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PIXEL forward detector

 @version October 17, 2007
 @created Vesna Cuplov (2006)
 @modified Vesna Cuplov (2007)
  - Forward pixel Disks and Service cylinder mixtures definitions.
  - All mixtures for FPix disks were updated in october 2007.
    (added capacitors, resistors, solders  in the HDI and VHDI mixtures..... )
  - Mixtures for Service cylinder were fully implemented in october 2007.
 @modified Vesna Cuplov (2008)
  New Aluminium density for the Outer Ring volume in order to take into account
  the non-implemented holes in the Outer Ring. We used the real volume (this volume takes 
  into account the holes in the ring) of the outer ring calculated by G. Derylo. 
  The inner ring material was not implemented with the mixture program because 
  this ring was modified (more holes in it) in order to remove more material. So, to
  implement the new aluminium density to be used in the simulation, we used the  
  inner ring mass value from the lab measurements and computed the denisty needed 
  to reproduce this mass with a simulated inner ring volume without implemented holes. 


Input file for mixture.f
Start new mixtures with a '#' in the first column
Start the components with a '*' in the first column
You can type any kind of comment in as long as you don't start it
with '#' or '*' !
For mixture declaration: Name of Mixture, Name of GMIX for title file, 
                         Monte Carlo Volume, MC Area
For items in a compound: Item number, Comment, Material (has to be 
                 written exactly as in material.input file), 
                 Volume, Multiplicity, Type
      Type is one of the following:  SUP for support
                                     SEN for sensitive volumes
                                     CAB for cables
                                     COL for cooling
                                     ELE for electronics

1) BumpBonds+Air layer per ROC area
ROC dimensions: Length=0.994cm, Width=0.801cm and Thickness=0.0190cm

An average of 4160 Bump Bonds (63% Tin and 37% Lead) per ROC
Bump Bond size: Length= 0.003cm, Width=0.003cm and Thickness=0.0025cm
Volume will be approximatively: V = 0.0000000225 cm^3 

The bump bond is made of a material named Bump_Bond. 
# "Pixel Forward BumpBond layer per ROC" "Pix_Fwd_Bump" 0.00199  1
* 1 "Bump Bonds" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.0000936 1 ELE

The total area of VHDI on a blade is 60.5326 cm2 
We have one layer of Kapton on 60.5326 cm2 area and thickness of 0.009cm
We have Copper only 60% of the volume made by 60.5326 cm2 area and thickness of 0.004cm

So the Kapton Volume is 0.5448 cm3 and the Copper Volume is 0.1453 cm3.

The total volume of VHDI on a blade is 60.5326 cm2 * 0.009 + 60% * 60.5326* 0.004 = 0.6901 cm3

There are 135 capacitors made of Marium_Titanate. (L=1mm, W=0.5mm and Thickness=0.25mm)
There are Solders made of Tin/Lead in proportion of 63/37: Total volume of Solder is: 0.0054 cm3

# "Pixel Forward VHDI" "Pix_Fwd_VHDI"  0.7124  60.5326
* 1 "VHDI: Kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 0.5448 1 ELE
* 2 "VHDI: Copper" "Copper" 0.1453 1 ELE
* 3 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 0.000125 135 ELE
* 4 "Solders" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.0054 1 ELE

3) AgEpoxy (also called ChoTherm1680)

There are 2 places where we put this material: Between VHDI and ROC and Between Plaquette and HDI prom panel. 
The last bottom layer of a plaquette is made of AgEpoxy and will then be touching the HDI layer of a panel.

Greg Derylo called this ChoTherm (the XML file call this Pix_Fwd_AgEpoxy. 

Description of the layer between VHDI and ROC : Acrylic (Epoxy assumed) V = 0.0895 cm3
                                                BN powder V = 0.0895 cm3
                                                (Boron Nitride powder ~ ceramic)
                                                Silicone  V = 0.3579 cm3
                                                Polyimide  V = 0.0895 cm3
# "Pixel Forward AgEpoxy VHDI-ROC" "Pix_Fwd_AgEpoxy"  0.6264  1
* 1 "Acrylic is epoxy" "FPix_Epoxy" 0.0895 1 SUP
* 2 "BN powder" "FPix_BNPowder" 0.0895 1 SUP
* 3 "Silicone" "FPix_Silicone" 0.3579 1 SUP
* 4 "Polyimide is kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 0.0895 1 ELE

