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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-06 23:32:37 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for tolerance_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member NoisyChannel /DQMServices/Core/interface/QTest.h 259
class, struct, or union member SuepShower /GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/interface/SuepShower.h 33
class, struct, or union member CSCGeometryValidate /Geometry/CSCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 117
function definition /Geometry/CSCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 124
class, struct, or union member DTGeometryAnalyzer /Geometry/DTGeometry/test/ 44
function definition /Geometry/DTGeometry/test/ 52
class, struct, or union member DTGeometryValidate /Geometry/DTGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 80
function definition /Geometry/DTGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 88
class, struct, or union member GEMGeometryValidate /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 100
function definition /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 107
class, struct, or union member ME0GeometryValidate /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 101
function definition /Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 108
class, struct, or union member DDHGCalTBModuleX /Geometry/HGCalCommonData/plugins/ 59
class, struct, or union member RPCGeometryValidate /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 100
function definition /Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 107
class, struct, or union member ModuleInfo /Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/test/ 71
class, struct, or union member GenProtonTableProducer /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 40
class, struct, or union member CTPPSTimingTrackRecognition /RecoPPS/Local/interface/CTPPSTimingTrackRecognition.h 62
class, struct, or union member RecoTauCleanerImpl::CleanerEntryType /RecoTauTag/RecoTau/plugins/ 46
class, struct, or union member UnbinnedLikelihoodFit /RecoTracker/DeDx/interface/UnbinnedLikelihoodFit.h 64
class, struct, or union member FiducialVolume /TrackingTools/TrackAssociator/interface/FiducialVolume.h 67

21 declarations in 15 files.

References to tolerance_

File Line
/DQMServices/Core/interface/QTest.h 248 259
/DQMServices/Core/src/ 336 354
/GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/interface/SuepShower.h 33
/GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/src/ 27 34 37 87
/Geometry/CSCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 117 124 276
/Geometry/DTGeometry/test/ 44 52 96 107 119
/Geometry/DTGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 80 88 262
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 100 107 242
/Geometry/GEMGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 101 108 272
/Geometry/HGCalCommonData/plugins/ 59 285
/Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/plugins/ 100 107 238
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/test/ 71 80 261 262 263 329 330 331 383 384 388 421 422 423 428 441 442 443 444 445 446 469 470 471
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 40 50 77 77 78
/RecoPPS/Local/interface/CTPPSTimingTrackRecognition.h 38 62
/RecoPPS/Local/src/ 80
/RecoPPS/Local/src/ 72
/RecoTauTag/RecoTau/plugins/ 46 88 244
/RecoTracker/DeDx/interface/UnbinnedLikelihoodFit.h 37 64
/RecoTracker/DeDx/src/ 35 71 76
/TrackingTools/TrackAssociator/interface/FiducialVolume.h 27 38 39 45 50 51 57 67

80 references in 20 files.