Parent directory |
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2025-03-07 01:45:55 |
BuildFile.xml |
749 bytes |
2024-02-21 07:05:17 |
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L1CaloJetHTTProducer.cc |
3661 bytes |
2022-03-26 01:33:19 |
2024-04-06 12:20:08 |
Use the L1CaloJetProducer collections to calculate |
L1CaloJetProducer.cc |
57980 bytes |
2024-09-05 14:12:29 |
2024-09-07 04:36:49 |
Beginning with HCAL TPs, create HCAL jet, then |
L1EGammaCrystalsEmulatorProducer.cc |
61868 bytes |
2024-09-05 14:12:29 |
2024-09-07 04:36:49 |
Produces crystal clusters using crystal-level information and hardware constraints |
L1NNCaloTauEmulator.cc |
46674 bytes |
2024-09-19 16:44:49 |
2024-09-24 22:51:27 |
Perform firmware-exact emulation of the l1tNNCaloTauProducer |
L1NNCaloTauProducer.cc |
37032 bytes |
2024-09-19 16:44:49 |
2024-09-24 22:51:27 |
Perform reconstruction and identification of tau |
L1TowerCalibrator.cc |
25995 bytes |
2022-04-01 07:58:41 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Take the calibrated unclustered ECAL energy and total HCAL |
L1TS2PFJetInputPatternWriter.cc |
10857 bytes |
2020-11-11 05:43:33 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Implementation: |
Phase1L1TJetCalibrator.cc |
7268 bytes |
2022-08-29 12:20:26 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Applies calibrations to reco::calojets |
Phase1L1TJetProducer.cc |
27148 bytes |
2022-03-29 14:40:38 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Produces jets with a phase-1 like sliding window algorithm using a collection of reco::Candidates in input. Also calculates MET from the histogram used to find the jets. |
Phase1L1TJetSumsProducer.cc |
7784 bytes |
2022-09-19 13:26:32 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Computes HT and MHT from phase-1-like jets |
Phase2L1CaloEGammaEmulator.cc |
35058 bytes |
2024-03-18 15:38:07 |
2024-04-06 12:20:10 |
Phase 2 RCT and GCT emulator |
Phase2L1CaloJetEmulator.cc |
43249 bytes |
2024-09-05 22:21:21 |
2024-09-11 04:33:07 |
Producing GCT calo jets using GCT barrel, HGCal and HF towers, based on firmware logic. |
Phase2L1CaloPFClusterEmulator.cc |
11419 bytes |
2024-07-24 07:54:57 |
2024-09-05 05:04:37 |
Creates 3x3 PF clusters from GCTintTowers to be sent to correlator. Follows firmware logic, creates 8 clusters per (2+17+2)x(2+4+2). |