4) Adhesive Film: 3M 9882 tape 
This tape is made of Acrylic (Epoxy assumed) V = 0.2421cm3 and Ceramic (BN powder) V = 0.0605 cm3
# "Pixel Forward AdhFilm 3M 9882" "Pix_Fwd_AdhFilm"  0.3026  1
* 1 "Acrylic is epoxy" "FPix_Epoxy" 0.2421 1 SUP
* 2 "Ceramic" "FPix_BNPowder" 0.0605 1  SUP

5) HDI + other components per blade
HDI on a BLADE (2 panels) is made of: Kapton (0.4278 * 2 cm3), an internal flex adhesive(~epoxy) (0.2139 * 2 cm3), Copper (0.0675 * 2 cm3).
There are 8 capacitors made of BaTiO3: V = 0.0019 cm3
There are 9 resistors made of Alumina: V = 0.0022 cm3
There are Solders made of Tin/Lead in proportion of 63/37: Total volume of Solder is: 0.0085 cm3
We also have Bias and Ground Wires: Copper V = 0.0362 cm3
                                    Kapton V = 0.1087 cm3
                                    Solder Tin/Lead (63/37) V = 0.012 cm3
                                    Epoxy V = 0.030 cm3
                                    Indium solders In/Sn (52/48) V = 0.006 cm3 

# "Pixel Forward HDI" "Pix_Fwd_HDI" 1.6232   1
* 1 "Kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 0.8556 1 ELE
* 2 "Internal flex adhesive is like epoxy" "FPix_Epoxy" 0.4278 1 SUP
* 3 "Copper" "Copper" 0.1349 1 ELE
* 4 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 0.0019 1 ELE
* 5 "Resistors" "FPix_Alumina" 0.0022 1 ELE
* 6 "Solders"  "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.0085 1 ELE
* 7 "Copper" "Copper" 0.0362 1 ELE
* 8 "Kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 0.1087 1 ELE
* 9 "Solders"  "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.012 1 ELE
* 10 "Epoxy" "FPix_Epoxy" 0.030 1 SUP
* 11 "Solders Indium" "Indium" 0.006 1 ELE

6) Aluminium for inner ring (NO EDGES)
   We want a new aluminium density that is used for the inner Ring in order to take
   into account the holes that are not implemented in the simulation.
   18.78 cm3 is the volume of an inner-ring without holes as it is in the simulation.
   G. Derylo calulated the inner-ring REAL volume (there are many holes in the ring):
   13.944 cm3 - 0.624 cm3 (2 x 0.312cm3 = 2 x one inner edge volume)
   G. Derylo used docDB 506 to get inner and outer ring drawing numbers and then pulled 
   the 3D part models out of the library and used the CAD software to calculate the 

# "Aluminium for inner ring" "Aluminium_InnerRing"  18.78  1
* 1 "Aluminium" "Aluminium"  13.32 1 SUP

7) Aluminium for outer ring (NO EDGES)
   We want a new aluminium density that is used for the outer Ring in order to take
   into account the holes in the outer ring that are not implemented in the
   58.572 cm3 is the volume of an outer-ring without holes as it is in the simulation.
   G. Derylo calulated the outer-ring REAL volume (there are many holes in the ring):
   41.446 cm3 - 2 cm3 (2 x 1cm3 = 2 x one outer edge volume )

# "Aluminium for outer ring" "Aluminium_OuterRing"  58.572  1
* 1 "Aluminium" "Aluminium"  39.446 1 SUP

The following description (Volumes 1-8) has been done by B. Gobbi and E. Spencer.
See FPix DOC DB: 1628-v2 

# "Volume 1 " "Pix_Fwd_Servi_Cylind" 8957 1
* 1 "Carbon Fiber" "FPix_Cylind_CF" 1162 1 SUP
* 2 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 26 1 CAB
* 3 "Aluminium" "Aluminium" 6 1 SUP
* 4 "Ceramic" "Ceramic" 1 1 SUP

# "Volume 2 " "Pix_Fwd_End_Flange" 412 1
* 1 "Aluminium for End Flange" "Aluminium" 187 1 SUP
* 2 "Aluminium for cooling lines" "Aluminium" 4 1 COL
* 3 "SnCu" "FPix_Cylind_SnCu" 11 1 CAB
* 4 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 35 1 CAB
* 5 "C6F14" "FPix_Cylind_C6F14" 16 1 COL

