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 * Implementation of the Model for a GEM Chamber
 *  \author S.Dildick 

#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMChamber.h"
#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMEtaPartition.h"
#include <iostream>

GEMChamber::GEMChamber(GEMDetId id, const ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundPlane>& plane) : GeomDet(plane), detId_(id) {

GEMChamber::~GEMChamber() {}

GEMDetId GEMChamber::id() const { return detId_; }

bool GEMChamber::operator==(const GEMChamber& ch) const { return this->id() ==; }

void GEMChamber::add(const GEMEtaPartition* rl) { etaPartitions_.emplace_back(rl); }

std::vector<const GeomDet*> GEMChamber::components() const {
  return std::vector<const GeomDet*>(etaPartitions_.begin(), etaPartitions_.end());

const GeomDet* GEMChamber::component(DetId id) const { return etaPartition(GEMDetId(id.rawId())); }

const std::vector<const GEMEtaPartition*>& GEMChamber::etaPartitions() const { return etaPartitions_; }

int GEMChamber::nEtaPartitions() const { return etaPartitions_.size(); }

const GEMEtaPartition* GEMChamber::etaPartition(GEMDetId id) const {
  if (id.chamberId() != detId_)
    return nullptr;  // not in this eta partition!
  return etaPartition(id.roll());

const GEMEtaPartition* GEMChamber::etaPartition(int isl) const {
  for (auto roll : etaPartitions_) {
    if (roll->id().roll() == isl)
      return roll;
  return nullptr;