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* This is a part of TOTEM offline software.
* Authors: 
*	Jan Kaspar ( 

#ifndef RECORDS_VeryForwardRealGeometryRecord_H
#define RECORDS_VeryForwardRealGeometryRecord_H

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/DependentRecordImplementation.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/IdealGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/VeryForwardIdealGeometryRecord.h"

#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/mplVector.h"

#include "CondFormats/AlignmentRecord/interface/RPRealAlignmentRecord.h"

 * \ingroup TotemRPGeometry
 * \brief Event setup record containing the real (actual) geometry information.
class VeryForwardRealGeometryRecord
    : public edm::eventsetup::DependentRecordImplementation<
          edm::mpl::Vector<VeryForwardIdealGeometryRecord, IdealGeometryRecord, RPRealAlignmentRecord /*, ... */> > {};