# "Volume 3 " "Pix_Fwd_End_Electro_1" 1139 1
* 1 "SnCu" "FPix_Cylind_SnCu" 13 1 CAB
* 2 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 65 1 CAB
* 3 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 39 1 CAB
* 4 "Carbon Fiber" "FPix_Cylind_CF" 23 1 SUP
* 5 "Copper" "Copper" 2 1 ELE
* 6 "Polyester" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 5 1 CAB

# "Volume 4 " "Pix_Fwd_End_Electro_2" 980 1
* 1 "SnCu" "FPix_Cylind_SnCu" 11 1 CAB
* 2 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 54 1 CAB
* 3 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 31 1 CAB
* 4 "Carbon Fiber" "FPix_Cylind_CF" 19 1 SUP
* 5 "Copper" "Copper" 1 1 ELE
* 6 "Polyester" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 4 1 CAB

# "Volume 5 " "Pix_Fwd_End_Coil_Fiber" 2833 1
* 1 "Polyester" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 225 1 CAB
* 2 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 122 1 CAB
* 3 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 33 1 SUP
* 4 "Noryl" "FPix_Cylind_Noryl" 26 1 SUP
* 5 "PMMA" "FPix_Cylind_PMMA" 10 1 CAB

# "Volume 6 " "Pix_Fwd_Port_Cards" 332 1
* 1 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 103 1 ELE
* 2 "Copper" "Copper" 11 1 ELE
* 3 "Polyimide (extension cable)" "FPix_Kapton" 33 1 CAB
* 4 "Port card/ CCU connectors" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 12 1 CAB
* 5 "Solder" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 1 1 ELE
* 6 "Resistors" "FPix_Alumina" 2 1 ELE
* 7 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 1 1 ELE
* 8 "Chips" "Silicon" 1 1 ELE
* 9 "OH parts (mostly G10)" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 27 1 ELE

# "Volume 7: FRONT " "Pix_Fwd_End_Pipe_1"  477 1
* 1 "SnCu" "FPix_Cylind_SnCu" 74 1 CAB
* 2 "C6F14" "FPix_Cylind_C6F14" 214 1 COL
* 3 "Aluminium (cooling tube)" "Aluminium" 81 1 COL
* 4 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 88 1 CAB 

# "Volume 8: BACK " "Pix_Fwd_End_Pipe_2"  396 1
* 1 "SnCu" "FPix_Cylind_SnCu" 66 1 CAB
* 2 "C6F14" "FPix_Cylind_C6F14" 170 1 COL
* 3 "Aluminium (cooling tube)" "Aluminium" 82 1 COL
* 4 "Poliax" "FPix_Cylind_POLIAX" 78 1 CAB 

# "Volume 9: " "Pix_Fwd_DCDC_Converter"  24.497 1
* 1 "Copper" "Copper" 0.475 1 ELE
* 2 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 16.454 1 ELE
* 3 "Kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 0.107 1 CAB
* 4 "Polyester" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 3.526 1 CAB 
* 5 "Solder" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.009 1 ELE
* 6 "Aluminium" "FPix_Alumina" 3.926 1 COL

# "Volume 10: " "Pix_Fwd_Port_Cards_Phase1" 2703 1
* 1 "G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 419.09 1 ELE
* 2 "Copper" "Copper" 44.75 1 ELE
* 3 "Polyimide (extension cable)" "FPix_Kapton" 134.29 1 CAB
* 4 "Port card/ CCU connectors" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 48.83 1 CAB
* 5 "Solder" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 4.08 1 ELE
* 6 "Resistors" "FPix_Alumina" 8.11 1 ELE
* 7 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 4.08 1 ELE
* 8 "Chips" "Silicon" 4.08 1 ELE
* 9 "OH parts (mostly G10)" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 109.85 1 ELE
* 10 "DCDC Copper" "Copper" 15.08 1 ELE
* 11 "DCDC G10" "FPix_Cylind_G10" 521.97 1 ELE
* 12 "DCDC Kapton" "FPix_Kapton" 3.39 1 CAB
* 13 "DCDC Polyester" "FPix_Cylind_Polyester" 111.82 1 CAB 
* 14 "DCDC Solder" "FPix_TinLeadSolder" 0.28 1 ELE
* 15 "DCDC Aluminium" "FPix_Alumina" 124.52 1 COL

# "END"  "END"  0.  0.   
this has to be the last line !