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#ifndef Geometry_TrackerGeometryBuilder_RectangularPixelTopology_H
#define Geometry_TrackerGeometryBuilder_RectangularPixelTopology_H

   * Topology for rectangular pixel detector with BIG pixels.
// Modified for the large pixels. Should work for barrel and forward.
// Danek Kotlinski & Michele Pioppi, 3/06.
// The bigger pixels are on the ROC boundries.
// For columns (Y direction, longer direction):
//  the normal pixel are 150um long, big pixels are 300um long,
//  the pixel index goes from 0 to 416 (or less for smaller modules)
//  the big pixel are in 0, 52,104,156,208,260,312,363
//                      51,103,155,207,259,311,363,415 .
// For rows (X direction, shorter direction):
//  the normal pixel are 100um wide, big pixels are 200um wide,
//  the pixel index goes from 0 to 159 (or less for smaller modules)
//  the big pixel are in 79,80.
// The ROC has rows=80, cols=52.
// There are a lot of hardwired constants, sorry but this is a very
// specific class. For any other sensor design it has to be rewritten.

// G. Giurgiu 11/27/06 ---------------------------------------------
// Check whether the pixel is at the edge of the module by adding the
// following functions (ixbin and iybin are the pixel row and column
// inside the module):
// bool isItEdgePixelInX (int ixbin)
// bool isItEdgePixelInY (int iybin)
// bool isItEdgePixel (int ixbin, int iybin)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add the individual measurement to local trasformations classes 01/07 d.k.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add big pixel flags for cluster range 15/3/07 V.Chiochia

#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"
#include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelChannelIdentifier.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"

class RectangularPixelTopology final : public PixelTopology {
  // Constructor, initilize
  RectangularPixelTopology(int nrows,
                           int ncols,
                           float pitchx,
                           float pitchy,
                           int ROWS_PER_ROC,       // Num of Rows per ROC
                           int COLS_PER_ROC,       // Num of Cols per ROC
                           int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X,  // in x direction, rows. BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X = 0 for SLHC
                           int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y,  // in y direction, cols. BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y = 0 for SLHC
                           int ROCS_X,
                           int ROCS_Y)
      : m_pitchx(pitchx),
        m_ROWS_PER_ROC(ROWS_PER_ROC),  // Num of Rows per ROC
        m_COLS_PER_ROC(COLS_PER_ROC),  // Num of Cols per ROC
        m_ROCS_X(ROCS_X),              // 2 for SLHC
        m_ROCS_Y(ROCS_Y)               // 8 for SLHC
    // Calculate the edge of the active sensor with respect to the center,
    // that is simply the half-size.
    // Take into account large pixels
    m_xoffset = -(m_nrows + BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X * m_nrows / ROWS_PER_ROC) / 2. * m_pitchx;
    m_yoffset = -(m_ncols + BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y * m_ncols / COLS_PER_ROC) / 2. * m_pitchy;

    LogDebug("RectangularPixelTopology") << "nrows " << m_nrows << ", ncols " << m_ncols << ", pitchx " << m_pitchx
                                         << ", pitchy " << m_pitchy << ", xoffset " << m_xoffset << ", yoffset "
                                         << m_yoffset << ", BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X " << BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X
                                         << ", BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y " << BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y << ", ROWS_PER_ROC "
                                         << ROWS_PER_ROC << ", COLS_PER_ROC " << COLS_PER_ROC << ", ROCS_X " << ROCS_X
                                         << ", ROCS_Y " << ROCS_Y << "\nNROWS " << m_ROWS_PER_ROC * m_ROCS_X
                                         << ", NCOL " << m_COLS_PER_ROC * m_ROCS_Y;

  // Topology interface, go from Masurement to Local corrdinates
  // pixel coordinates (mp) -> cm (LocalPoint)
  LocalPoint localPosition(const MeasurementPoint& mp) const override;

