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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-09 23:42:13 UTC

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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for vert

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 374
function prototype or declaration /Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 641
function prototype or declaration /GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/ 92
local variable /JetMETCorrections/JetVertexAssociation/src/ 79
class, struct, or union member BtoCharmDecayVertexMergerT::VertexProxy /RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex/plugins/ 60
function prototype or declaration /RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex/plugins/ 350
local variable /RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/src/ 69
local variable /SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo/plugins/ 139
local variable /SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo/plugins/ 141
function prototype or declaration /SimTracker/TrackAssociation/src/ 64
local variable /SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 64
local variable /SimTransport/HectorProducer/src/ 536
local variable /SimTransport/PPSProtonTransport/src/ 93

13 declarations in 11 files.

References to vert

File Line
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 374 525 525 708 708
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 641 670
/DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Cone.h 20 21 31 33 41 42
/FastSimulation/CaloGeometryTools/interface/CaloPoint.h 72 72
/FastSimulation/ParticlePropagator/src/ 43 47 55 59 59 59
/GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/ 92 97 99 356 363 364 400 403 411 411 413 419 436 468 470 472
/GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/CosmicGenFilterHelix.h 84 87
/JetMETCorrections/JetVertexAssociation/src/ 79 81 81 82 84 85 89 90
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/interface/CheckHitPattern.h 35
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/src/ 86 99 101 107 107 125 128 149 152
/RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex/plugins/ 60 136 185 185 185 186 186 186 188 189 248 260 260 262 263 266 277 292 293 297 298 349 350 350
/RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/interface/PFCheckHitPattern.h 50
/RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/src/ 81 108 113 137 142
/RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/src/ 69 78 101
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/interface/KinematicTree.h 162 163
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/src/ 286 292 294 301 304 314 320 322 329 332
/SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo/plugins/ 139 141 142
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/interface/trackAssociationChi2.h 19
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/src/ 39 46 64 66
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 15 18 64 66 103 119
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/TrackGenAssociatorByChi2Impl.h 88
/SimTransport/HectorProducer/src/ 536 542 543 550 552 553
/SimTransport/PPSProtonTransport/src/ 93 98 100 103

127 references in 23 files.