Line Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

$$  This includes all the volumes that make up the TID modules
$$  as well as the electronics !

Input file for mixture.f
Start new mixtures with a '#' in the first column
Start the components with a '*' in the first column
You can type any kind of comment in as long as you don't start it
with '#' or '*' !
For mixture declaration: Name of Mixture, Name of GMIX for title file, 
                         Monte Carlo Volume, MC Area
For items in a compound: Item number, Comment, Material (has to be 
                 written exactly as in material.input file), 
                 Volume, Multiplicity, type
      Type is one of the following:  SUP for support
                                     SEN for sensitive volumes
                                     CAB for cables
                                     COL for cooling
                                     ELE for electronics

o Cooling insert 

MC Volume:  21 mm^3 (average of the MCVolume of the inserts for DS and SS modules)
            [WAS: 1.5 X 0.8 X 0.38 cm^3 ==> 0.456 cm^3]

This mainly Aluminium, and not much known about it yet...

20070920 EM
Actual physical volume (in mm): 9 x 13 x 4 (box) - 9 x pi/2 x (3.5/2)^2 (half-hole)= 468 mm^3- 43 mm^3 = 425 mm^3  

Make it 100 % Aluminium but scale the actual physical volume
to a smaller volume (210 mm^3) to get the right mass in the available volume
# "TID module cooling inserts"   "TID_CoolInsert"  0.210     -1
* 1 "Aluminium insert"            "Aluminium"       0.425      1   SUP

o TID HV kapton 

20071013 GSguazzoni

MCVolume: 40cm^2*0.3mm = 1.2 cm^3

(1) Kapton thickness 120 micron
(2) Copper traces and pad estimated 2.45cm^2 
(3) SMD resistors
(4) SMD capacitors (~0.2g)
(5) Silicon sensor siliconic glue (0.5g)
(6) Module aluminum fixings 
(7) Stainless stell screws
# "TID KaptonHV"            "T_TIDModKaptonBox"     1.20000   -1.
* 1 "Kapton"                "T_Kapton"              0.01200   40   ELE
* 2 "Copper"                "Copper"                0.00038   2.45 ELE
* 3 "Resistors"             "Ceramic"               0.00320    1   ELE
* 4 "Capacitors"            "Barium_Titanate"       0.01661    2   ELE
* 5 "Glue"                  "Silicone_Gel"          0.51813    1   SUP
* 6 "Inserts"               "Aluminium"             0.00926    2   SUP
* 7 "Screws"                "Iron"                  0.00381    2   SUP

o TID DS Module Spacers

20070919  EM 

MCVolume: 1.*1.*0.050 cm^3

Volumes per cm2

# "DS Module Spacer per cm2" "TID_Spacer"          0.05000   -1.
* 1 "Alumina"              "Alumina"               0.03800    1  SUP
* 2 "Glue"                 "Epoxy"                 0.01200    1  SUP

o TID SS Module AOH box  

20070919  EM 

(1-7) from TIB, in addition piece of cooling pipe !

MCVolume: 2.7cm*2.8cm*0.6cm = 4.536 cm^3

(1)   AOH
(2-5) Hybrid AOH tail + connector + stiffner 
(6)   Hybrid LV tail (no connector)
(8)   Piece of cooling pipe, approx. length 2.8 cm 
      Aluminium  3.5mm OD, 2.8 mm ID
      Coolant      C6F14 -30
      Only the radial piece included (the circular piece is accounted in the cooling ring)

      Missing the aluminium of the "C" piece.

# "TIDSSAOHBox"            "TID_SSAOHBox"           4.536     -1.
* 1 "AOH"                  "TIBTID_AOH"             3.45000    1  ELE
* 2 "NAIS Conn case"       "Polyethylene"           0.16842    1  ELE
* 3 "NAIS Conn pins"       "T_Bronze"               0.01237    1  ELE
* 4 "Stiffner"             "T_FR4"                  0.11176    1  ELE
* 5 "AOH tail"             "TIBTID_HybridTails"     0.01860 3.66  ELE
* 6 "LV tail"              "TIBTID_HybridTails"     0.01860 2.94  ELE
* 7 "Screws"               "Iron"                   0.00381    2  SUP
* 8 "Cooling pipe 2.8 cm"  "TID_CoolPipe"           0.0962   2.8  COL

o TID DS Module AOH box  

20070919 EM

MCVolume: 2.7cm*5.6cm*0.6cm = 9.072 cm^3
# "TIDDSAOHBox"            "TID_DSAOHBox"          9.072   -1.
* 1 "2x SS AOH Box"        "TID_SSAOHBox"          4.536    2  ELE

# "END"  "END"  0.  0.   
this has to be the last line !