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Last indexation completed on 2024-10-08 05:12:16 UTC

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As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for nHit

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 3295
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 3314
local variable /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plots/ 106
local variable /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plots/ 252
local variable /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plots/ 705
function definition reco::ClusterCompatibility /DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/interface/ClusterCompatibility.h 23
local variable /FastSimulation/TrackingRecHitProducer/src/ 706
local variable /PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/interface/JetIDSelectionFunctor.h 219
variable definition /PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/interface/JetIDSelectionFunctor.h 238
local variable /PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/interface/JetIDSelectionFunctor.h 291
local variable /RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 114
class, struct, or union member ClusterCompatibilityProducer::ContainedHits /RecoHI/HiCentralityAlgos/plugins/ 60
local variable /RecoLocalMuon/DTSegment/test/ 146
local variable /RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/src/ 248
local variable /RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 274
local variable /RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 596
local variable /SimDataFormats/CaloTest/src/ 40
function definition PHcalTB04Info /SimDataFormats/HcalTestBeam/interface/PHcalTB04Info.h 63
function definition PHcalValidInfoLayer /SimDataFormats/ValidationFormats/interface/PValidationFormats.h 1337
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 318
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 391
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 571
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 588
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 224
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 232
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 430
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 655
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 45
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 175
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 264
local variable /SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 292
local variable /SimG4CMS/CherenkovAnalysis/plugins/ 149
local variable /SimG4CMS/Forward/plugins/ 106
local variable /SimG4CMS/Forward/src/ 256
local variable /SimG4CMS/Forward/src/ 258
local variable /SimG4CMS/Forward/src/ 71
local variable /SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/plugins/ 545
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 280
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 385
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 327
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 580
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 277
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 528
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 726
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 831
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/src/ 692
local variable /Validation/HcalHits/src/ 181

47 declarations in 31 files.

References to nHit

File Line
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 3295 3297 3314 3316
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plots/ 106 150 167 252 290 315 705 710 724
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/interface/MillePedeMonitor.h 65 81
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 920 979 1042 1052 1053 1055 1056 1058 1060
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/macros/AlignLib.C 360 366 392
/DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/interface/ClusterCompatibility.h 23
/DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/src/ 8 10
/FastSimulation/TrackingRecHitProducer/src/ 706 724 727 728 729 746 747 748
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/interface/JetIDSelectionFunctor.h 219 222 224 238 241 247 291 292 420 492 493 509 510
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 114 148 151
/RecoHI/HiCentralityAlgos/plugins/ 60 134 159
/RecoLocalMuon/DTSegment/test/ 146 147 151
/RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/src/ 248 262 264
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/plugins/ 1029 1056 1063 1081
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 274 279 287
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 596 597 598
/SimDataFormats/CaloTest/src/ 40 44 110
/SimDataFormats/HcalTestBeam/interface/PHcalTB04Info.h 63
/SimDataFormats/ValidationFormats/interface/PValidationFormats.h 1337
/SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 318 367 461
/SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 391 398 505 521 571 583 585 588
/SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 224 232 233
/SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins/ 430 432 434 436 655 657 659 661
/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 45 55 156 163 164 175 184 246 252 253 264 273 352
/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/ 292 372 372 373 374 376 392 392 393 394 396 403 405 406
/SimG4CMS/CherenkovAnalysis/plugins/ 149 153
/SimG4CMS/Forward/plugins/ 106 107 127 130
/SimG4CMS/Forward/src/ 256 258
/SimG4CMS/Forward/src/ 71 137 139 139 140 140 141 141 143
/SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/plugins/ 545 546 580 617 662 663 696
/Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 280 282 374 385 390
/Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 327 370 525 580
/Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 277 320 474 528
/Validation/HcalHits/plugins/ 726 742 811 812 831
/Validation/HcalHits/src/ 692 696 750
/Validation/HcalHits/src/ 181 189
/Validation/HcalHits/test/plot_HB.C 335
/Validation/HcalHits/test/plot_HE.C 323
/Validation/HcalHits/test/plot_HF.C 188

177 references in 39 files.