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Last indexation completed on 2024-07-26 17:54:33 UTC

Introduction to CMSSW:">

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
&quote;folder&quote; Alignment/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; AnalysisAlgos/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; AnalysisDataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; BigProducts/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CalibCalorimetry/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CalibFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CalibMuon/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CalibPPS/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; Calibration/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CalibTracker/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CaloOnlineTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; cfipython/ - 2024-07-26 17:42:08  
&quote;folder&quote; CommonTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; CondCore/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:15  
&quote;folder&quote; CondFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:15  
&quote;folder&quote; CondTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:15  
&quote;folder&quote; Configuration/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:15  
&quote;folder&quote; CUDADataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:14  
&quote;folder&quote; DataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; DetectorDescription/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; Documentation/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; DPGAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:15  
&quote;folder&quote; DQM/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; DQMOffline/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; DQMServices/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; EgammaAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; EventFilter/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; FastSimDataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; FastSimulation/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; Fireworks/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; FWCore/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:16  
&quote;folder&quote; GeneratorInterface/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:17  
&quote;folder&quote; Geometry/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:18  
&quote;folder&quote; GeometryReaders/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:18  
&quote;folder&quote; HeavyFlavorAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; HeavyIonsAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; HeterogeneousCore/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; HeterogeneousTest/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; HLTrigger/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; HLTriggerOffline/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; IgTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; IOMC/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; IOPool/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; IORawData/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; JetMETAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; JetMETCorrections/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:19  
&quote;folder&quote; L1Trigger/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; L1TriggerConfig/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; L1TriggerOffline/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; L1TriggerScouting/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; MagneticField/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; Mixing/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; MuonAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; OnlineDB/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; PerfTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:20  
&quote;folder&quote; PhysicsTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:21  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoBTag/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoBTau/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoCaloTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoEcal/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoEgamma/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoHGCal/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoHI/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoJets/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoLocalCalo/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoLocalFastTime/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoLocalMuon/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoLocalTracker/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoLuminosity/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoMET/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoMTD/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:22  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoMuon/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoParticleFlow/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoPPS/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoRomanPot/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoTauTag/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoTBCalo/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoTracker/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; RecoVertex/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; SimCalorimetry/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimDataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimFastTiming/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimG4CMS/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimG4Core/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimGeneral/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimMuon/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimPPS/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimRomanPot/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimTracker/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SimTransport/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; SLHCUpgradeSimulations/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:23  
&quote;folder&quote; TauAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; TBDataFormats/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; TopQuarkAnalysis/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; TrackingTools/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:25  
&quote;folder&quote; TrackPropagation/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:24  
&quote;folder&quote; Utilities/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:25  
&quote;folder&quote; Validation/ - 2024-07-26 17:41:25  
LICENSE 11358 bytes 2019-01-12 10:07:23 -  
NOTICE 633 bytes 2022-12-31 23:00:00 - 1489 bytes 2022-06-22 08:37:12 -  
README 47 bytes 2017-05-04 21:41:07 -