  // Transform LocalPoint to Measurement. Call pixel().
  MeasurementPoint measurementPosition(const LocalPoint& lp) const override {
    std::pair<float, float> p = pixel(lp);
    return MeasurementPoint(p.first, p.second);

  // PixelTopology interface.
  // Transform LocalPoint in cm to measurement in pitch units.
  std::pair<float, float> pixel(const LocalPoint& p) const override;

  // Errors
  // Error in local (cm) from the masurement errors
  LocalError localError(const MeasurementPoint&, const MeasurementError&) const override;
  // Errors in pitch units from localpoint error (in cm)
  MeasurementError measurementError(const LocalPoint&, const LocalError&) const override;

  // Transform LocalPoint to channel. Call pixel()
  int channel(const LocalPoint& lp) const override {
    std::pair<float, float> p = pixel(lp);
    return PixelChannelIdentifier::pixelToChannel(int(p.first), int(p.second));

  // Transform measurement to local coordinates individually in each dimension
  float localX(const float mpX) const override;
  float localY(const float mpY) const override;

  // Return the BIG pixel information for a given pixel
  bool isItBigPixelInX(const int ixbin) const override { return ((ixbin == 79) | (ixbin == 80)); }

  bool isItBigPixelInY(const int iybin) const override {
    int iybin0 = iybin % 52;
    return ((iybin0 == 0) | (iybin0 == 51));
  float pixelFractionInX(const int ixbin) const override {
    if ((ixbin == 79) | (ixbin == 80)) {
      return 2.0f;
    } else {
      return 1.0f;

  float pixelFractionInY(const int iybin) const override {
    int iybin0 = iybin % 52;

    if ((iybin0 == 0) | (iybin0 == 51)) {
      return 2.0f;
    } else {
      return 1.0f;
  // constexpr int bigYIndeces[]{0,51,52,103,104,155,156,207,208,259,260,311,312,363,364,415,416,511};
  // return *std::lower_bound(std::begin(bigYIndeces),std::end(bigYIndeces),iybin) == iybin;

  // Return BIG pixel flag in a given pixel range
  bool containsBigPixelInX(int ixmin, int ixmax) const override { return ((ixmin <= 80) & (ixmax >= 79)); }
  bool containsBigPixelInY(int iymin, int iymax) const override {
    return (isItBigPixelInY(iymin) || isItBigPixelInY(iymax) || (iymin / 52) != (iymax / 52));

  bool bigpixelsX() const override { return false; }
  bool bigpixelsY() const override { return false; }

  // Check whether the pixel is at the edge of the module
  bool isItEdgePixelInX(int ixbin) const override { return ((ixbin == 0) | (ixbin == (m_nrows - 1))); }
  bool isItEdgePixelInY(int iybin) const override { return ((iybin == 0) | (iybin == (m_ncols - 1))); }
  bool isItEdgePixel(int ixbin, int iybin) const override {
    return (isItEdgePixelInX(ixbin) || isItEdgePixelInY(iybin));

  // Return pitch
  std::pair<float, float> pitch() const override { return std::pair<float, float>(float(m_pitchx), float(m_pitchy)); }
  // Return number of rows
  int nrows() const override { return (m_nrows); }
  // Return number of cols
  int ncolumns() const override { return (m_ncols); }
  // mlw Return number of ROCS Y
  int rocsY() const override { return m_ROCS_Y; }
  // mlw Return number of ROCS X
  int rocsX() const override { return m_ROCS_X; }
  // mlw Return number of rows per roc
  int rowsperroc() const override { return m_ROWS_PER_ROC; }
  // mlw Return number of cols per roc
  int colsperroc() const override { return m_COLS_PER_ROC; }
  float xoffset() const { return m_xoffset; }
  float yoffset() const { return m_yoffset; }

  float m_pitchx;
  float m_pitchy;
  float m_xoffset;
  float m_yoffset;
  int m_nrows;
  int m_ncols;
  int m_ROWS_PER_ROC;
  int m_COLS_PER_ROC;
  int m_ROCS_X;
  int m_ROCS_Y;
