** Warning **

Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::mysql::db handle dbname=lxr at /lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm line 1113.

Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Sep 2024 05:07:51 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 /CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-17-2300 identifier search: jetID
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Last indexation completed on 2024-09-18 05:07:51 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for jetID

Type Member of File Line
local variable /DQM/Physics/interface/TopDQMHelpers.h 314
local variable /DQM/Physics/interface/TopDQMHelpers.h 465
class, struct, or union member ExoticaDQM /DQM/Physics/src/ExoticaDQM.h 195
local variable /DQM/Physics/src/SingleTopTChannelLeptonDQM.cc 118
local variable /DQM/Physics/src/SingleTopTChannelLeptonDQM_miniAOD.cc 115
local variable /DQM/Physics/src/TopDiLeptonOfflineDQM.cc 92
local variable /DQM/Physics/src/TopSingleLeptonDQM.cc 112
local variable /DQM/Physics/src/TopSingleLeptonDQM_miniAOD.cc 116
local variable /DQMOffline/JetMET/src/JetAnalyzer.cc 2676
local variable /DQMOffline/JetMET/src/METAnalyzer.cc 1621
class, struct, or union member JetMETHLTOfflineSource /DQMOffline/Trigger/interface/JetMETHLTOfflineSource.h 102
function definition pat::Jet::reco /DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Jet.h 504
class member Jet /PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/physicsobjects/Jet.py 99

13 declarations in 12 files.

References to jetID

File Line
/DQM/Physics/interface/TopDQMHelpers.h 314 315 316 465 467 497
/DQM/Physics/src/ExoticaDQM.cc 58
/DQM/Physics/src/ExoticaDQM.h 195
/DQM/Physics/src/SingleTopTChannelLeptonDQM.cc 118 119 121
/DQM/Physics/src/SingleTopTChannelLeptonDQM_miniAOD.cc 115 116 118
/DQM/Physics/src/TopDiLeptonOfflineDQM.cc 92 93 95 445 447 454
/DQM/Physics/src/TopSingleLeptonDQM.cc 112 113 115
/DQM/Physics/src/TopSingleLeptonDQM_miniAOD.cc 116 117 119
/DQMOffline/JetMET/src/JetAnalyzer.cc 2676 2677 2685 2688 2691 2694
/DQMOffline/JetMET/src/METAnalyzer.cc 1621 1622
/DQMOffline/Trigger/interface/JetMETHLTOfflineSource.h 102
/DQMOffline/Trigger/plugins/JetMETHLTOfflineSource.cc 74 102 215 233 234 242 243
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Jet.h 504
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/examples/JetAnalyzer.py 199
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/objects/JetAnalyzer.py 384
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/objects/autophobj.py 179
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/physicsobjects/Jet.py 99 116 116 117 117 118 120 137
/PhysicsTools/PatExamples/bin/PatBasicFWLiteJetAnalyzer_Selector.cc 418 419 462 463 472 473
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/interface/JetIDSelectionFunctor.h 236 241 248 265 268 276 278 287 289 292 299 301 311 325 328 347 350 370 421 429 429 448 451 455 458 462 471 481 482 483 502 503 506 518
/RecoMET/METFilters/test/filters_cfg.py 200

95 references in 20 files.