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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-18 03:02:29 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for xx_

Type Member of File Line
local variable /CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/src/ 306
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/FitMPV.C 459
class, struct, or union member sistrip::MeanAndStdDev /DQM/SiStripCommissioningAnalysis/src/Utility.h 72
class, struct, or union member Averages /DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/interface/Averages.h 53
local variable /Validation/RecoTrack/test/publicPlots/myMacro_v2.C 151

5 declarations in 5 files.

References to xx_

File Line
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/src/ 306 308 312 314 317
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/FitMPV.C 459 461 469 469 471 471 472
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningAnalysis/src/ 66 75 79 89
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningAnalysis/src/Utility.h 72
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/interface/Averages.h 53
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/src/ 10 33 37 52
/GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/interface/Event.h 28 29 32 33 36 37 40 41 44 45 48 49
/GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/interface/Weight.h 27 28 29 33 37 40 42 50
/GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/Weight.cpp 76 78 84 84 93
/Validation/RecoTrack/test/publicPlots/myMacro_v2.C 151 153 161 161 163 163 164

54 references in 10 files.