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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for conditions

Type Member of File Line
variable /Alignment/APEEstimation/test/apeMeasurement/ 69
variable /Alignment/OfflineValidation/python/TkAlAllInOneTool/ 143
local variable /CalibCalorimetry/CastorCalib/plugins/ 346
local variable /Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/plugins/ 289
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 344
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 125
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 446
class, struct, or union member HcalLutManager /CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/HcalLutManager.h 189
local variable /CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/src/ 92
local variable /CondTools/Hcal/test/ 102
class, struct, or union member CMTRawAnalyzer /DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/plugins/ 458
local variable /DQM/CastorMonitor/src/ 183
variable /DQMOffline/CalibCalo/test/ 60
variable /DQMOffline/CalibCalo/test/ 98
function definition pat::TriggerEvent /DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/TriggerEvent.h 225
local variable /L1Trigger/GlobalTrigger/plugins/ 145
local variable /L1TriggerConfig/L1GtConfigProducers/src/ 688
local variable /L1TriggerConfig/L1GtConfigProducers/src/ 1231
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/Castor/src/ 101
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/CastorReco/plugins/ 94
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/plugins/ 106
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 674
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 183
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 211
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 70
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 76
local variable /RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 62
function definition StripClusterizerAlgorithm /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/interface/StripClusterizerAlgorithm.h 36
class, struct, or union member __anon1::final /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 123
variable definition /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 81
local variable /RecoMET/METProducers/src/ 877
function definition StMeasurementDetSet /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 158
function definition PxMeasurementDetSet /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 353
function definition Phase2OTMeasurementDetSet /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 462
local variable /SimCalorimetry/CastorSim/plugins/ 151
local variable /SimCalorimetry/CastorTechTrigProducer/plugins/ 110
local variable /SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/ 167
local variable /SimCalorimetry/HcalSimProducers/src/ 323
local variable /SimCalorimetry/HcalTestBeam/src/ 107
local variable /SimCalorimetry/HcalZeroSuppressionProducers/plugins/ 127
local variable /SimGeneral/DataMixingModule/plugins/ 296
local variable /SimGeneral/DataMixingModule/plugins/ 361
local variable /SimGeneral/DataMixingModule/plugins/ 408

43 declarations in 37 files.

