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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-07 23:29:52 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for bunch

Type Member of File Line
local variable /CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/src/ 380
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 126
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 172
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 228
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 271
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 313
local variable /IORawData/CaloPatterns/src/ 52
local variable /RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/core/ 480
function prototype or declaration /SimCalorimetry/EcalSimAlgos/interface/EBHitResponse.icc 273
function prototype or declaration /SimCalorimetry/EcalSimAlgos/src/ 125
function definition MixCollection::MixItr /SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/MixCollection.h 90
local variable /SimGeneral/PileupInformation/plugins/ 221
function prototype or declaration /SimPPS/PPSPixelDigiProducer/plugins/ 199
function prototype or declaration /SimPPS/RPDigiProducer/plugins/ 153
local variable /SimTracker/SiPixelDigitizer/test/ 351
local variable /Validation/Mixing/src/ 204
local variable /Validation/Mixing/src/ 223
local variable /Validation/Mixing/src/ 240
local variable /Validation/Mixing/src/ 254
local variable /Validation/SiPixelPhase1RecHitsV/src/ 72
class, struct, or union member SiStripRecHitsValid::RecHitProperties /Validation/TrackerRecHits/interface/SiStripRecHitsValid.h 123
local variable /Validation/TrackerRecHits/src/ 377
local variable /Validation/TrackerRecHits/src/ 487

23 declarations in 15 files.

References to bunch

File Line
/CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/src/ 380 389 391
/CondFormats/RunInfo/interface/FillInfo.h 74 76
/CondFormats/RunInfo/interface/LHCInfo.h 139 141
/CondFormats/RunInfo/interface/LHCInfoPerFill.h 129 131
/CondFormats/RunInfo/src/ 183 184 186 189 190 192
/CondFormats/RunInfo/src/ 244 245 247 250 251 253
/CondFormats/RunInfo/src/ 198 199 201 204 205 207
/DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 126 128 172 174 228 230 271 273 313 315
/DataFormats/Luminosity/interface/LumiInfoRunHeader.h 59 59
/IORawData/CaloPatterns/interface/HcalFiberPattern.h 17
/IORawData/CaloPatterns/src/ 49 50 52 53 55 62
/RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/core/ 480 491
/SimCalorimetry/CaloSimAlgos/src/ 81
/SimCalorimetry/EcalSimAlgos/interface/EBHitResponse.icc 273 273 274 274
/SimCalorimetry/EcalSimAlgos/src/ 125 125 126
/SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/MixCollection.h 90
/SimGeneral/MixingModule/plugins/ 122 124 146 166 187 192 228 253 279
/SimGeneral/MixingModule/plugins/ 141 145 151 173 200 226 254 260 268 270 291 294 299 301
/SimGeneral/PileupInformation/plugins/ 221 221 223 237
/SimPPS/PPSPixelDigiProducer/plugins/ 197 199
/SimPPS/RPDigiProducer/plugins/ 151 153
/SimTracker/SiPixelDigitizer/test/ 351 353 355 357 359 361 363 367 370 372 375 378 381 766
/Validation/Mixing/src/ 114 122 133
/Validation/Mixing/src/ 204 205 209 223 223 224 228 240 242 244 246 254 256 258 260
/Validation/Mixing/src/ 98 102 122 126
/Validation/SiPixelPhase1RecHitsV/src/ 72 85 86 87 88
/Validation/TrackerRecHits/interface/SiStripRecHitsValid.h 123
/Validation/TrackerRecHits/src/ 377 380 381 487 490 491
/Validation/TrackerRecHits/src/ 225 226 265 266 304 305 366 406 439 488

146 references in 29 files.