Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307

$$  This includes all the volumes that make up the TEC modules

Input file for mixture.f
Start new mixtures with a '#' in the first column
Start the components with a '*' in the first column
You can type any kind of comment in as long as you don't start it
with '#' or '*' !
For mixture declaration: Name of Mixture, Name of GMIX for title file, 
                         Monte Carlo Volume, MC Area
For items in a compound: Item number, Comment, Material (has to be 
                 written exactly as in material.input file), 
                 Volume, Multiplicity, Type
      Type is one of the following:  SUP for support
                                     SEN for sensitive volumes
                                     CAB for cables
                                     COL for cooling
                                     ELE for electronics

o  Hybrid for TEC rings 3,4,6,7 
Hybrids have 4 APVs
Dimensions 65.2 x 30 mm^2 = 19.56 cm^2

MCVolume: 65.2 x 25.26 x 0.68 = 1119.93 mm^3

 Composition of the Hybrids taken from TOB layers 1-2

(1) Hybrid reviewed November 2006 - Central Hybrid (no kapton tail, which is in ICC* material definition, see below)
	- Kapton: (25+25) um = 50 um = 0.0050 cm --> 0.075 cm^3
	- Copper: (18+12+18+18+18+12) um = 96 um = 0.0096 cm --> 0.144 cm^3
	- Solder Mask: 20 um = 0.0020 cm --> 0.030 cm^3
	- Glue: (50+50) um = 100 um thickness = 0.0100 cm --> 0.150 cm^3 
		[WAS (1) new FR4 hybrid
		Estimate: 300 mu FR4,
	          3 x 25 mu Cu
	          ~300 mu Kapton 
		-Pt-Au layer: tbd  ]
(2) Hybrid components
    R: (14 + n_APV)   0402 size  material: carbon   -> 18 
    C: 2 x 1206 large ones
       (5 + 2*n_APV)  0402 size    -> 13
                 0402: (1 x 0.5 x 0.5) mm^3 = 0.25 mm^3 = 0.25 x 10^-3 cm^3
                 1206: (3 x 1.5 x 1.5) mm^3 = 6.75 mm^3 = 6.75 x 10^-3 cm^3
    APV25:     (7.1 x 8.1 x 0.3) mm^3 = 17.253 mm^3 = 0.017253 cm^3     4 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    PLL:       (4.0 x 4.0 x 0.3) mm^3 = 4.8 mm^3 = 0.0048 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    MUX:       (5.0 x 5.0 x 0.3) mm^3 = 7.5 mm^3 = 0.0075 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    		[WAS PLL+MUX  : 2.0 x 7.1 x 0.3 mm^3     1 per hybrid ]
    DCU  :     (2.0 x 2.0 x 0.3) mm^3 = 1.2 mm^3 = 0.0012 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
(3) Wire bonds
		Al, 1% Si, 25 um diameter, medium hardness
		tail length visible but short < 50 um
	1 wire bond: average of 4 mm length diameter 25 um + 1 tail =
			= { [ pi x (0.025/2)^2 ] mm^2 x 4 mm } + { [ pi x (0.025/2)^2 ] mm^2 x 0.050 mm } =
			= [1.963x10^-3 mm^3] + [0.0245x10^-3 mm^3] = 2.0x10^-3 mm^3 = 2.0x10^-6 cm^3 [99% Aluminium + 1% Silicon]
		PA bias line to sensor bias ring: 5 bonds
		PA to hybrid: nAPV x 128 bonds
		PA to sensor: nAPV x 128 bonds
	TOTAL: 2x128xnAPV+5 bonds = 1029 bonds

In the TEC we mix the ceramic support into the hybrid.
(4) Ceramic support
	Area from the technical drawings: 19.55 cm^2
	Volume: 19.55 x 0.0387 = 0.7566 cm^3

