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Last indexation completed on 2024-09-07 04:38:16 UTC

Identifier search

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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for pfIsolationR03

Type Member of File Line
function definition reco::Muon /DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/Muon.h 169
variable /RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/python/ 21
variable /RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/python/ 24

3 declarations in 3 files.

References to pfIsolationR03

File Line
/Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/plugins/ 398 400 400 401
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 474 476 476 477
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 522 524 524 525
/Calibration/IsolatedParticles/plugins/ 360 362 362 363
/DQMOffline/Muon/src/ 712 713 714 715 716 717
/DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/Muon.h 169
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/analyzers/objects/ 309 309 309 312 312 312 312
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/python/physicsobjects/ 86 91 96 101 109
/RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/python/ 21
/RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/python/ 24
/RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/test/ 110 110 111 111 112 113 113
/Validation/MuonIsolation/src/ 375 376 377 377 378 379 380

51 references in 12 files.