Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260

$$  This includes all the volumes that make up the TIB modules
$$  as well as the electronics on the module string !

Input file for mixture.f
Start new mixtures with a '#' in the first column
Start the components with a '*' in the first column
You can type any kind of comment in as long as you don't start it
with '#' or '*' !
For mixture declaration: Name of Mixture, Name of GMIX for title file, 
                         Monte Carlo Volume, MC Area
For items in a compound: Item number, Comment, Material (has to be 
                 written exactly as in material.input file), 
                 Volume, Multiplicity, type
      Type is one of the following:  SUP for support
                                     SEN for sensitive volumes
                                     CAB for cables
                                     COL for cooling
                                     ELE for electronics

... EM 18Jun07

... This file should include materials common to TIB and TID
... By now only CCUM is actually commonly defined
... as MCvolume of TIB hybrids are twice those of TID hybrids 


20071014 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 3.2cm*2.3cm*0.8cm = 5.89cm^3 ~ 6.0cm^3

Composition mostly inferred from TOB
SMD passive components neglected 

# "CCUM"                   "TIBTID_CCUM"            6.00000   -1.
* 1 "PCB Copper"           "Copper"                 1.17760 0.090 ELE
* 2 "PCB FR4"              "T_FR4"                  1.17760 0.910 ELE
* 3 "ASIC CCU Si"          "Silicon"                0.01512    1  ELE
* 4 "ASIC CCU SnPbAg"      "SMD_metal"              0.01331    1  ELE
* 5 "ASIC CCU EMC"         "Epoxy"                  0.31905    1  ELE
* 6 "ASIC DCU Si"          "Silicon"                0.00140    1  ELE
* 7 "ASIC DCU Cu"          "Copper"                 0.00255    1  ELE
* 8 "ASIC DCU EMC"         "Epoxy"                  0.01206    1  ELE
* 9 "ASIC LVDSMux Si"      "Silicon"                0.00140    1  ELE
* 10 "ASIC LVDSMux Cu"     "Copper"                 0.00439    1  ELE
* 11 "ASIC LVDSMux EMC"    "Epoxy"                  0.02084    1  ELE
* 12 "Connectors case"     "Polyethylene"           0.84211    1  ELE
* 13 "Connectors pins"     "T_Bronze"               0.06749    1  ELE


20071014 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 0.5*2.2*3.5 cm^3

# "DOH"                    "TIBTID_DOH"             3.85000   -1.
* 1 "PCB FR4"              "T_FR4"                  0.41059    1  ELE
* 2 "PCB Copper traces"    "Copper"                 0.06384    1  ELE
* 3 "NAIS Conn case"       "Polyethylene"           0.14105    1  ELE
* 4 "NAIS Conn pins"       "T_Bronze"               0.00940    1  ELE
* 5 "Resistors"            "Ceramic"                0.00111    1  ELE
* 6 "Capacitors"           "Barium_Titanate"        0.00565    1  ELE
* 7 "ASICs EMC"            "Epoxy"                  0.04154    1  ELE
* 8 "ASICs Copper"         "Copper"                 0.00882    1  ELE
* 9 "Laser"                "Silicon"                0.02106    2  ELE
* 10 "Optodiodes"          "Ceramic"                0.03000    2  ELE
* 11 "Optodiodes"          "Brass"                  0.01414    2  ELE
* 12 "Fiber holder"        "T_FR4"                  0.38800    1  ELE
* 13 "Plastic stuff"       "Polyethylene"           0.15789    1  ELE

o TIB/TID Pitch Adapter and ceramic

20071013 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 1cm*1cm*1.13mm = 0.1130 cm^3

(1) Glass thickness: 550 micron
(2) Ceramic thickness: 380 micron
(3) Glue thickness: 170 micron

Volumes per square centimeter (1130 micron thickness)

# "PA per cm2"              "TIBTID_PA"             0.11300   -1.
* 1 "Glass"                 "Borosilicate_Glass"    0.05500    1  ELE
* 2 "Ceramic"               "Ceramic"               0.03800    1  ELE
* 3 "Glue"                  "Epoxy"                 0.01692    1  ELE  


20071013 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 0.5cm*2.3cm*3cm = 3.45 cm^3

(9) Number of laser transmitters is the TIB/TID weighted average
    between 2-fibers AOHs and 3-fiber AOHs

# "AOH"                    "TIBTID_AOH"             3.45000   -1.
* 1 "PCB FR4"              "T_FR4"                  0.38224    1  ELE
* 2 "PCB Copper traces"    "Copper"                 0.05500    1  ELE
* 3 "NAIS Conn case"       "Polyethylene"           0.31474    1  ELE
* 4 "NAIS Conn pins"       "T_Bronze"               0.02016    1  ELE
* 5 "Resistors"            "Ceramic"                0.00320    1  ELE
* 6 "Capacitors"           "Barium_Titanate"        0.01528    1  ELE
* 7 "ASICs EMC"            "Epoxy"                  0.02080    1  ELE
* 8 "ASICs Copper"         "Copper"                 0.00480    1  ELE
* 9 "Laser"                "Silicon"                0.02106  2.6  ELE
* 10 "Plastic stuff"       "Polyethylene"           0.15789    1  ELE

o TIB/TID Amphenol flat cable (26cond) DOHM<=>MC (CCUM)