MC volume has been rescaled to give proper density: rho = 4.853 g/cm^3
# "TEC Hybrid Rings 3/4/5/7"        "TEC_Hybrid4APV"  0.9767     19.56
Central Hybrid (no tail)
* 1  "Central Hybrid Kapton"      "T_Kapton"        0.075       1 ELE
* 2  "Central Hybrid Copper"      "Copper"          0.144       1 ELE
* 3  "Central Hybrid Solder Mask" "T_Kapton"        0.030       1 ELE
* 4  "Central Hybrid Glue"        "Epoxy"           0.150       1 ELE
Components:  Resistors
* 5  "Resistors"                  "Carbon"          0.25E-3    18 ELE
* 6  "R metal"                    "SMD_metal"       1.E-4      18 ELE
* 7  "Small caps"                 "Alumina"         0.25E-3    13 ELE
* 8  "C metal"                    "SMD_metal"       1.E-4      13 ELE
* 9  "Large caps"                 "Alumina"         6.75E-3     2 ELE
* 10 "C metal large"              "SMD_metal"       1.E-3       2 ELE
* 11 "APV25"                      "Silicon"         0.017253    4 ELE
* 12 "PLL"                        "Silicon"         4.8E-3      1 ELE
* 13 "MUX"                        "Silicon"         7.5E-3      1 ELE
* 14 "DCU"                        "Silicon"         1.2E-3      1 ELE
Wire bonds
* 15 "Wire bonds"                 "Aluminium"       1.98E-6  1029 ELE
* 16 "Wire bonds"                 "Silicon"         0.02E-6  1029 ELE
* 17 "Ceramic Support"			  "Ceramic"         0.7033 		1 SUP

o  Hybrid for TEC rings 1,2,5
Taken from TOB Layers 5-6

Hybrids have 6 APVs

as above, except: 
(2) Hybrid components
    R: (14 + n_APV)   0402 size  material: carbon   -> 20 
    C: 2 x 1206 large ones
       (5 + 2xn_APV)  0402 size    -> 17
(3) Wire bonds
	see above for details
	TOTAL: 2x128xnAPV+5 bonds = 1541 bonds

MC volume has been rescaled to give proper density: rho = 4.853 g/cm^3
# "TEC Hybrid Rings 1/2/5"        "TEC_Hybrid6APV"  0.9961     19.56
Central Hybrid (no tail)
* 1  "Central Hybrid Kapton"      "T_Kapton"        0.075       1 ELE
* 2  "Central Hybrid Copper"      "Copper"          0.144       1 ELE
* 3  "Central Hybrid Solder Mask" "T_Kapton"        0.030       1 ELE
* 4  "Central Hybrid Glue"        "Epoxy"           0.150       1 ELE
Components:  Resistors
* 5  "Resistors"                  "Carbon"          0.25E-3    20 ELE
* 6  "R metal"                    "SMD_metal"       1.E-4      20 ELE
* 7  "Small caps"                 "Alumina"         0.25E-3    17 ELE
* 8  "C metal"                    "SMD_metal"       1.E-4      17 ELE
* 9  "Large caps"                 "Alumina"         6.75E-3     2 ELE
* 10 "C metal large"              "SMD_metal"       1.E-3       2 ELE
* 11 "APV25"                      "Silicon"         0.017253    6 ELE
* 12 "PLL"                        "Silicon"         4.8E-3      1 ELE
* 13 "MUX"                        "Silicon"         7.5E-3      1 ELE
* 14 "DCU"                        "Silicon"         1.2E-3      1 ELE
Wire bonds
* 15 "Wire bonds"                 "Aluminium"       1.98E-6  1541 ELE
* 16 "Wire bonds"                 "Silicon"         0.02E-6  1541 ELE
* 17 "Ceramic Support"			  "Ceramic"         0.7033 		1 SUP


 Pitch adapter
  -> Using Volume/Area of the Ring5N PA!

(1) PA:
  Material Description from SCHOTT
  MC Area 16.01 cm^2 (from technical drawings)
  MC Volume 16.01 x 0.0665 = 1.0647 cm^3
  Mixed into the PA
  correct Volume: 3.63 cm^2 x 0.0209 cm = 0.07588 cm^3

# "TEC pitch adapter"    "TEC_PitchAdapter"       1.0647      16.01
* 1 "Silicon"			 "Silicon"        2.802E-1    1  ELE
* 2 "Sodium" 			 "Sodium"	  1.001E-1    1  ELE
* 3 "Potassium" 		 "Potassium"	  1.391E-1    1  ELE
* 4 "Zinc" 		 	 "Zinc"	          1.360E-2    1  ELE
* 5 "Aluminium" 		 "Aluminium"	  1.770E-2    1  ELE
* 6 "Titanium" 			 "Titanium"	  1.138E-2    1  ELE
* 7 "Antimony" 			 "Antimony"	  1.476E-3    1  ELE
* 8 "Chromium" 			 "Chromium"	  2.826E-6    1  ELE
* 9 "Oxygen" 			 "Oxygen"         7.147E+2    1  ELE
* 10 "Boron" 			 "Bor 11"         2.255E-2    1  ELE
* 11 "Spacer" 			 "Ceramic"        0.0714      1  SUP