References to conditions

File Line
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/apeMeasurement/ 50 52 53 54
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/apeMeasurement/ 69 70
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/autoSubmitter/ 56 85 132 166 166 166 188
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/autoSubmitter/ 164 173 182 193 200
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/cfgTemplate/ 160 162
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/scripts/ 1101 1107
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/test/ZMuMuMassConstraintParameterFinder/ 55 57
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/python/TkAlAllInOneTool/ 143 144 151
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/scripts/ 678 727 771 803 1033 1046
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/test/ 449 482 516 549 669 714 715 716
/CalibCalorimetry/CastorCalib/plugins/ 346 347 406
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/HcalPulseContainmentManager.h 20
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/HcalPulseShapes.h 32
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/src/ 26 29
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/src/ 148 148
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/interface/HcaluLUTTPGCoder.h 59
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalTPGAlgos/src/ 362 363 368 397 420 421 447 456 460 478 494 527 529 593 594 595 599 623 633 637 655
/CalibTracker/SiStripChannelGain/test/PCL/ 3 14 24 26 30 31
/Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/plugins/ 289 717 749 774 857 882 904 1129 1131
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 344 709 775 1290 1292
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 984 986
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 125 239 245 251 429 431
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 116 124 446 606 719 976 1233 1250 1267 1432 1448 1524 1526
/Calibration/PPSAlCaRecoProducer/test/ 24
/Calibration/PPSAlCaRecoProducer/test/ 24
/CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/HcalLutManager.h 47 189
/CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/src/ 66 67 79 720 722 886 981
/CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/src/ 50 66 69 82 92 94 106 115
/CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/test/ 9 9 18
/CondTools/Hcal/test/ 102 104
/Configuration/AlCa/python/ 45 112 114 115 117 126 127
/Configuration/Applications/python/ 34 312 879 881 883 883 887 889 1129
/Configuration/Applications/python/ 47
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 41 77 79 114 153 202
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 47 89 91 122 151 194
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 46 89 91 124 163
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 43 67
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 83
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 89
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 41
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 40
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 41
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 41
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/Impl/ 41
/Configuration/DataProcessing/python/ 90 132 179 238 240 278 313 345
/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/test/test_mc_setup/ 12 30 48 80
/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/test/test_mc_setup/ 7 15 15 33 33
/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/test/test_mc_setup/ 6 16 16
/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/test/test_mc_setup/ 7 25 25 45 45
/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/plugins/ 458 2759 9045 9046 9048 9049 9050 9052 9053 10016 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 11180 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11671 12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 13587
/DQM/CSCMonitorModule/test/ 5 7
/DQM/CastorMonitor/src/ 183 184
/DQM/HcalCommon/interface/Utilities.h 22 24 25 33 38 44 54 62 70
/DQM/Integration/scripts/harvesting_tools/ 4750
/DQMOffline/CalibCalo/test/ 60 98 104 118 206 212
/DQMOffline/L1Trigger/test/ 11
/DQMOffline/L1Trigger/test/ 10
/DataFormats/L1GlobalTrigger/test/ 109 111 112 113
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/TriggerEvent.h 225
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/ 242 242 253 253 275 275 283 283 506 506
/EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/plugins/ 105
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/plugins/ 81 151
/EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalDataFrameFilter.h 44
/EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/plugins/ 95 160
/EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/src/ 48 56 57 58 80 80
/FastSimulation/ParticleDecay/test/ 7
/FastSimulation/Validation/test/ 2 7 11
/GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/test/ 7
/GeneratorInterface/TauolaInterface/test/ 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 37 41 45 49
/GeneratorInterface/TauolaInterface/test/ 3 7 11 15
/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/HLT_75e33/test/ 40
/HLTrigger/Configuration/python/Tools/ 588 594
/HLTrigger/Configuration/test/cmsDriver.csh 299 301 312 321 336 340 346 356 362 366
/L1Trigger/Configuration/test/ 68 93
/L1Trigger/Configuration/test/ 68 94
/L1Trigger/GlobalTrigger/plugins/ 145 146
/L1Trigger/GlobalTriggerAnalyzer/test/ 66 79
/L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/test/ 8 14 20 26 32
/L1TriggerConfig/L1GtConfigProducers/src/ 688 690 695 700 700 706 707 709 1231 1232 1237 1237
/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/plugins/ 1176 1206 1208 1212
/RecoLocalCalo/Castor/src/ 101 118
/RecoLocalCalo/CastorReco/plugins/ 94 95 135 141
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/plugins/AmplitudeComputationKernels.h 19
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/plugins/EcalRecHitBuilderKernels.h 82
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/plugins/ 208 227
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/plugins/ 229 252
/RecoLocalCalo/EcalRecProducers/test/ 10 12
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/plugins/ 106 142 143 144 148
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 674 716 726
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 217 255
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 183 223
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 211 284 285 286 379 380 381 488 489 490
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 70 90 91 92
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 76 112 113 114
/RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecProducers/src/ 62 106 107 108
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/interface/StripClusterizerAlgorithm.h 36
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 102 102 107 123 200 272 345
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 81 93 114 115 144 146 147 153 154 159
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 35 75 126
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/SiStripRawToClusterGPUKernel.h 45 54 58 59
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/src/ 34
/RecoMET/METProducers/src/ 877 911 912 913
/RecoMET/METProducers/test/ 10
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/test/mlpf_training/ 29 45
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 10 11
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 17 18
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 16 17
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 158 174 176 177 180 353 355 357 358 366 462 464 466 467 475
/SimCalorimetry/CastorSim/plugins/ 151 152 153 154
/SimCalorimetry/CastorTechTrigProducer/plugins/ 110 111 124 128
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimAlgos/test/ 28 32 33 34 52
/SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/ 167 168
/SimCalorimetry/HcalSimProducers/src/ 323 325 327 328 329 330 331 332 334 335 337 338
/SimCalorimetry/HcalTestBeam/src/ 107 108 109
/SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimAlgos/interface/HcalFeatureHFEMBit.h 14
/SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimAlgos/interface/HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo.h 51 265 275
/SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 12 13
/SimCalorimetry/HcalZeroSuppressionProducers/plugins/ 127 128
/SimGeneral/DataMixingModule/plugins/ 27 29 30 36 37 46 49 58 61 69 71 72 76 81 84 95 101 112 118 130 135 143 148 157 160 168 172 180 184 189 216 296 301 302 303 304 305 329 330 361 363 364 365 366 367 385 386 408 411 412 413 415 417 492 493 515 516
/SimMuon/CSCDigitizer/plugins/ 132
/SimMuon/DTDigitizer/plugins/ 103 107
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 20 35 53 71 89 105 121
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 20 35 53 71 89 105 121
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 20 35 53 71 89 105 121
/TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/test/ 20 35 53 71 89 105 121
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 38 59 79 99
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 38 60 82 104
/Validation/Geometry/test/ 42 63 84 105
/Validation/MuonGEMHits/test/ 12 14 16 19 21 23
/Validation/MuonME0Validation/test/ 4 7
/Validation/RecoParticleFlow/test/ 116 135 156 159
/Validation/RecoTau/test/ 55 56 108
/Validation/RecoTau/test/ 56 57 159 161

614 references in 133 files.