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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for ref_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member helper::ClusterStorer::ClusterHitRecord /CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/ClusterStorer.h 75
class, struct, or union member helper::MasterCollection /CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MasterCollectionHelper.h 61
class, struct, or union member reco::CandidateWithRef /DataFormats/Candidate/interface/CandidateWithRef.h 41
class, struct, or union member reco::LeafRefCandidateT /DataFormats/Candidate/interface/LeafRefCandidateT.h 173
class, struct, or union member edm::Association /DataFormats/Common/interface/Association.h 93
class, struct, or union member edm::AssociationMap /DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationMap.h 249
class, struct, or union member edm::AssociationVector /DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationVector.h 117
class, struct, or union member edm::FwdRef /DataFormats/Common/interface/FwdRef.h 203
class, struct, or union member edm::reftobase::Holder /DataFormats/Common/interface/Holder.h 48
class, struct, or union member edm::reftobase::RefHolder /DataFormats/Common/interface/RefHolder_.h 45
class, struct, or union member edm::RefVectorIterator::RefProxy /DataFormats/Common/interface/RefVectorIterator.h 64
class, struct, or union member l1extra::L1EmParticle /DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticle.h 70
class, struct, or union member l1extra::L1JetParticle /DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1JetParticle.h 70
class, struct, or union member CaloSegment::inX0Segment /FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CaloSegment.h 106
class, struct, or union member CaloSegment::inL0Segment /FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CaloSegment.h 128
class, struct, or union member CaloSegment::inSegment /FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CaloSegment.h 151
class, struct, or union member Crystal::crystalEqual /FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/Crystal.h 126
class, struct, or union member CrystalPad::padEqual /FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CrystalPad.h 127
class, struct, or union member PFBlockElementSCEqual /RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/PFBlockElementSCEqual.h 20
class, struct, or union member PFElectronExtraEqual /RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/PFElectronExtraEqual.h 14
class, struct, or union member HGVHistoProducerAlgo /Validation/HGCalValidation/interface/HGVHistoProducerAlgo.h 410

21 declarations in 19 files.

References to ref_

File Line
/CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/ClusterStorer.h 56 60 63 63 75
/CommonTools/RecoAlgos/src/ 153 179 203
/CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MasterCollectionHelper.h 43 47 49 52 61
/DataFormats/Candidate/interface/CandidateWithRef.h 31 33 41
/DataFormats/Candidate/interface/LeafRefCandidateT.h 40 48 48 173 204 204 204 204
/DataFormats/Common/interface/Association.h 28 44 46 56 57 59 67 70 70 93
/DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationMap.h 120 123 156 168 169 176 188 194 200 210 219 223 226 229 249 268 268
/DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationVector.h 100 101 117 134 140 146 146 167 168 178 188 195 198 209 209 219 242 251 251 259
/DataFormats/Common/interface/FwdRef.h 136 139 154 155 166 171 177 185 185 188 188 190 194 197 203 215 215 215 221 221 221
/DataFormats/Common/interface/Holder.h 33 40 42 48 56 59 59 62 73 73 86 91 104 109 137
/DataFormats/Common/interface/RefHolder.h 28
/DataFormats/Common/interface/RefHolder_.h 37 39 45 53 56 63 68 79 84 89 89 94 101 103
/DataFormats/Common/interface/RefVectorIterator.h 60 61 64
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1EmParticle.h 48 50 70
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/L1JetParticle.h 48 50 70
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/src/ 34 35 41 42 48 51
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/src/ 34 35 41 42 48 51
/FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CaloSegment.h 91 101 101 106 113 123 123 128 135 146 146 151
/FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/Crystal.h 121 123 126
/FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CrystalPad.h 120 124 127
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/PFBlockElementSCEqual.h 9 12 16 20
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/PFElectronExtraEqual.h 10 11 14
/Validation/HGCalValidation/interface/HGVHistoProducerAlgo.h 410
/Validation/HGCalValidation/src/ 1123 1129 1135 1141 1147 1153 1159 1168 1177 1186 1195 1204 1276 1282 1288 1296 1304 1311 1317 1323 1331 1339 1347 1353 1361 1368 1374 1382 1389 1395 1406 1413 1419 1430

203 references in 24 files.