o Module frame legs Rings 1 to 4
  Using Data from R3N

  The Side Frames are constructed after the iso-side. Additional material on the bias side isa
  added via the supportboxes and the tail (in petals)
  MC Area: 18.22*0.96 cm^2
  MC Volume: 1.3056 cm^3
  (1) Carbon frame (graphite)
	  Volume 18.22 x 0.0764 = 1.392 cm^3
  Volume 18.22 x 0.0258 = 0.470 cm^3
  This devides into:
  (2)  Copper traces 2.3925 x 0.0035 = 0.00837 cm^3
  (3)  Gold  1.99414 x 0.00001 = 0.00002 cm^3
  (4)  Nickel 1.9941 x 0.0004 = 0.0008 cm^3
  (5) rest -> kapton : 0.4608 cm^3
  silver glue and components are neglected due to missing measurements

# "TEC frame legs 1 to 4" "TEC_frame_side_1_4"    1.3056    18.22
* 1 "Carbon frame"	  "Carbon"     		  1.402    1    SUP
* 2 "Copper traces"       "Copper"                0.0084   1    ELE
* 3 "Gold"		  "Gold"		  0.00002  1    ELE
* 4 "Nickel"		  "Nickel"		  0.0008   1    ELE
* 5 "LV Kapton"           "T_Kapton"              0.4608   1    ELE

o Module frame legs Rings 5 to 7
  Using Data from R7N

  The Side Frames are constructed after the iso-side. Additional material on the bias side is
  added via the supportboxes and the tail (in petals)
  MC Area: 32.25*0.96 cm^2
  MC Volume: 2.3688 cm^3
  (1) Carbon fibre frame 
	  Volume (32.25+5.33) x 0.0764 = 2.871 cm^3
    -> but adjusted carbon fibre volume to reproduce measured mass of 3.095 g
	  per leg
  Volume 32.25 x 0.0258 = 0.832 cm^3
  This devides into:
  (2)  Copper 3.03469 x 0.0035  = 0.01062 cm^3
  (3)  Gold   1.70505 x 0.00001 = 0.00002 cm^3
  (4)  Nickel 1.7051  x 0.0004  = 0.00068 cm^3
  (5) rest -> kapton : 0.82068  cm^3
  silver glue and components are neglected due to missing measurements

# "TEC frame legs 5 to 7" "TEC_frame_side_5_7"    2.3688     32.25
* 1 "Carbon fiber frame"  "Carbon fibre str."     1.8314   1    SUP
* 2 "Copper traces"       "Copper"                0.01062  1    ELE
* 3 "Gold"		  "Gold"		  0.00002  1    ELE
* 4 "Nickel"		  "Nickel"		  0.00068  1    ELE
* 5 "LV Kapton"           "T_Kapton"              0.82068  1    ELE


o Supplies Boxes
  Usind data from R3N
  MC Area:   4.78 cm^2
  MC Volume: 4.78 x 0.0258 = 0.123 cm^3
  (1 to 3) from kaptonaufteilung.ods  by minimizing the standarad diviation which is still 18.8%
  (4) rest 
  (5) from silver glue 12.5 mg / 1049 mg/cm^3 = 0.01191

MC volume has been rescaled to give proper density: rho = 1.42g/cm^3
# "TEC Sideframe Supplies Box"	"TEC_SideFrSupBox"	0.2467	4.78
* 1 "Copper traces"       "Copper"                0.00639  1    ELE
* 2 "Gold"		  "Gold"		  0.00002  1    ELE
* 3 "Nickel"		  "Nickel"		  0.00061  1    ELE
* 4 "LV Kapton"           "T_Kapton"              0.11598  1    ELE
* 5 "Silver"		  "Silver"		  0.01192  1    ELE

o Si-Reinforcement
  using Data from R1N
  MC Area: 3.35 cm^2
  MC Volume: 3.35 x 0.387 = 1.296 cm^3

  Is made out of ceramic

MC volume has been rescaled to give proper density: rho = 3.731 g/cm^3
# "SiReenforcment"		"TEC_SiReenforcment"	1.3773	3.35
* 1 "Ceramic"			"Ceramic"		1.296 	1 SUP


o TEC frame at the module top

  MC Volume: Width of the module x 3.72 x 0.1 cm
  Actual volume is about that minus 10 %

  (1)  Carbon
   Top frame always consists of graphite.

MC volume has been rescaled to give proper density: rho = 1.931 g/cm^3
# "TEC module frame top"        "TEC_frame_top"    0.3928      3.72
* 1 "TEC frame top"             "Carbon"           0.3348   1  SUP

# "END"  "END"  0.  0.   
this has to be the last line !