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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-09 23:42:13 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for bxId

Type Member of File Line
function definition EcalMatacqDigi /DataFormats/EcalDigi/interface/EcalMatacqDigi.h 131
function definition EcalMatacqDigi /DataFormats/EcalDigi/interface/EcalMatacqDigi.h 136
class, struct, or union member GEMAMC13::CDFHeader::__anon1 /DataFormats/GEMDigi/interface/GEMAMC13.h 13
class, struct, or union member MatacqRawEvent /EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/MatacqRawEvent.h 385
class, struct, or union member MatacqTBRawEvent /EventFilter/EcalTBRawToDigi/src/MatacqRawEvent.h 249
function definition GctBlockHeader /EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctBlockHeader.h 36
local variable /EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 102
local variable /EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 581
local variable /EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 603
local variable /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 177
local variable /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 98
local variable /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 240
local variable /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 405
local variable /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 186
function definition UCTAMCRawData /EventFilter/L1TXRawToDigi/interface/UCTAMCRawData.h 24
function definition UCTDAQRawData /EventFilter/L1TXRawToDigi/interface/UCTDAQRawData.h 37
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/test/ 1988

17 declarations in 16 files.

References to bxId

File Line
/DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 30 30
/DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 99 99
/DataFormats/EcalDigi/interface/EcalMatacqDigi.h 131 136
/DataFormats/GEMDigi/interface/GEMAMC13.h 13 94
/DataFormats/GEMDigi/src/ 9
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/MatacqRawEvent.h 385
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 59
/EventFilter/EcalTBRawToDigi/src/MatacqRawEvent.h 249
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 4 8 14
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctBlockHeader.h 21 36
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctFormatTranslateBase.h 38 38 117
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 102 110 448 460
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctFormatTranslateMCLegacy.h 92
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 581 589 616 628
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctFormatTranslateV35.h 66
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/ 603 611 638 650
/EventFilter/GctRawToDigi/src/GctFormatTranslateV38.h 69
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 177 183
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 98 105 171 183
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 240 241
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 405 411
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/ 186 212 226
/EventFilter/L1TXRawToDigi/interface/UCTAMCRawData.h 24 40
/EventFilter/L1TXRawToDigi/interface/UCTDAQRawData.h 37 244
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/test/ 1988 1991 1997 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2010 2012 2575 2576 2578 2580 2582 2584 2586 2586 2589 2666 2667 2669 2671 2673 2675 2677 2677 2680 2800 2801 2803 2805 2807 2809 2811 2811 2814 2941 2942 2946 2950 2954 2958 2962 2962 2967 3035 3036 3040 3044 3048 3052 3056 3056 3061 3109 3110 3114 3118 3122 3126 3130 3130 3135

116 references in 25 files.