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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for nStrips

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member ReducedTrackerTreeVariables /Alignment/APEEstimation/interface/ReducedTrackerTreeVariables.h 17
variable /Alignment/APEEstimation/python/ 21
local variable /Alignment/LaserAlignment/src/ 55
class, struct, or union member TrackerTreeVariables /Alignment/TrackerAlignment/interface/TrackerTreeVariables.h 18
local variable /CalibTracker/SiStripChannelGain/src/ 228
local variable /CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/plugins/ 117
local variable /CondCore/SiStripPlugins/interface/SiStripPayloadInspectorHelper.h 615
variable definition /CondCore/SiStripPlugins/plugins/ 1728
variable definition /CondCore/SiStripPlugins/plugins/ 1773
variable definition /CondCore/SiStripPlugins/plugins/ 1818
local variable /CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 26
local variable /CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 57
local variable /CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 69
local variable /CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 97
local variable /CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 194
class, struct, or union member RPCNoise /DPGAnalysis/Skims/src/ 117
local variable /DQM/CSCMonitorModule/plugins/ 1816
local variable /DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 32
function prototype or declaration APVShot /DQM/SiStripCommon/interface/APVShot.h 19
function definition APVShot /DQM/SiStripCommon/src/ 51
function definition final /DataFormats/CSCRecHit/interface/CSCRecHit2D.h 62
local variable /Fireworks/Geometry/plugins/ 323
local variable /Fireworks/Muons/plugins/ 70
local variable /Fireworks/Muons/plugins/ 148
local variable /Fireworks/Muons/plugins/ 65
function definition CSCChamberSpecs /Geometry/CSCGeometry/interface/CSCChamberSpecs.h 108
local variable /Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 165
local variable /Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 149
local variable /Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 81
local variable /Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 145
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/GEMGeometry/test/ 181
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/GEMGeometry/test/ 180
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 267
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 496
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 211
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 402
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 290
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 466
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 129
local variable /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 248
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 84
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 99
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 267
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 322
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 76
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 91
local variable /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 140
local variable /L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder/src/ 302
local variable /L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder/src/ 610
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 439
variable /L1Trigger/L1TGEM/python/ 26
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TMuon/src/ 334
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlap/src/ 511
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1/src/ 429
class, struct, or union member RPCConst /L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCConst.h 29
function definition tmtt::Stub /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/Stub.h 209
function definition tmtt::TrackerModule /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/TrackerModule.h 81
function definition trklet::Settings /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h 287
local variable /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 98
local variable /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 103
local variable /RecoLocalMuon/CSCRecHitD/src/ 94
class, struct, or union member stripgpu::StripDataView /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/StripDataView.h 21
class, struct, or union member StripCompactDigiSimLinks::HitRecord /SimDataFormats/TrackerDigiSimLink/interface/StripCompactDigiSimLinks.h 23
local variable /Validation/GlobalDigis/src/ 1392
local variable /Validation/GlobalDigis/src/ 1445
function prototype or declaration /Validation/MuonGEMDigis/plugins/ 55

66 declarations in 49 files.

References to nStrips

File Line
/Alignment/APEEstimation/interface/ReducedTrackerTreeVariables.h 13 17
/Alignment/APEEstimation/plugins/ 263 280 349 349 380 1639 1695 1696 1700 1701
/Alignment/APEEstimation/plugins/ 134 151 222 222 253
/Alignment/APEEstimation/python/ 21
/Alignment/LaserAlignment/src/ 55 62 67 67
/Alignment/TrackerAlignment/interface/TrackerTreeVariables.h 12 18
/Alignment/TrackerAlignment/plugins/ 252 272 292 319 319
/CalibTracker/SiStripChannelGain/src/ 228 232 236 242 254
/CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/plugins/ 117 127 128 138
/CalibTracker/SiStripHitEfficiency/plugins/ 467 468 469
/CondCore/SiStripPlugins/interface/SiStripPayloadInspectorHelper.h 615 619 645 650
/CondCore/SiStripPlugins/plugins/ 1728 1737 1744 1745 1745 1773 1782 1789 1790 1790 1818 1827 1834 1835 1835
/CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 26 27 28 39 41 57 58 60 61 69 70 97 98
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 194 197 212
/DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 373 381 385
/DPGAnalysis/Skims/src/ 117 180 237 464
/DQM/CSCMonitorModule/plugins/ 1816 1835 1837 1841 1843
/DQM/L1TMonitor/src/ 32 314 317 320 320 327 327 382 384 384
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningAnalysis/src/ 155 314 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439
/DQM/SiStripCommon/interface/APVShot.h 19
/DQM/SiStripCommon/src/ 51
/DQM/SiStripMonitorApproximateCluster/plugins/ 250 255 257
/DQM/SiStripMonitorDigi/src/ 888 890 1330
/DQMOffline/Muon/src/ 1164 1167 1356
/DataFormats/CSCRecHit/interface/CSCRecHit2D.h 62
/DataFormats/CSCRecHit/src/ 115 115 119 119 127 127 141 143 185 195 214
/Fireworks/Geometry/plugins/ 323 324 332
/Fireworks/Muons/plugins/ 70 81 82 148 151 152 156
/Fireworks/Muons/plugins/ 65 68
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/interface/CSCChamberSpecs.h 108
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 165 166 169 181
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 149 150 153 165
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 81 84 97
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/test/stubs/ 145 149 161 217 226 231 232 239 259 260 272 272 274 274 279 280 281 281 285 285 287 287 290 290 292 292 296 296 298 298 357 358 361 362 363 364 379 381
/Geometry/CSCGeometryBuilder/test/ 64
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/test/ 181 228 241
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/test/ 180 227 241
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 267 270 277 278 293 496 508
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 211 214 220 221 233 238 242 402 414 420
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 290 293 298 299 323 466 476
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/src/ 129 132 136 137 142 149 248 252 258
/Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 84 87 91 99 160 267 274 309 320 322 331
/Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/ 76 79 82 91 140 147 164 172
/L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder/src/ 302 321 325 371 379 610 617 619 629 637
/L1Trigger/CSCTriggerPrimitives/test/ 460 461
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 439 442 522 523
/L1Trigger/L1TGEM/python/ 26 27
/L1Trigger/L1TMuon/src/ 334 336
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlap/src/ 511 513
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1/src/ 429 431
/L1Trigger/RPCTrigger/interface/RPCConst.h 29 30
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/Stub.h 61 209
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/TrackerModule.h 81
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ 48 141
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ 36 49 77 110 110
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h 287
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 98 98 103 122
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCRecHitD/src/ 62
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCRecHitD/src/ 153
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCRecHitD/src/ 94 95 124
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/src/ 318 326 661
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/src/ 582 591
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/ 959 960 1215 2027 2154 2160 2161 2271 2278 2279 2698 2703 2712 2913 2919 2928
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 49 54 57
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/ 119
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/plugins/StripDataView.h 21
/SimDataFormats/TrackerDigiSimLink/interface/StripCompactDigiSimLinks.h 20 23 76
/SimMuon/MCTruth/src/ 30 66
/SimMuon/MCTruth/src/ 148
/Validation/CSCRecHits/src/ 103
/Validation/GlobalDigis/src/ 1392 1398 1417 1419
/Validation/GlobalDigis/src/ 1445 1451 1470
/Validation/MuonGEMDigis/plugins/ 55 56

353 references in 73 files.