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/** Derived from DTGeometryAnalyzer by Nicola Amapane
 *  \author M. Maggi - INFN Bari

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"

#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMEtaPartitionSpecs.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/StripTopology.h"

#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaPhi.h"

#include <memory>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>

class GEMGeometryAnalyzer : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<> {
  GEMGeometryAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& pset);

  ~GEMGeometryAnalyzer() override;

  void beginJob() override {}
  void analyze(edm::Event const& iEvent, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
  void endJob() override {}

  const std::string& myName() { return myName_; }

  const int dashedLineWidth_;
  const std::string dashedLine_;
  const std::string myName_;
  const edm::ESGetToken<GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord> tokGeom_;
  std::ofstream ofos;

using namespace std;
GEMGeometryAnalyzer::GEMGeometryAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& /*iConfig*/)
    : dashedLineWidth_(104),
      dashedLine_(std::string(dashedLineWidth_, '-')),
      tokGeom_{esConsumes<GEMGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord>(edm::ESInputTag{})} {"GEMtestOutput.out");
  ofos << "======================== Opening output file" << std::endl;

namespace {
  bool compareSupChm(const GEMSuperChamber* schm1, const GEMSuperChamber* schm2) {
    return (schm1->id().v12Form() < schm2->id().v12Form());
}  // namespace

GEMGeometryAnalyzer::~GEMGeometryAnalyzer() {
  ofos << "======================== Closing output file" << std::endl;

void GEMGeometryAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event& /*iEvent*/, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
  const auto& pDD = iSetup.getData(tokGeom_);

  ofos << myName() << ": Analyzer..." << std::endl;
  ofos << "start " << dashedLine_ << std::endl;

  ofos << " Geometry node for GEMGeom is  " << &pDD << endl;
  ofos << " detTypes       \t" << pDD.detTypes().size() << endl;
  ofos << " GeomDetUnit       \t" << pDD.detUnits().size() << endl;
  ofos << " GeomDet           \t" << pDD.dets().size() << endl;
  ofos << " GeomDetUnit DetIds\t" << pDD.detUnitIds().size() << endl;
  ofos << " eta partitions \t" << pDD.etaPartitions().size() << endl;
  ofos << " chambers       \t" << pDD.chambers().size() << endl;
  ofos << " super chambers  \t" << pDD.superChambers().size() << endl;
  ofos << " rings  \t\t" << pDD.rings().size() << endl;
  ofos << " stations  \t\t" << pDD.stations().size() << endl;
  ofos << " regions  \t\t" << pDD.regions().size() << endl;

  // checking uniqueness of roll detIds
  bool flagNonUniqueRollID = false;
  bool flagNonUniqueRollRawID = false;
  int nstrips = 0;
  int npads = 0;
  for (auto roll1 : pDD.etaPartitions()) {
    nstrips += roll1->nstrips();
    npads += roll1->npads();
    for (auto roll2 : pDD.etaPartitions()) {
      if (roll1 != roll2) {
        if (roll1->id() == roll2->id())
          flagNonUniqueRollID = true;
        if (roll1->id().rawId() == roll2->id().rawId())
          flagNonUniqueRollRawID = true;
  // checking the number of strips and pads
  ofos << " total number of strips\t" << nstrips << endl;
  ofos << " total number of pads  \t" << npads << endl;
  if (flagNonUniqueRollID or flagNonUniqueRollRawID)
    ofos << " -- WARNING: non unique roll Ids!!!" << endl;

  // checking uniqueness of chamber detIds
  bool flagNonUniqueChID = false;
  bool flagNonUniqueChRawID = false;
  for (auto ch1 : pDD.chambers()) {
    for (auto ch2 : pDD.chambers()) {
      if (ch1 != ch2) {
        if (ch1->id() == ch2->id())
          flagNonUniqueChID = true;
        if (ch1->id().rawId() == ch2->id().rawId())
          flagNonUniqueChRawID = true;
  if (flagNonUniqueChID or flagNonUniqueChRawID)
    ofos << " -- WARNING: non unique chamber Ids!!!" << endl;

  ofos << myName() << ": Begin iteration over geometry..." << endl;
  ofos << "iter " << dashedLine_ << endl;

  //----------------------- Global GEMGeometry TEST -------------------------------------------------------
  ofos << myName() << "Begin GEMGeometry structure TEST" << endl;

  for (auto region : pDD.regions()) {
    ofos << "  GEMRegion " << region->region() << " has " << region->nStations() << " stations." << endl;
    for (auto station : region->stations()) {
      ofos << "    GEMStation " << station->getName() << " has " << station->nRings() << " rings." << endl;
      for (auto ring : station->rings()) {
        ofos << "      GEMRing " << ring->region() << " " << ring->station() << " " << ring->ring() << " has "
             << ring->nSuperChambers() << " super chambers." << endl;
        int i = 1;
        auto supChmSort = ring->superChambers();
        std::sort(supChmSort.begin(), supChmSort.end(), compareSupChm);
        for (auto sch : supChmSort) {
          GEMDetId schId(sch->id());
          ofos << "        GEMSuperChamber " << i << ", GEMDetId = " << schId.rawId() << ", " << schId << " has "
               << sch->nChambers() << " chambers." << endl;
          // checking the dimensions of each partition & chamber
          int j = 1;
          for (auto ch : sch->chambers()) {
            GEMDetId chId(ch->id());
            int nRolls(ch->nEtaPartitions());
            ofos << "          GEMChamber " << j << ", GEMDetId = " << chId.rawId() << ", " << chId << " has " << nRolls
                 << " eta partitions." << endl;

            int k = 1;
            auto& rolls(ch->etaPartitions());

