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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-16 23:39:19 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for sit

Type Member of File Line
local variable /CalibPPS/AlignmentRelative/src/ 662
local variable /CalibPPS/AlignmentRelative/src/ 725
local variable /DetectorDescription/Core/src/ 10
function prototype or declaration /DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/plugins/ 199
function prototype or declaration /DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/plugins/ 199
local variable /DetectorDescription/Parser/src/ 59
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 34
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 28
local variable /RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 126
local variable /RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/plugins/iso_deposit_extractors/ 263
local variable /RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/src/ 149
local variable /RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/src/ 261
local variable /SimCalorimetry/EcalEBTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 140
local variable /SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 140
local variable /SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 126
local variable /SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 131

16 declarations in 14 files.

References to sit

File Line
/CalibPPS/AlignmentRelative/src/ 746 746 746 748
/CalibPPS/AlignmentRelative/src/ 243 243 243 244 245 245 245 246 662 663 668 673 676 677 682 687 725 726 726 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093
/CalibPPS/ESProducers/src/ 98 99
/DetectorDescription/Core/src/ 10 14 18 24 31 31 32 34 36
/DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/plugins/ 199 201 201 202 204
/DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/plugins/ 199 201 201 202 204
/DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/src/ 876 878 883 885
/DetectorDescription/Parser/src/ 59 60 61
/DetectorDescription/RegressionTest/src/ 87 88 88 89 113 114 114 115
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 34 38 39 44 45 47 48
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 28 29 31 35 36 38
/HeterogeneousCore/SonicTriton/src/ 116
/PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/Selections.h 418 418 418 419 420
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 126 130
/RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/plugins/ 148 149 152 153
/RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/plugins/iso_deposit_extractors/ 263 266 267 270 271
/RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/src/ 149 152 261 264
/RecoMET/METFilters/plugins/ 210 210 210 211 211 292 292 292 293 293
/SimCalorimetry/EcalEBTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 140 141 142
/SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 140 141 142
/SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 126 127 128
/SimCalorimetry/EcalTrigPrimAlgos/src/ 131 132 133
/SimG4Core/DD4hepGeometry/test/plugins/ 111 112 112
/SimG4Core/Geometry/src/ 167 168 168

127 references in 24 files.