20071014 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 0.12 cm^3 ~ 0.1 cm^3

Volumes per cm

# "Amphenol cable 26cond per cm" "TIBTID_AmphCable"  0.10000  -1.
* 1 "Conductors"           "Copper"                  0.00050  26  CAB
* 2 "Insulation"           "Polyethylene"            0.00191  26  CAB
* 3 "Sheath"               "Polyethylene"            0.04368   1  CAB

o  Hybrid Board

Total weight from measurement.
Assume that for the TIB/TID most of the hybrids are the the type w/o the 25 um Kapton 
stiffner midplane
For the thickness assume the nominal values described in  

and tune the thickness of the top layer (Cu-traces) to match the measured weight 

Thickness of the layers given from top to bottom
(1) Cu       2+18+18+30 um
             For the top layer: 2 um/30 um -> 7% occupancy
(2) Kapton   25+25 um
(3) Glue     75+50 um 
(4) Ceramic  380 um

Values for 1 cm2 area
MCVolume: (1*.0623) = 0.0623 cm^3

# "TIB TID Hybrid Board"     "TIBTID_HybridBoard"  0.0623   -1.
* 1 "Hybrid Copper traces"   "Copper"              0.0068    1  ELE           
* 2 "Hybrid Kapton layers"   "T_Kapton"            0.0050    1  ELE
* 3 "Glue"                   "Silicone_Gel"        0.0125    1  ELE
* 4 "Ceramic"                "Ceramic"             0.0380    1  ELE

o  Hybrid Tails

Total weight from measurement.
Thickness of the layers from top to bottom 

For the thickness assume the nominal values described in  

(1) Cu       2+9 um
             Top layer: same thickness as in the hybrid board
             2nd layer: assume 50% of surface occupancy             
(2) Kapton   25+25+25 um 
             Assume Kapton as Coverlay
(3) Glue     25+75 um

Values for 1 cm2 area
MCVolume: (1*.0186) = 0.0186 cm^3

# "TIB TID Hybrid Tails"     "TIBTID_HybridTails"  0.0186   -1.
* 1 "Hybrid Copper traces"   "Copper"              0.0011    1  CAB           
* 2 "Hybrid Kapton layers"   "T_Kapton"            0.0075    1  CAB
* 3 "Glue"                   "Silicone_Gel"        0.0100    1  CAB

o  Hybrid 

MCVolume: 47 (width) * 25.3 (height) * 1.130 (thickness) = 1343.7 mm^3
Same PV for TIB and TID

We use avearge values for 4/6 APV modules in the TIB+TID
4APVs modules:  1188 (TIB) + 240 (TID)
6APVs modules:  1536 (TIB) + 576 (TID)
Average number of APVs: n_APV = 5.2 per module

(1) Hybrid board
    Wedge shaped piece. Surface = 11.02 cm^2 (rounded to 11 cm^2 below)
    The ceramic extension in rPhi modules is accounted in the PitchAdapter material

(2-11) Hybrid components (from and
    APV25:     7.1 x 8.1 x 0.3 mm^3                                   n_APV per hybrid
    PLL:       4.0 x 4.0 x 0.3 mm^3 = 4.8 mm^3 = 0.0048 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    MUX:       5.0 x 5.0 x 0.3 mm^3 = 7.5 mm^3 = 0.0075 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    DCU  :     2.0 x 2.0 x 0.3 mm^3 = 1.2 mm^3 = 0.0012 cm^3          1 per hybrid REVIEWED November 2006 OK
    R: 0402 size  material: carbon  14 + n_APV                -> 19.2  per hybrid
    C: 1206 size                    2                             2    per hybrid    
       0402 size                    5 + 2*n_APV               -> 15.4  per hybrid

                    0402: 1 x 0.5 x 0.5 mm^3
                    1206: 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 mm^3

# "TIB TID Hybrid"        "TIBTID_Hybrid"       1.3437      -1.
* 1  "Hybrid Board"       "TIBTID_HybridBoard"  0.0623      11   ELE           
* 2  "APV25"              "Silicon"            17.253E-3     5.2 ELE
* 3  "PLL"                "Silicon"             4.8E-3       1   ELE
* 4  "MUX"                "Silicon"             7.5E-3       1   ELE
* 5  "DCU"                "Silicon"             1.2E-3       1   ELE
* 6  "Resistors"          "Carbon"              2.5E-4      19.2 ELE
* 7  "R metal"            "SMD_metal"           1.E-4       19.2 ELE
* 8  "Small caps"         "Alumina"             2.5E-4      15.4 ELE
* 9  "C metal"            "SMD_metal"           1.E-4       15.4 ELE
* 10 "Large caps"         "Alumina"             0.00675      2   ELE
* 11 "C metal large"      "SMD_metal"           1.E-3        2   ELE

# "END"  "END"  0.  0.   
this has to be the last line !