	     * possible checklist for an eta partition:
	     *   base_bottom, base_top, height, strips, pads
	     *   cx, cy, cz, ceta, cphi
	     *   tx, ty, tz, teta, tphi
	     *   bx, by, bz, beta, bphi
	     *   pitch center, pitch bottom, pitch top
	     *   deta, dphi
	     *   gap thickness
	     *   sum of all dx + gap = chamber height

            for (auto roll : rolls) {
              GEMDetId rId(roll->id());
              ofos << "            GEMEtaPartition " << k << ", GEMDetId = " << rId.rawId() << ", " << rId << endl;

              const BoundPlane& bSurface(roll->surface());
              const StripTopology* topology(&(roll->specificTopology()));

              // base_bottom, base_top, height, strips, pads (all half length)
              auto& parameters(roll->specs()->parameters());
              float bottomEdge(parameters[0]);
              float topEdge(parameters[1]);
              float height(parameters[2]);
              float nStrips(parameters[3]);
              float nPads(parameters[4]);

              LocalPoint lCentre(0., 0., 0.);
              GlobalPoint gCentre(bSurface.toGlobal(lCentre));

              LocalPoint lTop(0., height, 0.);
              GlobalPoint gTop(bSurface.toGlobal(lTop));

              LocalPoint lBottom(0., -height, 0.);
              GlobalPoint gBottom(bSurface.toGlobal(lBottom));

              //   gx, gy, gz, geta, gphi (center)
              double cx(gCentre.x());
              double cy(gCentre.y());
              double cz(gCentre.z());
              double ceta(gCentre.eta());
              int cphi(static_cast<int>(gCentre.phi().degrees()));
              if (cphi < 0)
                cphi += 360;

              double tx(gTop.x());
              double ty(gTop.y());
              double tz(gTop.z());
              double teta(gTop.eta());
              int tphi(static_cast<int>(gTop.phi().degrees()));
              if (tphi < 0)
                tphi += 360;

              double bx(gBottom.x());
              double by(gBottom.y());
              double bz(gBottom.z());
              double beta(gBottom.eta());
              int bphi(static_cast<int>(gBottom.phi().degrees()));
              if (bphi < 0)
                bphi += 360;

              // pitch bottom, pitch top, pitch centre
              float pitch(roll->pitch());
              float topPitch(roll->localPitch(lTop));
              float bottomPitch(roll->localPitch(lBottom));

              // Type - should be GHA[1-nRolls]
              string type(roll->type().name());

              // print info about edges
              LocalPoint lEdge1(topology->localPosition(0.));
              LocalPoint lEdgeN(topology->localPosition((float)nStrips));

              double cstrip1(roll->toGlobal(lEdge1).phi().degrees());
              double cstripN(roll->toGlobal(lEdgeN).phi().degrees());
              double dphi(cstripN - cstrip1);
              if (dphi < 0.)
                dphi += 360.;
              double deta(abs(beta - teta));
              const bool printDetails(true);
              if (printDetails) {
                ofos << "    \t\tType: " << type << endl
                     << "    \t\tDimensions[cm]: b = " << bottomEdge * 2 << ", B = " << topEdge * 2
                     << ", h  = " << height * 2 << endl
                     << "    \t\tnStrips = " << nStrips << ", nPads =  " << nPads << endl
                     << "    \t\tfirst strip pos = (" << roll->toGlobal(lEdge1).x() << ", "
                     << roll->toGlobal(lEdge1).y() << ", " << roll->toGlobal(lEdge1).z() << ")" << endl
                     << "    \t\tlast  strip pos = (" << roll->toGlobal(lEdgeN).x() << ", "
                     << roll->toGlobal(lEdgeN).y() << ", " << roll->toGlobal(lEdgeN).z() << ")" << endl
                     << "    \t\ttop(x,y,z)[cm] = (" << tx << ", " << ty << ", " << tz << "), top(eta,phi) = (" << teta
                     << ", " << tphi << ")" << endl
                     << "    \t\tcenter(x,y,z)[cm] = (" << cx << ", " << cy << ", " << cz << "), center(eta,phi) = ("
                     << ceta << ", " << cphi << ")" << endl
                     << "    \t\tbottom(x,y,z)[cm] = (" << bx << ", " << by << ", " << bz << "), bottom(eta,phi) = ("
                     << beta << ", " << bphi << ")" << endl
                     << "    \t\tpitch (top,center,bottom) = (" << topPitch << ", " << pitch << ", " << bottomPitch
                     << "), dEta = " << deta << ", dPhi = " << dphi << endl;

  ofos << dashedLine_ << " end" << std::endl;

//define this as a plug-in
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"