);
  fill(HcalZDCDetId::HAD, hg);
  if (m_zdcAddRPD)
    fill(HcalZDCDetId::RPD, hg);
  return hg;

void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::fill(HcalZDCDetId::Section section, ReturnType geom) {
  // start by making the new HcalDetIds
  std::vector<HcalZDCDetId> zdcIds;
  HcalZDCDetId id;
  int firstCell = extTopology->firstCell(section);
  int lastCell = extTopology->lastCell(section);
  for (int ichannel = firstCell; ichannel <= lastCell; ++ichannel) {
    id = HcalZDCDetId(section, true, ichannel);
    if (extTopology->valid(id))
    id = HcalZDCDetId(section, false, ichannel);
    if (extTopology->valid(id))
  if (geom->cornersMgr() == nullptr)
  if (geom->parMgr() == nullptr)
    geom->allocatePar(ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape * ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfShapes,

  edm::LogVerbatim("ZdcGeometry") << "Number of ZDC DetIds made: " << section << " " << zdcIds.size();

  // for each new HcalZdcDetId, make a CaloCellGeometry

  for (std::vector<HcalZDCDetId>::const_iterator zdcIdItr = zdcIds.begin(); zdcIdItr != zdcIds.end(); ++zdcIdItr) {
    makeCell(*zdcIdItr, geom);

void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(const HcalZDCDetId& detId, ReturnType geom) const {
  double zside(detId.zside());

  const HcalZDCDetId::Section section(detId.section());

  const int channel(;

  edm::LogVerbatim("ZdcGeometry") << "ZDCGeometry::Cell: " << detId << " Section " << section << " channel " << channel;
  //********* Here are all the hardcoded numbers you need to know, in **cm**
  //********* Most are from the zdc.xml and zdclum.xml files ******

  static const double x0(0);  // these 3 are for the "mother" volume
  static const double y0(0);
  static const double z0(14000);

  static const double angEM(0);  // the angles of front face wrt vertical
  static const double angLUM(0);
  static const double angRPD(0);
  static const double angHAD(atan(1.));  // this is 45 deg

  // these dimensions are **half**-sizes

  static const double dxHAD(4.8);
  static const double dxEM(dxHAD / 5.);
  static const double dxLUM(4.8);  // to be updated when known
  static const double dxRPD(4.8);  // to be updated when known

  static const double dhEM(6.25);
  static const double dhLUM(6.25);  // to be updated when known
  static const double dhHAD(6.25);
  static const double dhRPD(6.25);  // to be updated when known

  static const double dzEM(33. * 0.15);
  static const double dzLUM(23.5);  // to be updated when known
  static const double dzHAD(0.82 * 6. / cos(angHAD));
  static const double dzRPD(23.5);  // to be updated when known

  // these are not half-dimensions, they are offsets from nominal
  // for the center-of-front-face points

  static const double xOffEM(-4. * dxEM);
  static const double xOffLUM(0);
  static const double xOffHAD(0);
  static const double xOffRPD(0);

  static const double yOffEM(0);
  static const double yOffLUM(0);
  static const double yOffHAD(0);
  static const double yOffRPD(0);

  static const double zOffEM(-49.85 - 0.15);
  static const double zOffLUM(-39.555);
  static const double zOffHAD(-29.00);
  static const double zOffRPD(-39.555);


  double dx, dh, dz, x, y, z, an;

  if (section == HcalZDCDetId::EM) {
    dx = dxEM;
    dh = dhEM;
    dz = dzEM;
    an = angEM;
    x = zside * (x0 + xOffEM + (channel - 1.0) * dxEM * 2.);
    y = y0 + yOffEM;
    z = zside * (z0 + zOffEM);
  } else if (section == HcalZDCDetId::LUM) {
    dx = dxLUM;
    dh = dhLUM;
    dz = dzLUM;
    an = angLUM;
    x = zside * (x0 + xOffLUM);
    y = y0 + yOffLUM;
    z = zside * (z0 + zOffLUM + (channel - 1.0) * dzLUM * 2.);
  } else if (section == HcalZDCDetId::RPD) {
    dx = dxRPD;
    dh = dhRPD;
    dz = dzRPD;
    an = angRPD;
    x = zside * (x0 + xOffRPD);
    y = y0 + yOffRPD;
    z = zside * (z0 + zOffRPD + (channel - 1.0) * dzRPD * 2.);
  } else {
    assert(section == HcalZDCDetId::HAD);
    dx = dxHAD;
    dh = dhHAD;
    dz = dzHAD;
    an = angHAD;
    x = zside * (x0 + xOffHAD);
    y = y0 + yOffHAD;
    z = zside * (z0 + zOffHAD + (channel - 1.0) * dzHAD * 2.);

  const GlobalPoint fc(x, y, z);

  const double dy(dh * cos(an));

  std::vector<CCGFloat> zz;

  geom->newCell(fc, fc, fc, CaloCellGeometry::getParmPtr(zz, geom->parMgr(), geom->parVecVec()), detId);