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Last indexation completed on 2025-01-18 03:42:29 UTC

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Definitions for thetaY

Type Member of File Line
enumerator DOFs::dof /CondFormats/PCLConfig/plugins/ 39
function definition reco::ForwardProton::Index /DataFormats/ProtonReco/interface/ForwardProton.h 83
local variable /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/dd4hep/ 655
local variable /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/dd4hep/ 688
local variable /DetectorDescription/Parser/src/ 135
local variable /GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/ 361
local variable /Geometry/MTDCommonData/plugins/ 94
local variable /Geometry/MTDCommonData/plugins/dd4hep/ 49
variable /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/python/ 23
variable /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/python/ 40

10 declarations in 8 files.

References to thetaY

File Line
/Alignment/CocoaToDDL/src/ 534
/CondFormats/PCLConfig/plugins/ 39 115 182
/DQM/CTPPS/plugins/ 550
/DataFormats/ProtonReco/interface/ForwardProton.h 83
/DataFormats/ProtonReco/src/ 54
/DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDTransform.h 25 32 48
/DetectorDescription/Core/src/ 79 82 82 82 102 105 105 105 121 124 124 124 133
/DetectorDescription/Core/test/clhepToROOTMath.cpp 34 38 39 40 92 99 100 101
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDAlgoArguments.h 22 24
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDXMLTags.h 37
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/dd4hep/ 655 655 655 659 669 688 688 688 701 708
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/src/ 21 23 23 23 33 36 36 36
/DetectorDescription/Parser/src/ 135 139 140 141
/DetectorDescription/RegressionTest/test/reg_rot.cpp 38
/GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/ 361 385 390 398 400 403
/Geometry/EcalTestBeam/test/ee/CaloGeometryLoaderTest.icc 146 328 584
/Geometry/MTDCommonData/plugins/ 94 104
/Geometry/MTDCommonData/plugins/dd4hep/ 49 53
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/python/ 23 40
/RecoPPS/ProtonReconstruction/plugins/ 332 332
/Validation/CTPPS/plugins/ 94 94
/Validation/CTPPS/plugins/ 109 239 399 400 439 440
/Validation/CTPPS/plugins/ 394
/Validation/CTPPS/plugins/ 119

84 references in 24 files.