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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-07 23:29:52 UTC

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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for L1

Type Member of File Line
enumerator PixelRegions::PixelId /CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/interface/PixelRegionContainers.h 32
class LumiSummary /DataFormats/Luminosity/interface/LumiSummary.h 22
function definition LumiSummary::L1 /DataFormats/Luminosity/interface/LumiSummary.h 24
local variable /FastSimulation/ShowerDevelopment/src/ 159
enumerator trklet::LayerDisk /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h 54
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/src/ 588
local variable /RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 418
local variable /RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedParaFit.C 219
local variable /RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedPtScale.C 153
macro (un)definition /SimTracker/SiPixelDigitizer/test/ 93

10 declarations in 9 files.

References to L1

File Line
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 1616
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/interface/PixelRegionContainers.h 32 47
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/interface/SiPixelGainCalibHelper.h 691
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 337
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 422
/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/test/test_mc_setup/ 33
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/EgammaTrigger.h 19 21 39 41 46 48
/DataFormats/Luminosity/interface/LumiSummary.h 22 24 58 127 152 154 171
/DataFormats/Luminosity/src/ 51 77 79
/EventFilter/SiPixelRawToDigi/test/ 997
/FastSimulation/ShowerDevelopment/src/ 159 160 161 162 171
/FastSimulation/Validation/test/ 7
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-fra.f 2034 2037 2040 2045 2046 2047 2048 2053 2055 2070 2074 2083 2087
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-sem.f 4431 4432 4440 4441 4442 4443 4446 4625 4668 4671 4674 4679 4721 4726 4745 4748 4751 4756 4761 4795 4833 4836 4839 4844 4887 4887 4889 4889 4894 4896 6387 6389 6391 6393 6425 6427 6432 6434 6436 6437 6438 6439 6444 6446 6447 6492 6494 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6539 6541 6545 6548 6549 6550 6551 6553 6554 6555 6573 6575 6596 6600 6605 6607 6607
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/qgsjet-II-04.f 625 629 644 654 681 686 706 718 2300 2301 2304 2327 2328 2331 2360 2361 2365 2508 2509 2512 3224 3225 3229 3281 3282 3286 3651 3652 3656 3676 3677 3680 3721 3722 3726 3981 3982 3988 4240 4241 4244 4290 4291 4295 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 10681 10682 10684 10714 10715 10723 10882 10883 10891 10928 10929 10937
/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/cmsDriver.csh 312 321
/HLTrigger/JSONMonitoring/plugins/ 459 460 461 462 463
/L1Trigger/Configuration/test/ 67 92
/L1Trigger/Configuration/test/ 67 93
/L1Trigger/GlobalTriggerAnalyzer/test/ 65 78
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h 54
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 97 109
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 1087 1097
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 85 90
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 39 44 91 101 110 114
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 49 55 117 124 267
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/test/ 10
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/src/ 588 591 591
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/test/ 2041 3574
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/test/ 551
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 651 685 696 703 712
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 537 571 582 589 598
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter/src/ 656 690 701 708 717
/RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 251
/RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 810 812
/RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 418 421 421
/RecoMET/METProducers/test/ 10
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedParaFit.C 219 227 229 233 242 248
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedPtScale.C 153 196 206 207 212 215 216
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/test/mlpf_training/ 33
/SimTracker/SiPixelDigitizer/test/ 93
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 48
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 48
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 48
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 48
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 58
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 59
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 62
/Validation/MuonGEMHits/test/ 12 19

257 references in 49 files.