Warning, /DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/css_files/tab-view.css is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane {
0002 height:21px; /* Height of tabs */
0003 border-bottom:1px solid #919b9c;
0004 }
0005 .dhtmlgoodies_aTab {
0006 border-left:1px solid #919b9c;
0007 border-right:1px solid #919b9c;
0008 border-bottom:1px solid #919b9c;
0009 font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif;
0010 padding:5px;
0011 }
0012 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane DIV {
0013 float:left;
0014 height:100%; /* Height of tabs */
0015 padding-left:3px;
0016 vertical-align:middle;
0017 background-repeat:no-repeat;
0018 background-position:bottom left;
0019 cursor:pointer;
0020 position:relative;
0021 bottom:-1px;
0022 margin-left:0px;
0023 margin-right:0px;
0024 }
0025 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane .tabActive {
0026 background-image:url('../images/tab_left_active.gif');
0027 margin-left:0px;
0028 margin-right:0px;
0029 z-index:10;
0030 }
0031 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane .tabInactive {
0032 background-image:url('../images/tab_left_inactive.gif');
0033 margin-left:0px;
0034 margin-right:0px;
0035 z-index:1;
0036 }
0038 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane .inactiveTabOver {
0039 background-image:url('../images/tab_left_over.gif');
0040 margin-left:0px;
0041 margin-right:0px;
0042 }
0043 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane span {
0044 font-family:arial;
0045 vertical-align:top;
0046 font-size:11px;
0047 padding-left:3px;
0048 padding-right:3px;
0049 line-height:21px;
0050 float:left;
0051 }
0052 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane .tabActive span {
0053 padding-bottom:1px;
0054 line-height:20px;
0055 }
0057 .dhtmlgoodies_tabPane img {
0058 float:left;
0059 }